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28 Cards in this Set

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Static Electricity
the accumulation of excess electric charge on an object
Law of Conservation of Charge
charge can be transferred from object to object, but never created or destroyed
opposite charges attract
like charges repel
Electric Field
surrounds every electric charge, and exerts the force that causes other electric charges to be attracted or repelled
a material in which electrons are able to move easily
a material in which electrons are not able to move easily in
Charging by Contact
the process of transferring charge by touching or rubbing
Charging by Induction
the rearrangement of electrons on a neutral object caused by a nearby charged object
What is Lightning and how is it made?
it is a static discharge (transfer of charge between two objects because of a build up of static electricity) charge builds up causing static discharge b/w ground and cloud. collide with atoms and molecules then emits light
What is Thunder and how is it made?
it is a sound wave from lightning caused by lightning ripping electrons off of atoms and it produces thermal energy. the hot air in the path expands rapidly producing sound waves (thunder)
connecting an object to Earth with a conductor
Electric Current
the net movement of electric charges in a single direction
Voltage DIfference
related to the force that causes electric charges to flow, measured in volts
a closed path that electric current follows
Dry-Cell Batteries
the cell consists of two electrodes surrounded by electrolyte (moist paste) which enables charges to move b/w electrodes. two terminals a reaction inside occurs. electrons are transferred. carbon rod becomes positive and electrons on the zinc become negative
Wet-Cell Batteries
contains two connected plates made of different metals or metallic compounds in a conducting solution (several wet cells connected together)
Lead-Acid Battery
(car battery) contains six wet-cells made up of lead and lead dioxide in sulfuric acid solution. each cell provides voltage difference of 2 V.
the tendency of a material to oppose the flow of electrons
Ohm's Law
the current in the circuit equals the voltage difference divided by the resistance

current = voltage difference / resistance
Series Circuit
the current only has one loop to flow through (light bulbs and holiday lights)
Open Circuit
when any part of a series circuit is disconnected no current flows through the circuit`
Parallel Circuits
contain two or more branches for current to move through
Electrical Power
the rate at which electrical energy is converted to another form of energy

Electrical power = current X voltage difference
P = I x V
Electrical Energy
measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh)
electrical energy = electrical X power
E = P x t
Electrical Fuse
contains a small piece of metal that melts if the current becomes too high causing a break in the circuit.
Circuit Breaker
a device that prevents a circuit from overhearing and causing a fire
Good Conductors
Good Insulators
wood, rubber and glass