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287 Cards in this Set

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blephar/o means?
cephal/o means?
cerebell/o means?
little brain
cerebr/o and encephal/o mean?
conjunctiv/o means?
crani/o means?
skull, cranium
dacry/o means?
gangli/o means?
swelling, knot.
ir/o means?
mast/o means?
mening/o and mening/i mean?
myel/o means?
spinal cord
neur/o means?
ocul/o , opt/o, and opthalm/o mean?
ot/o means?
phren/o and psych/o mean?
radic/o and radicul/o mean?
nerve root.
retin/o means?
rhin/o means?
scler/o means?
thick or hard, sclera
vag/o means?
ventricul/o means?
what do psychiatrists study?
mental illness and they prescribe medicine.
what do psychologists study?
they are mental helath professionals trianed in the treatment of behavioral disorders.
par- and para- both mean?
alongside or abnormal
poly- means?
excessive, over, or many.
cephal/o means?
esthesi/o means?
neur/o means?
phasi/o means?
to speak.
what is aphasia?
the inability to speak.
what is cephalalgia?
the clinincal term for a hedache.
-algesia means?
-algia means?
condition of pain
-asthenia means?
-ia and -a mean?
condition of.
what is a convulsion?
a series of involuntary muscular spasms caused by uncoordinated excitation of motor neurons that triggers a muscle contraction.
what is hyperalgesia?
excessive sensitivity to painful stimuli.
what is hyperesthesia?
excessive sensitivity to a stimulus such as touch, sound, or pain.
what is neuralgia?
a condition of pain in a nerve.
what is neurasthenia?
generalized body fatigue caused by or associated with mental depression.
what is paresthesia?
abnormal numbness or tingling due to injury to one or more nerves.
define polyneuralgia?
main associated with many nerves.
what is syncope?
temporary loss of conciousness due to a sudden reduction of blood flow to the brain.
ather/o means?
fatty substance or plaque.
aut/o means?
cephal/o means?
cerebell/o means?
little brain, cerebellum
cerebr/o and encephal/o mean?
embol/o means?
a plug.
gli/o means?
gnos/o means?
hydr/o means?
later/o means?
mening/i and mening/o mean?
myel/o means?
spinal cord
narc/o means?
neur/o means?
scler/o means?
thick, hard, sclera
poli/o means?
thromb/o means?
ventricul/o means?
-al, -ar, -ic, -ion, and -uss mean?
pertaining to
-cele means?
hernia, selling,or protrusion
-ism, -osis mean?
condition of
-itis means?
-lepsy means?
-malacia means?
-oma means?
-pathy means?
-plegia means?
-rrhage means?
profuse bleeding or hemmorhage
-troph means?
what is agnosia?
the loss of ability to iterpret sensory information
what is alzheimer's disease?
abbreviated as AD, it is when the brain undergoes gradual deterioration resulting in confusion, short term memory loss, and restlessness.
what is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
a disease characterized by the progressive atrophy of muscle caused by hardening of nervous tissue on the lateral columns of the spinal cord.
define autism.
a developmental disorder that varies in its severity containing impaired development in social conduct and communication.
what is bell palsy?
a condition of muscular paralysis.
what is cerebllitis?
inflammation of the cerebellum
what is a cerebral aneurysm?
a circulatory problem caused by the weakened wall of a blood vessel resulting in the protrusion through the wall that is in danger of bursting.
define cerebral atherosclerosis?
the vessels of the brain gradually close due to the accumulation of fatty plaques reducing blood flow to the brain.
what is a cerebral hemmorhage?
the condition of bleeding from blood vessels associated with the cerebrum.
what is cerebral palsy?
a condition that appears at birth or shortly afterward as a partial muscle paralysis.
what is a CVA?
it is a cerebro vascular accident also know as a stroke and it occurs when a blood supply to the brain is cut off resulting irreversible death of brain cells.
define a coma?
a general term for describing several levels of abnormally decreased conciousness.
what is a concussion?
an injury to soft tissue resulting from a blow or violent shaking.
what is encephalitis?
