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51 Cards in this Set

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China, the country with the largest population in the world (1.33 Billion people)
had the greatest drop in population growth in the late twentieth century due to strict government family planning practices (C.I.A 2011). And in India, population growth of 1.58% per year. While Kenya, is 2.58% and nearly 40 million people.
The population momentum
caused by the large number of individuals of childbearing age having children. Although some countries have birth rates below population replacement levels, the world's population continues to grow because of the skyrocketing growth in other countries.
The study of the demography
is the study of the human population (birth rate of population replacement rate).
Population is identifiable categorizes of people
such as societies, states, communities, racial or ethnic groups, kinship or clan groups, professors, adherents of a common religious faith.
The pattern of movement is called urbanization
while with growing population and limited farmland to support population, hungry people move to cities in hope of finding jobs.
Scientists believe bones found in the dry Olduvai Gorge
are the oldest remains of Homo Sapiens ever found. (East African, Kenya and Tanzania)
The largest population evolution that consisted of three phases
Human, thinking ability to obtain the necessities for survival, the agriculture revolution (10,000 years ago), resulting food surplus, mortality (infant death) rates declined, and the population grows. And the biggest increase (300 years), industrial revolution, improved medical knowledge and sanitation help bring the death rate down.
The youth dependency ratio is the number of children under the age of 15 compare to the number between 15 and 64
and the aged dependency ratio is the number of the aged over 64 compare to the number between 15 and 64.
Dependency ratio
is the ratio of these in both the young and aged groups compared to the number of people in the productive age groups between 15 and 64 years old.
In several resource-poor countries like Niger (50.1%), Uganda (48.7%), Congo (46.4%) and Afghanistan and Malawi (45.9%)
nearly half of the population is under the age of 15. While in global North countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and United Kingdom, between 15-20% of population is over 64 years old; due to low death rate, and average of life expectancy is 82 years.
The sex ratio is refers to
the ratio of male and female in the population.
Population pyramids illustrate
sex ratio and dependency ratios. The graphic presentation of the age and sex population tells us a great deal about the population.
In an essay on the Principle of Population, Malthus (1798, 1926) argued that
humans are driven to reproduce and will multiple without limits if no checks are imposed.
Malthus, Thomas recognized several positive checks on populations, factors that would keep population from excessive growth
include wars, disease epidemics, and famine. And suggested preventive check on the form of delayed marriage and practice of sexual abstinence until one could afford a family.
One of the two neo-Malthusians, Hardin (1968) a biologist, argues that individual goals
are not always consistent with societal goals for population growth.
The other neo-Malthusians, Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1990) added to the formula of "too many people and too little food"
the problem of "dying planet" caused by environmental damage, and by corporate pollution and excessive consumption habits in affluent areas such as the United States, Canada, and Europe. (Weeks 2011)
The demographic transition theory
it involves comparing countries stages of economic development with trends in birth and death rates. Stages 1, of high birth and death rates. Stages 2, of low death rates and high birth rates, due to the better health care and sanitation, and more food resources. Stages 3, of low birth and death rates (countries of global North post-industrialization societies), the growth rates are low because North urban nuclear family are small. Economic development and education of girls generally result in a decline in the birthrate.
The wealth flow theory suggest
When wealth flows from parents to children, family are likely to have fewer children (Caldwell 1982), while when wealth flows from children to parents, that is when children are an asset working on the family farm or laboring. And to raise a child to 18 years old in U.S., costs on average more than $222,360 (Belkin 2011)
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles did not agree with Malthus's idea that population growth outstrips food and resources
because of people's fertility rates, resulting in poverty. They felt that social and structure factors of Capitalism that built into the economic system were the cause of poverty.
Engle asserted that population growth
in socialist societies could be control by the central government. In China, a couple is not suppose to marry until their combined age is 50, and each family only allow to have one child (one child only policy).
Some socialist and Catholic countries argue that capitalistic economic exploitation and political control
not population growth, cause poverty in Global South countries.
The majority of demographers agree that in most nations
high population rate contributed to poverty because countries cannot adjust quickly enough to provide the infrastructure (housing, health care, sanitation, and education) for so many additional people (United Nations Population Division 2007).
The key demographic variable
that caused changes are fertility (birth rate), mortality (death rate), and migration (movement of people from one place to another). Yet, the most unpredictable and potentially controllable population factor is fertility.
Government pronatalist policies (those that encourage fertility) or antinatalist policies (those that discourage fertility) take several forms
manipulating contraceptive availability; promoting change in factors that affect fertility such as the status of women, education, and degree of economic development; using propaganda for or against having children; creating incentives (maternity leaves, benefits, and tax breaks) or penalties (fines); passing law governing of age, size of family, contraception, and abortion.
Singapore's government policies have controlled the natural increase rate (the birth rate minus the death rate) with the rate of 0.8% a year
by starting an aggressive antinatalist plan of birth control, and the residents of Singapore who had more than one or two children were penalized with less health care, smaller housing, and higher cost for education.
