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15 Cards in this Set

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Eli Whitney
Invented interchangeable parts which were made from pieces that were exactly the same. He also invented the cotton gin which cleaned cotton in a faster way.
Mass production
Making large numbers of goods that are exactly alike. Seth Thomas mass produced the inexpensive clock.
War of 1812's impact on industry:
The United States became too dependent on foreign imports and after the war the were to pass a high tariff to protect the US.
Industrial Revolution
A period of rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing and production. The first breakthrough was the text tile industry
Richard Arkwright
He made the water frame which ran on waterpower and lowered the cost of cotton cloth and increased the speed of production. It was the first machine that could produce high quality thread. It was so large that they had to make mills and factories to use them.
Samuel Slater
Immigrated to the US and built a mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. His wife, Hannah Slater invented a type of thread used for sewing
Trade Unions
the concern of losing jobs of the Lowell System led these skillful workers to form these groups
Rhode Island System
A system started by Samuel Slater where he hired entire families to work in his mills
Industrial Espionage
Where you spy on other countries for technology. EX: Samuel Slater
Lowell System
Created by Francis Cabot Lowell who had the ideas of hiring young women to work in mills and putting both spinning and weaving machines in mills.
Sarah G. Bagley
Founded the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association and fought against long work hours. Many were granted 10 hour working days by Martin VB. SGB was elected VP of the New England Workingmen's Association and was the first women to have such a high rank in society
Transportation Revolutions
A period of rapid growth speed and convenience. Railroads brought
Samuel Morse
Introduced Morse Code which was a way of sending messages over a wire with his newly developed telegraph. A series o "dots" and "dashes" were used to form letters and numbers
Cyrus Field
Invented the transatlantic cable which was pretty much a telegraph that ran across the atlantic ocean
John Deere
Created the steel plow which made planting wheat easier