inflammation of the brain.
what is epilepsy?
a brain disorder characterized by recurrent seizures including convulsions and temporary loss of conciousness
what is a glioma?
a neoplasm tumor of glial cells
what is hydrocephalus?
head water caused by overproduction of CSF.
what is meningioma?
a benign tumor of the meninges arising from the archnoid mater.
what is a meningocele?
a protrusion of the meninges.
what is a meningeomyocele?
a term associated with a protrusion of the meninges and cord through a defective opening in the spinal column
what is multiple sclerosis?
a disease characterized by the deterioration of the myelin sheath covering axons within the brain.
what is myelitis?
inflammation of the spinal cord.
define narcolepsy?
a sleep disorder caused by uncontrollable epsiodes of paralysis and hypnagogic halluciantions.
what is neuritis?
inflammation of a nerve.
what is a neuroma?
a tumor originating from nerve cells
what is neuropathy?
a disease affecting any part of the nervous system.
define paraplegia?
paralysis of the muscles of the legs and lower body.
what is parkinsons disease?
a chronic disease that is degenerative with tremors, rigidtyness, and shuffling gait.
what is poliomyelitis?
inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord resulting in paralysis.
what is rabies?
an acute, often fatal infection of the CNS caused by virus transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected animal.
angi/o means?
cerebr/o means?
cerebrum, brain
crani/o means?
skull, cranium
dur/o means?
ech/o means?
to bounce
electr/o means?
encephal/o means?
esthesi/o means?
gangli/o means?
swelling or knot
myel/o means?
spinal cord
neur/o means?
psych/o means?
radic/o and rhiz/o mean?
nerve root
tom/o means?
to cut
vag/o means?
vagus nerve
-algesia means?
-ectomy means?
surgical excision or removal
-al, and -ic mean?
pertaining to
-gram means?
a record or image
-graphy means?
recording process
-iatry means?
treatment or specialty
-ist means?
one who specializes
-logy means?
study of
-lysis means?
loosen or dissolve
-plasty means?
surgical repair
-rrhaphy means?
-tome means?
cutting inistrument
-tomy means?
incision or to cut
what is an analgesic?
the most comon form of pain mangment, aspirin, aceptomenophean, and ibuprofen
what is anesthesia?
the primary type of pain managment used during surgical procedures.
what is cerebral angiography?
a diagnostic procedure that revveals blood flow to the brain by X-ray phtography
what is computed tomography?
"CT scan" . used for diagnosing tumors, and gliomas
what is craniotomy?
an incision into the cranium to provide surgical access to the brain
what is echoencephalography?
ultrasound technology used to record brain structures in the search for abnormalities. abbrv is EchoEG
what is effectual drug therapy?
a general type of treatment to manage neurological disorders
what is electroencephalogrpahy?
a diagonstic procedure that records electrical impulses of the brain to measure brain activity
what is an epidural?
an injection of a spinal block anesthetic into the epidural space external to the cord
what are evoked potential studies?
tests that measure changes in brain waves during particular stimuli
what is a lumbar puncture?
a withdrawl of CSF frm the subarachnoid space in the lumbar region
what is a myelogram?
an X-ray photo of the spinal cord following injection of a contrast dye
what is a neurectomy?
the surgical removal of a nerve
what is neurolysis?
the procedure of seperating a nerve by removing unwanted adhesions
what is neuroplasty?
the surgical repair of a nerve
what is neurotomy?
incision into a nerve
what is psychiatry?
the branch of medicine that addresse disorders of the brain resulting in mental and emotional disorders
what is a psychologist?
the study of human behavior
what is psychotherapy?
the technique used in treating behavioral and emotional issues
what is a radicotomy?
the surgical incision into a nerve root
what is reflex testing?
a series of diagnostic tests performed to observe the body's response to touch stimuli.
what is a vagotomy?
severing several branches of the vagus nerve to reduce acid secretion into the stomach and decrease peptic ulcers.
The terms cardiac and cardiopulmonary, referring to the heart and the lung function, are interchangeable as a legal definition of death.