China's antinatalist policies has been in effect since 1962
the government discourage traditional preferences for early marriage, large family, many sons by using group pressure, privilege for small families, and easy availability for abortion and birth control. And successfully reduced the increased birth rate by 0.5% annually.
Due to the antinatalist policies in China, the side effect by the couples hoping to have sons, which leaded to
selective abortions by female infanticide, killing of female infants when they are born, so that families can try for a male child.
"Gag rules" limits the availability of birth control for teens in the United States unless parents are informed that the teen has applied for contraception
which many experts argue that this policy has contributed to the increased teen pregnancy rates in U.S., but others argue that the responsibility rested on the parents.
Women with a "second school education have substantially smaller families than women with less education
the higher women's status (education and job opportunities) in the societies, the lower their fertility rate. (population reference bureau 2011a). If the country want to control population is to raise the education level of the women. In Ethiopia (2005), uneducated girls family size in compare to educated girls family size; is 6.1 per child in compare to 2.0 per child.
Health is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being or the absence of disease
as appose to illness, or lack of health, affects the way we perform our individual responsibilities in the social world and our life expectancy, or mortality rates.
Life expectancy refers
to the average number of years people live in a society. And it reflects overall health condition in that country.
Infant mortality refers
to the number of deaths within the first year of life divided by the number of live births in the same year times 1,000.
The difference between the Canadian health care than the U.S. health care
the cost of the Canadian health care is shared by federal and provincial government with 70% paid by public and 30% funded by private sources; and the government , in consultation with medical profession, sets the prices for the services. While in U.S., government interfere and control of private enterprise has helped keep the U.S. system in private hand.
The problem with U.S. health care
are the denied of services to individual with no insurance coverage, discrimination, and geographic maldistirbution, which leaded to 13% of Americans unable to get health care. (in Canada, only 3.7% cannot get care, almost none for financial reason).
Georgraphic mobility is refers to
if we have changed our residence, we have been part of this process of movement.
The push-pull model pointed out that some people are pushed from their original locations by wars, plagues, famine, political or religious conflicts, economic crisis, or other factors
while pulled to new locations by economic opportunities or political and religious tolerance.
In the history, there were numbers of immigration laws (that reflect the nation's attitude toward immigrats at difference time periods) which
limited or excluded the immigrant from entering the U.S., such as Chinese exclusion Act of 1882, the national origin in 1921 targeted Southern Europeans and reduced immigration from Greece and Italy. Act of 1965 and reform and control Act of 1986 aimed to keep out less skilled and illegal immigrants, but facilitated entry of skilled workers and relatives of U.S. residents.
The California Proposition 187, illustrated anger against illegal immigrants, know as "Save Our State (SOS)
the bill denied education, welfare, and non-emergency health care to illegal immigrants.
People moved from rural farm communities to urban areas are a common internal migration pattern found around the world
As oppose to international move, are often influenced by political unrest or discrimination against a group of people such as the Nazi persecutions of the Jewish population.
Internally displayed it refers
forcibly relocated within their own countries by violent conflict or environmental disaster. As oppose to refugees, those who flee in search of refuge in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution.
A growing proportion of migrants
are women seeking economic opportunities; they totaled 50% of legal immigrants to the U.S., or 18.9 millions, in 2008 alone.
As prior to 1914 when war war I began
it was not standard practice for nations to require a passport to enter a country. And in 1980's, in U.S. had a more restrictive stance than Canada and most European countries regarding immigration.
Two factor curb (discourage) migration
there are the restrictive immigration laws of receiving countries and economic recessions. Ever since the economic down-turn in 2007 and 2008, the number of immigrants to U.S. has dropped by 14%, or 1.7 million.
Through the internal migration
almost half (45.9%) reported housing as the main reason for their relocation. (Better housing, better school, and a neighborhood with less crime)
is the urban areas with 10 million or more residents. In 1950, the city of New York was the only city in the world that had 10 million people. And 2008 recorded, the number one city is the city of Tokyo (36,700 million).
Baby boom (the high fertility rates from 1946 to 1963)
and the following baby bust (the drop in fertility for more than a decade following the baby boom), would have impact on a society's demography and its social process.
is the scientific study of medical field or health care in the aging (as an personal career) for the elders.
While the commentators and politicians say Social Security (was established in 1930's) is in trouble today
they are not generally saying it has been mismanaged. They are pointing out the problems created by changes in the composition of the U.S. population.
In the 1980's, one key feature for the baby boom and their Social Security
the passing of the laws that required baby boomers to work longer before they qualify for Social Security. And the main reason is due to the higher % of citizens over the age of 65.
In the 1960 and 1970 (baby boom in teens), the rate of the deviance were higher compare to 1970 and 1980, due to the grows of population in baby boom era
and when the birth dearth group members reached their teens, overall rates of crimes dropped because there were fewer teenagers. In result the drop of the crime rates for the entire country 15 years later (largely based on the private and personal decisions by the thousands of couples).
The reality is that the demography migration pattern of urbanization
is connected to the health and illness of a population, and ultimately to mortality.