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36 Cards in this Set

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social psychology

the study of how people influence others' behaviours, beliefs, attitudes either for good or bad. Scientific study of how people think about, influence and relate to each other.


process of assigning causes to behaviour

fundamental attribution error

tendency to overestimate the tendency of dispositional influences on other people's behaviour

dispositional attributions

tendency to explain behaviour based on personality or enduring characteristics in someone

situational attributions

attributing behaviour by analyzing the current situation


tendency of people to alter their behaviour as a result of group pressure


when group influences are so strong that people lose self-awareness as individuals (increase anonimity, decrease responsibility)


adherence to instructions from those of higher authority

informational social influence

When we like to be right, and don't know what else to do so we assume that others know more about what to do, and copy their actions.

normative social influence

when we conform to other's expectations acting like everyone else

perceptual salience

we see the person, but the factors causing the situation are invisible

Tricouncil (TCPS)

organization that provides research funds on the condition of three basic core principles

Research Ethics Board

organization appointed as mandatory by Tricouncil if someone wants to apply for their funding


to disclose to the subject the purpose of an experiment and any reasons for deception and manipulation


conclusions about a person, group of people, or situation before evaluating all the evidence


a conclusion regarding factual evidence


a belief that includes an emotional component


the act of treating members of out groups differently from members of in groups. Involves negative behaviours

in-group bias

tendency to favor our own groups over others

superordinate goals

shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation. Helps to share identity, and see value in others

cognitive dissonance theory

unpleasant mental experience of tension resulting from two conflicting thoughts or beliefs that makes us change our mind


building blocks of prejudice, a belief positive or negative about a group's characteristics that we apply to most members of that group

self justification theory

person tends to justify behaviour and deny negative feedback related to behaviour

peripheral route

advertisement technique in which people's attentions are caught by surface characteristics of advertisement

central route

elaborated arguments for advertising techniques to attract attention of those alert and willing to learn

concentrative meditation

meditation focused on concentrating in a single object such as a mantra

non directive meditation

meditation focused on concentrating mind on breath and allows mind to wander

informed consent

document where people are informed about the study and have to sign if they want to do it


special entitlement, advantage, or favor for specific group


exercise of authority or power, in a cruel, burdensome or unjust manner


suffering from the destructive acts of others

foot in the door

people who agree to a small action tend to comply to a larger one

door in the face

asking a huge favor, and then another one that is going to seem much smaller

commitment consistency

to fulfill another small favor in a foot in the door technique

elaboration likelihood model (ELM)

model where central techniques are inferred to be more well wrought than peripheral techniques

pluralistic ignorance

error of assuming that no one in the group perceives things as we do