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38 Cards in this Set

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Organization of Respiratory system

Nasal cavity/mouth


pharynx (air and food)


trachea (can stretch but rigid w muscles to accomodate for esophagus (when bolus presses on the back of trachea) and allow coughing)

2 lungs

bronchus --> 2 bronchi (20+ generations of branching)

contain alveoli (300 million in adult) where gas exchange happens

Trachea mucous escalator & smoking effects

-covered in mucous and moves particles up while air is breathed in; cilia on the epithelial cells beat in one direction propelling in one direction towards mouth

- smoking irritates cilia and they disappear, changing the epithelial cells into tougher/shorter cells

lung muscles

Diaphragm: squeezes blood into thorax

helps breathing

Intercostal muscles: most muscle work is inhale and exhale is recoil (little effort)

Protective sacs of lungs

Parietal pleura (outside lining) 
Fluid (Intrapleural) sac (green) 
Visceral pleura

Double membrane w water in between lubricant helps prevent tearing between organs

Parietal pleura (outside lining)

Fluid (Intrapleural) sac (green)

Visceral pleura

Double membrane w water in between lubricant helps prevent tearing between organs

Alveoli at the ends

-capillaries surround numerous alveolus in sac to optimize surface area

-Type 1 cell thin as possible to minimize air/O2 travel
-Type 2 Secretory cells not included in gas exchange --> secretes surfactant

-capillaries surround numerous alveolus in sac to optimize surface area

-Type 1 cell thin as possible to minimize air/O2 travel

-Type 2 Secretory cells not included in gas exchange --> secretes surfactant

Tidal Ventilation

-air goes in and out the same tubes

Bronchoconstriction causes

mechanical irritant triggers closing off of bronchioles (also neighboring alveoli)

---> asthma has hyperactivity

Purpose for surfactant

air + water --> surface tension makes the alveoli collapse (intermolecular bonds on water). surfactant breaks this. because phospholipids that form a layer between water and air. greater effect on smaller alveoli and increases w deep breaths

No equal and opposite electrostatic tension at surface --> the force --> surface tension

surfactant prevents this and is produced in late fetal life

Surfactant production

cortisol --> surfactant --> premature baby

in order to encourage production: give glutocorticoid to mother or synthetic surfactant(from animal)

no surfactant: respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn


exchange of air between atmosphere and alveoli --> air moves through bulk flow from high to low pressure

Flow = Change in pressure (p gradient)/ resistance

change in pressure is (P-alveolar - P-atmosphere)

Inspiration: P-alv < P-atm

Expiration: P-alv > P-atm


intiated neurally through phrenic nerves that are innervating the diaphragm

----> diaphragm and inspiratory intercostals contract --> thorax expands --> interpleural pressure becomes more sub atmospheric ---> transpulmonary pressure increases --> lungs expand --> alveolar pressure becomes subatmospheric --> Air flows into alveoli


end of inspiration --> motor neurons for inspiration stop firing then muscles relax, contraction stops --> chest wall start recoiling inward --> transpulmonary pressure decreases back to pre inspiration value lung recoil to preinspiration size --> alveoli air becomes compressed --> P-alv > P-atm --> air flows out of lungs

passive but active during exercise

Determinants of Lung compliance

-stretchability of lung tissues; elastic connective tissues -- thickening of lung tissues decreases lung compliance 
-surface tension at the air-water interfaces within alveoli.

-stretchability of lung tissues; elastic connective tissues -- thickening of lung tissues decreases lung compliance

-surface tension at the air-water interfaces within alveoli.

Surface tension in alveoli

prevents alveoli from stretching further . energy needed to overcome surface tension and stretch connective tissue

Law of Laplace

relationship btwn pressure surface tension and radius of alveolus. P = 2T/r

Air mixture

78% Nitrogen

21% oxygen

1% CO2

(only important one is oxygen)

all pressurized

Atmospheric Pressure

P-atm ~760 mmHg

-in higher altitudes --> pressure decreases because density or air decreases the higher you are and gravity

Partial pressure of oxygen

0.21 ~160mmHg in boston

This force will drive the oxygen throught the alveolar wall (type I)

How does gas move within the body?

