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21 Cards in this Set

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cloning vector
a carried used to clone a gene and tranfer it it from one organism to another
DNA fingerprint
a pattern of bands made up of spicific fragments of DNA assembles each strand's complement
donor gene
a specific gene that is isolated from another organism and spliced into a plasmid
gel electrophoresis
technique used to separate nucleic acids or protiens by size and charge
gene clone
an exact copy of a gene
gene therapy
treatment of a genetic disordser by introducing a healthy gene into a cell
genetic engineering
a form os applied genetics in which scientists directly manipulate genes
genomic library
a set of thousands of DNA pieces cut by a specific restriction enzyme
a hormone that lowers the blood glucose level
nitrogen fixiation
the process by which gaseous nitrogen in the air is converted into ammonia
an organism that causes disease
a single rign of extrachromosomal DNA in bacteria
polymearse chain reaction
PCR- technique used to quickly make many copies of selected segments of DNA
an artificially made single stranded sequence of
DNA required for the initiation of replication
a readioactive segment of DNA used in DNA fingerprinting
recombinant DNA
a DNA segment from at leadt two different organisms
restriction enzyme
a protien that recognizez specific sequences in a DNA molecule and cuts it into pieces
RFLP anaylysis
restriction fagment length polymorphidism; the method for preparing a DNA fingerprint
sticky end
the single-stranded end of a double-stranded DNA fragment that can form base pairs with another sticky end of a DNA fragmetn cut by the same enzyme
transgenic organism
a host organism that has recieved recombinant DNA
a solution containing a harmless version of a virus, bacterium, or toxin that casues an immune response when introduced into the body