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20 Cards in this Set

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In the Cold War, what was the difference between the Soviet Union and the US?

the Soviet Union was communists and the US was Democratic

The Soviet Union established communists governments in eastern Europe, what were these governments called?

puppet governments

What was it called when the Soviet Union cut off eastern Europe from western Europe?

The Iron Curtain

What was the cause of the Korean War?

North Korea invaded South Korea to reunify the country

Why did Truman fire MacArthur?

Truman fired Gen. MacArthur for wanting to use atomic weapons against communist China and for openly criticizing Truman in public

What did the Executive Order President Truman ordered in 1948 do?

dsegregate armed forces and end unfair hiring practices for federal jobse

What did the G.I. Bill do?

provided loans to help returning veterans buy new homes and attend college

What did the Eisenhower doctrine do?

extended US Containment policy to the Middle East

What did the Truman Doctrine seek?

it sought to help Greece and Turkey; promised all free people assistance in resisting communism

What did the Marshall Plan do?

gave economic aid to reduce the appeal of communism

What was NATO?

Alliance of the US, Canada, and Western Europe

What was the Warsaw Pact?

forced Alliance of Communist satellites to counter NATO

How did the US retaliate in the Arms & Space Race?

the usage of nuclear weapons

When was Sputnik launched?


What did the Venona Papers confirm?

confirmed that there was communist spies in the US government

What did Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) do?

allowed separate, but equal facilities

What did Brown v. Board of Education do?

intended segregation in public schools

What were Dr. King's major beliefs?

non-violent, civil disobediance

What did the Montgomery Bus Boycott do?

ended segregated buses in Montgomery

What took place at the March on Washington?

Dr. King's, "I Have A Dream" speech