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12 Cards in this Set

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What was an age of great change marked by renewed interest in classical learning and the arts


What type of scholars differed from medieval thinkers in that humanist tended to focus on more worldly subjects


What did Francesco Detrarch assemble?

Library of Greek and Roman manuscripts

How did Renaissance artists reflect the new ideas of humanism

Painting well-known people of the day

What did Leon Alberti mean when he described architecture as a social art

He meant to combine beauty with utility

What did Leonardo Da Vinci paint

The Last Supper and The Mona Lisa

Who made sketches of flying machines centuries b 4 the 1st air plane

Leonardo Da Vinci

According to the writer, Baldassare Castigline and ideals woman's....

Outward beauty reflects her inner goodness

What book did Nicole Machiavelli write

A guide for rulers on how to gain and keep power

Who started a printing revolution

Johann Gutenburg

How did Albrecht Durer reflect the northern Renaissance

By creating engravings of religious upheaval

What did Sir Thomas More write about

His vision of an ideal society in which people lived in Peace and harmony