Acrophobia is the abnormal fear of public places.
The suffix meaning "break apart" is:
What is the Latin word for "not in the mind"?
Brain-orientated death occurs when there is irreversible cessation of all brain function.
The prefix dipl- means "three."
At the time of the patient's (viator's) death, the viatical settlement company receives the death benefit from the policy.
The procedure in which a channel is surgically created between the nasal cavity and lacrimal sac to promote drainage for an inflamed tear duct is a dacryocystorhinostomy.
A disease characterized by deterioration of the myelin sheath covering axons within the brain is known as:
Multiple sclerosis.
Signing a living will document is meant to:
prevent a medical staff from using "extraordinary" measures, such as ventilators, to keep us alive.
Advance directives are popularly known as:
Living Wills.
Astigmatism describes a defective curvature of the eye that produces blurred vision.
In most situations, the cardiac determination of death is effective. However, using only the cardiac definition of death creates some problems.
The abbreviation "PET" stands for:
positron emission tomography.
The Federal Patient Self-Determination Act of 1991 mandates that adult patients admitted into any health care facility that received funding from either Medicare or Medicaid must be asked if they have an advance directive or wish to have information about these self-determination directives.
To protect against malpractice suits, a physician should seek an outside medical opinion before terminating a life-support system.
A megalomaniac is an individual who believes herself to be a person of great wealth or fame.
The clinical term for a headache is:
The word euthanasia literally means:
good death.
A benign tumor of neuroglial cells is called a:
bi- means ?
dys- means?
bad, abnormal, painful, or difficult
neur/o means?
phren/o and psych/o mean?
schiz/o means?
to divide or split
somat/o means?
-ia means?
condition of
-ic means?
pertaining to
-lexia means?
pertaining to a word or a phrase
-mania means?
madness or frenzy
-phobia means?
-sis means?
state of
what is anxiety disorder?
acute responses that include restlessness, psychological tension, tachycardia, and shortness of breath all caused by constant fear of the future
what is ADD?
it is a neurological disorder characterized by a short attention span and poor concentration
what is bipolar disease?
it affects the cognitive functions of the cerebrum causeing alternating periods of high energy and mental confusion with low energy and mental depression
define dementia.
the impairment of mental function characterized by memory loss, disorientation, and confusion.
what is dyslexia?
a neurological handicap in which some letters and numbers are reversed in order by the brain
what does mania mean?
it means madness or frenzy.
what is mania?
an emotional disorder of abnormally high psychomotor activity which includes confusion between reality and non reality, unstable attention, and sleeplessness.
what is neurosis?
an emotional disorder involving a counterproductive way of dealing with mental stress
what is paranoia?
a person experiencing persistent delusions of persecution resulting in mistrust and combativeness
what is a phobia?
an irrational obsessive fear.
what is agoraphobia?
the abnormal fear of public places
what is acorphobia?
the abnormal fear of heights
what is PTSD?
it is severe mental strain suffered by those who have been involved in military combat, or physical assault and it includes sleeplessness, anxiety, and paranoia
what is psychopathy?
a general term for a mental or emotional disorder
what is psychosis?
a condition in which an individual may suffer from gross distortion or disorganization of their mental capacity, emotional response, and capacity to relate with others.
what does psychosomatic mean?
it means pertaining to the mind and body, but it is when the influence of the mind over bodily functions especially disease occurs
what is schizophenia?
the most common form of psychosis in which it is the condition of a split mind
dipl- means?
blephar/o means?
conjunctiv/o means?
cyst/o means?
bladder or sac
dacry/o means?
ir/o means?
kerat/o means?
hard, cornea
lith/o means?
ophthalm/o means?
presby/o means?
old age
retin/o means?
sinus/o means?
sinus cavity
stigmat/o means?
-iasis means?
condition of
-ism means?
condition of
-malacia means?
-opia means?
condition of vision
-plegia means?
-ptosis means?
