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29 Cards in this Set

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3 functions of respiratory system structures aside from gas exchange

1. purify air

2. humidify air

3. warm air

function of respiratory mucosa in nasal cavity

warms air as it flows past

function of cilia in nasal cavity

move sheet of contaminated mucus to pharynx to be swallowed

2 functions of conchae in nasal cavity

1. increase air turbulence

2. increase surface area of mucosa

what happens if anything other than air enters the larynx?

cough reflex to expel substance

function of larynx

routes air and food into proper channels

2 functions of hyaline cartilage in trachea

1. allows esophagus to expand when swallowing

2. keep the trachea walls open for breathing

alternative to Heimlich maneuver if it doesn't work

putting in tubes for a tracheostomy

how does smoking affect cilia of trachea?

inhibits ciliary activity and destroys cilia; must cough often to prevent mucus from accumulating in lungs

4 characteristics of right bronchus

1. wider

2. shorter

3. more vertical (straighter)

4. more likely for something to get stuck

lobes of each lung

left = 2

right = 3

2 functions of pleural fluid

1. allows lungs to glide easily over thorax wall

2. causes two pleural layers to cling together

4 parts of respiratory zone

1. respiratory bronchioles

2. alvelolar ducts

3. alveolar sacs

4. alveoli

function of alveolar pores

connect neighboring air sacs and provide alternative routes for air to reach alveoli whose feeder bronchioles are blocked

4 parts of respiratory membrane

1. alveolar walls

2. capillary walls

3. fused basement membranes

4. elastic fibers

4 parts of respiration

1. pulmonary ventilation (breathing)

2. external respiration

3. respiratory gas transport

4. internal respiration

what happens to diaphragm when it contracts?

moves inferiorly and flattens out

2 respiratory sounds

1. bronchial (air rushing through trachea and bronchi)

2. vesicular breathing (air fills alveoli)

basic law that causes gas exchange


2 ways oxygen is transported

1. attached to hemoglobin molecules inside RBCs forming oxyhemoglobin

2. dissolved in plasma

2 ways carbon dioxide is transported

1. in the plasma as the bicarbonate ion

2. in hemoglobin carried in RBCs

process of carbon dioxide being released from bicarbonate ion

enters red blood cells, combine with hydrogen ions, form carbonic acid, splits to form water and CO2

what's cool about carbon monoxide poisoning

CO basically beats out oxygen for binding to hemoglobin

enzyme speeding up conversion of carbon dioxide to bicaronate ions

carbonic anhydrase

2 neural centers controlling respiratory rhythm

1. medulla

2. pons

function of medulla vs. pons

medulla sets basic rhythm; pons smoothens out basic rhythm

difference between hyperpnea and hyperventilation

hyperpnea does not change rate of breathing; it just makes the breaths deeper

4 factors affecting respiration

1. physical influences

2. volition (conscious control)

3. emotions

4. chemicals

what is strange about the need for someone with emphysema to breathe

since they retain carbon dioxide, the brain no longer recognizes increased levels; stimulus is now dropping oxygen, not rising CO2