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42 Cards in this Set

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Spinal Reflex

when we pick up something hot, the grasping muscles may relax and drop the object before the sensation of extreme heat or pain reaches our conscious perception. It involves only the spinal nerves and the spinal cord.

Spinal Cord

- found in the vertebral coloumn

- extends from the brain stem at the foramen magnum of the skull to the first or second lumbar vertebra of the vertebral column

- stops increasing in length by age 4-6, while the vertebral column continues to grow.

the amount of ___ _____ in the spinal cord varies along its length. It is greatest in segments dedicated to the ___ and ____ control of the limbs. These segments are expanded and form the emlargements of the spinal cord.

Gray Matter, sensory, motor

The _____ ______ supplies nerves to the shoulder and upper limbs, where as the ____ _____ supplies nerves to the pelvis and lower limbs.

cervical enlargement

lumbar enlargement

In sectional view, the gray matter is __ shaped and has two posterior projections, the ___ ___, and two anterior projecitons, the __ __

H, posterior, anterior

Gray Commissues

contain axons that cross from one side of the spinal cord to the other

- section of gray matter near contral canal where axons cross over

White Matter vs Gray Matter

White: myelinated, 'transmission' of information

Gray Matter: less myelinated, cell bodies, dendrites, 'processing' regions


bundles of neurons in white matter

Dorsal Root

carry sensory information fro the periphery and viscera up towards the brain.

Ventral root

carry motor commands down to the spinal cord and out to the effectors,

There is a ____ ganglion but not a ___ ganglion.

dorsal root, ventral root

Spinal nerves begin at the spinal cord as ____.

gray matter

Know diagram 13.5

Know diagram 13.5

The _____ ( or _____) enter the dorsal horn and are composed of incoming ____ axons. The cell bodies of sensory neurons are clustered in ____ (singular: __), located just outside the spinal cord.

sensory info, posterior root, sensory, ganglia, ganglion

The ____ (or ___) exit the anterior horn and are composed of outgoing ___ axons. The cells bodies of ___ ____ are located inside the anterior horn.

motor info, anterior root, motor, motor neurons

On both sides of the spinal cord, the roots of each nerve pass through the ___ _____ located between successive vertebrae.

intervertebral foramina

The collection of nerve roots that is not within the spinal cord is called the:

cauda equina (horse tail) - part of PNS

Spinal Meninges

Specialized connective tissue membranes that protect the spinal cord and cauda equina.

The ____ ____ are continuous with the ___ ___ that surround the brain.

spinal meninges, cranial meninges

Three layers of meninges

1. Duramater

2. Arachnoid mater

3. Pia Mater


(means tough mother)

- tough, leathery layer. Contains dense collagen fibers oriented along the longitudinal axis of the spinal cord.

Arachnoid mater

(means spider-like mother) - cobweb-like middle layer

Pia Mater

(means gentle mother) - delicate covering that follows all of the bumps and indentations in the brain and spinal cord.

- many blood vessels run along the surface of the pia mater, and they supply oxygen and nutrients to the spinal cord.

- ligaments extend from the pia mater through the arachnoid mater to the dura mater to prevent excessive lateral movement of the spinal cord.

tract vs nerve

collection of neurons:

Tract: CNS (white matter) Nerve: PNS

Space between the dura mater and the vertebral wall is called:

Epidural space

Epidural Block

when anesthetics are injected into the epidural to cause a temp. loss of sensory nearby spinal nerves ( and motor nerve paralysis, depending on the anesthetic used). used in child birth.

Subarachnoid Space

space in between the pia mater and arachnoid mater

Cerebral Spinal Fluid

found in subarachnoid space and in the central canal of the spinal cord. The CSF cushions the brain and spinal cord from vibrations, and nourishes the cells

Spinal Tap (proper name and what?)

Lumbar Puncture

CFS is collected. The best place is in the cauda equina where there is more space and fewer nerves than in higher areas of the spinal cord. Helps rule out meningitis.


an inflammation of the meningeal membranes causes by a bacterial or viral infection. Can also be sterile- no infection, just inflammation (e.g. lupus). It is dangerous because it can disrupt the normal circulation of CSF, leading to damage or death of neurons and neuroglia.

Spinal Nerves

classified as mixed nerve because they contain both sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) neurons.

31 pairs of spinal nerves... List

8 pairs of cervical nerves (C1-C8)
12 pairs of thoracic nerves (T1-T12)

5 pairs of lumbar nerves (L1-L5)

5 pairs of saccral nerves (S1 to S5)

1 pair of coccygeal nerves (Co1)

Nerve Plexus

A network of nerves

- As most nerves exit the spinal cord they converge to form a network of interwoven nerves (except for the thoracic nerves)

Four major plexuses on each side of body:

cervical, brachial, lumbar and sacral

Ulnar Nerve

Funny bone


a cable like bundle of many neuron axons all wrapped together in much the same way that muscle fibers are wrapped together in muscle.

Laters of connective tissues in spinal (and cranial) nerves:





superficial covering over the entire nerve


wraps around bundles of axons called fascicles


wraps around individual axons

- arteries and veins are found around fascicles, with capillaries that extend into the endoneurium to supply the axons and Schwann cells.

A whole structure is called a ___ when it is within the PNS, but if it is within the CNS the same structure is called a ___.

nerve, tract


where each spinal nerve innervates a specific section on the surface of the skin

- there is some overlap that prevents the complete loss of sensation if one specific nerve is damaged. As a result, sensory anesthesia may require that three spinal nerves be blocked.