-rrhagia means?
condition of profuse bleeding or hemmorhage
blepharoptosis means?
drooping eyelid
what is blepharitis?
inflammation of the eyelid
what is a cataract?
tranparency of the lens become reduced
what is conjunctivitits?
inflammation of the conjunctiva also known as pink eye
what is dacrolythiasis?
the presence of rocky particles in the lacrimal gland
what is dacryocystitis?
inflammation of the lacrimal gland
what is a detached retina?
a common cause of blindness caused by the retina detaching from the choroid layer of the eye
define diplopia?
double vision
define glaucoma?
disease of the eye in which a loss of vision occurs when the fluid pressure in the anterior chamber of the eyeball rises above normal
what is hordeolum?
swelling of the eyelid caused by infection of the meibomian gland
what is keratitis?
inflammation of the cornea
what is macular degeneration?
progessive degeneration of the macula lutea resulting in the loss of visual focus
what does rad/i mean?
spoke of a wheel
-ar means?
pertaining to
-logist means?
one who studies
-metrist means?
one who measures
-stomy means?
surgical creation of an opening
-tomy means?
incision or to cut
what is corneal grafting?
replacing a damaged cornea with an implantation donor cornea
what is a dacrycystorhinostomy?
a surgical creation of an opening between the nasal cavity and the lacrimal sac to promote drainage
what does LASIK stand for and what is it?
it stands for laser assisted in situ leratomileusis and it is when a laser is used to reshape the corneal surface beneath the cornea to correct vision disorders
what are optometrists?
health professionals, not physicians to examine eyes to correct vision prolems and eye disorders
what are opthamalogists?
physicians who specialize in the study and treatment of diseases associated with the eyes
extern/o means?
mast/o means?
breast, mastoid
med/o means?
ot/o means?
scler/o means?
thick or hard; sclera
-a means?
-algia means?
condition of pain
-itis means?
-oid means?
-osis means?
condition of
-rrhea means?
excessive discharge
-scopy means?
process of viewing
what is menieres disease?
chronic disease of the inner ear
what is otosclerosis?
abnormal formation of bone within the ear
what is otoscopy?
visual examination of the inner ear
define vertigo?
the sensation of whitling motion
whatis an EEG?
it is an elctroencephalogram that measures brain activity
what does comatose mean?
permanently in a vegatative state
what is cardiac death?
death in which the heart has stopped functioning but it is when a person has suffered an irreversible cessation of respiratory and circulatory functioning is considered dead
what is hypothermia?
the state in which the body temperature has dropped below normal range
cardiac and cardiopulmonary are interchangeable as a legal function of death. T/F?
what is brain oriented death?
when death occurs when there is irreversible cessation of brain function
what is the uniform determination of death act ?
it states that anindividual who has suffered form either irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions, or irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain includeng the brain stem
what is withdrawling life sustaining treatment?
to discontinue artificial life sustaining aids such as a ventilator
what does withholding life sustaining treatment mean?
to never start it
eithanasia literally means what?
good death
eu- means?
thanatos means?
what is active euthanasia?
the intentional killing of the terminally ill such as by injection of a lethal dose of medication
is active euthanasia legal or illegal?
it is illegal
what is passive euthanasia?
allowing a patient to die naturally which is legal everywhere
if a nurse ignores a patient who is choking because he or she wants to die, what has occured?
the nurse has killed the patient directly
if a patient dies due to an anesthetic, what has occured?
indirect killing
wha does ordinary measures refer to?
a treatment or procedure that is morally required such as fluid or comfort measures
what are extraordinary measures?
those procedures and treatments that are morally expendable
patients have the right to refuse treatment? T/F?
what are the five stages of death
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance
what is quality of life?
refers to more than just what a person experiences at a moment in time
what is palliatice care?
the total care of patients whose disease is no longer reponsive to a curative therapy
what are viatical settlements?
they allow people with terminal illnesses such as AIDS to obtain money from their life insurance policies by selling them
what is the substitute judgement rule?
it is used when decisions must be made for people who cannot make their own decisions
what is mercy killing?
the action or inaction of a second person to help or hasten the death of the person who wishes to die