Pressure gradients formed in the body (high to low)

Gases in solution

-gases dissolve in solution but have a solubility limit

-gases are resistant in their state in a pressurized state

-the move by diffusion through the pressure gradient

P1V1 = P2V2

if pressure goes up volume goes down (viceversa)

Neural inputs of breathing

-neural inputs, signal generated in brain stem (2 major sets from the brain stem) - one goes from b stm down to spinal cord, innervates the rib muscles(intercostal) -- intercostal nerves

-another does down to the spinal cord and innervate diaphragm -- phrenic nerves

Rhythm centre of brain

brain has rhythm built into it, no SA node like structure and no electrical stimulation within the organ.

neural network w number of nuclei involved scattered around pons and medulla

Breath frequency

12-15 breaths a minutes, higher in women and children, and babies. Higher in sickness

Rhythm modulated by SNS PSNS and other factors

What can slow down breathing

Sleep - metabolism slows down and doesn't need much O2

Drugs- ethanol inhibits the centre, barbituates act like GABA, all supress respiration and opiates

conscious control for a limited time

Pulmonary stretch reflex- when stretch sensitive cells near alveoli, connective lung tissue and chest wall --> activate sensitive neurons which go to brainstem and negative feedback to slow (from vagus nerve)

What stimulates breathing

Progesterone increases breaths


stretching skeletal muscles (independent of exercise) reflex --> stretch a muscle and triggers a measurable increase in ventilation

conscious control for a limited time


- detect chemicals in respiratory system (blood gases: O2 CO2 and H

- located in arch of aorta: cortid and aortic bodies (derived from neural system)

-detect how much blood gases are in the blood and monitor at all times what is the partial pressure of O2/CO2 in the blood and ion conc of hydrogen

-influence speed of breathing

-holding breath - more CO2 in blood and build up --> chemoreceptors will eventually force you to breathe

CO2 in blood

CO2 + water in presence of enzyme(carbonic anhydrase) mediate reaction forms short lived compound (carbonic acid) spontaneously dissociates into bicarbonate ions and H ions

--CO2 has limited solubility --> lots of waste and formation of safer form --> creates H ion and increases acidity. 2/3 of CO2 does through this (some dissolves into solution or bind to hemoglobin)

CHEMORECEPTORS: interpret H ions as imbalance of CO2


when breath is held and H+ ions increase, blood becomes more acidic .

low blood pH.

Respiratory Acidosis

Occur if there is a respiratory problem:

-over dose on CNS depressants (barbituates or opiates)

-depressed brainstem --> slowed breathing --> build up of CO2 because not disposing of it effectively

-Pulmonary edema -anything that influences the ability of gases to move back or forth btwn alveoli and blood (could cause CO2 build up)

-Emphysema (progressive/chronic)
-exhaling problem
-elastic properties of lungs degraded due to smoking
-bad recoil and later CO2 accumulation

Chest surgery

-painful after surgery -- shallow breaths build up of CO2

- need to be coached to increase surfactant and keep alveoli partially inflated


Metabolic Acidosis

From lactic acid (more produced -> more in blood) blood gets more acidic

respiratory system saves the day --> chemoreceptors pick up levels of acidity --> breathe faster and deeper

respiration and kidneys regulate pH

This is why you breathe so hard

Keto Acidosis

Ketones (fragments of fat ketones) are a useful form of energy w glucose (acetate) acidic

Respiratory Alkalosis

H+ ions decreases -- breathing more CO2 out than put into blood net CO2 decreases

Hyper ventilation (decreasing CO2 increases pH) -happens from stress alertness anxiety (remnant of flight/fight)

Hypoventilation (acidosis)

Metabolic Alkalosis

Alkali ingestion


Hemoglobin and New equilibrium

equilibrium change because only unbound hemoglobins stay in solution and can move

only in solution molecules matter

O2 released from hemoglobin Hb +O2 <-> HbO2 ---> through association


Protein with ligand units when one O2 ligand binds the iron, warps the heme(subunit + changes tertiary structure) triggering the change of other subunits--> heme more available for O2 to bing to Hb 

in curve the heme has a limit (100%) and reach...

Protein with ligand units when one O2 ligand binds the iron, warps the heme(subunit + changes tertiary structure) triggering the change of other subunits--> heme more available for O2 to bing to Hb

in curve the heme has a limit (100%) and reaches it as partial pressure increases

Bohr effect

Shift of saturation v PO2 curve 

Hemoglobin bind w CO2 or H+ (different places) decreases the affinity temporarily for oxygen and so does heat

more active --> more O2 --> more favor in unloading  
more active--> more waster products --> less ...

Shift of saturation v PO2 curve

Hemoglobin bind w CO2 or H+ (different places) decreases the affinity temporarily for oxygen and so does heat

more active --> more O2 --> more favor in unloading

more active--> more waster products --> less hold on O2 by hemoglobin

O2 pathway (inspired O2 in atmosphere to mitochondria)

(lungs) inspired O2 -> alveolus ->dissolves through pulmonary capillary wall and in blood (most in hemoglobin >2% in plasma)-> O2 in Hb -> blood makes it to tissue capillary and oxygen goes through capillary wall -> interstitial fluid and then use diffusion gradient into cell -> mitochondrion consumes O2

CO2 pathway (mitochondria to expired CO2 in atmosphere)

CO2 produced in cell -> dissolved in interstitial fluid through capillary wall ->either stay in plasma or dissolved in Erythrocyte (rbc) -> +Hb or turned into bicarbonate (out of cell) -> CO2 dissolves into lung and alveolus out as expired CO2