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25 Cards in this Set

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War of 1812

Fought between Britain and the United States largely over the issues of trade and impressment. It demonstrated America's willingness to defend its interests militarily, earning the young nation newfound respect from European powers.

Isaac Brock

British general who helped stave off an American invasion of upper Canada during the War of 1812. Brock successfully captured Detroit from American forces in August of 1812 but was killed in battle later that year.

Oliver Hazard Perry

American naval officer whose decisive victory over a British fleet on Lake Erie during the War of 1812 reinvigorated American morale and paved the way for General William Henry Harrison's victory at the Battle of the Thames in 1813.

Thomas Macdonough

American naval officer who secured a decisive victory over a British fleet at the Battle of Plattsburg, halting the British invasion of New York.

Francis Scott Key

American author and lawyer who composed the "Star Spangles Banner"-purportedly while observing the bombardment of Fort McHenry from the deck of a British ship where he was detained.

Battle of New Orleans

Resounding victory of American forces against the British, restoring American confidence and fueling an outpouring of nationalism. Final battles of the War of 1812.

Congress of Vienna

Convention of major European powers to redraw the boundaries of continental Europe after the defeat of Napoleonic France.

Treaty of Ghent

Ended the war of 1812 in a virtual draw, restoring prewar borders but failing to address any of the grievance that first brought America into the war.

Hartford Convention

Convention of federalists from five New England states who opposed the War of 1812 and resented the strength of southern and western interests in Congress and in the White House.

Rush-Bagot agreement

Signed by Britain and the US, it established strict limits on naval armaments in the Great Lakes, a first step in the full demilitarization of the US-Canadian border, completed in the 1870s.

Tariff of 1816

First protective tariff in American history,creates primarily to shield NE manufacturers from the inflow of British goods after the War of 1812.

American System

Henry Clay's three-pronged system to promote American industry. Clay advocated a strong banking system, a protective tariff, and a federally funded transportation network.

Tallmadge amendment

Failed proposal to prohibit the importation of slaves into Missouri Territory and pave the way for gradual emancipation. Southerners opposed the amendment which they perceived as a threat to the sectional balance between North and South.

Peculiar Insitution

Widely used term for the institution of American slavery in the South. Its use reflected a growing division between North and South.

Missouri Compromise

Allowed Missouri to enter as a slave state but preserved the balance between North and South by carving free-soil Maine out of MA and prohibiting slavery from territories acquired in the Louisiana Purchase.

McCulloch v. Maryland

Supreme Court case that strengthened federal authority and upheld constitutionality of the Bank of the Unites States by establishing that the State of Maryland did not have power to tax the bank.

Loose Construction

Legal doctrine that the federal gov't can use powers not specifically granted or prohibited in the Constitution or carry out its constitutionally mandated responsibilities.

Cohens v Virginia

Case that reinforced federal supremacy by establishing the right of the Supreme Court to review courts in questions involving the powers of the federal government.

Gibbons v. Ogden

Suit over whether New York State could grant a monopoly to a ferry operating on interstate waters.

Fletcher v. Peck

Established firmer protection for private property and asserted the right of the Supreme Court to invalidate state laws in conflict with the federal Constitution.

Anglo-American Convention

Signed by Britain and the US the pact allowed New England fishermen access to Newfoundland fisheries, established the northern border of Louisiana Territory, and provided for the joint occupation of the Oregon Country for ten years.

Florida Purchase Treaty

Concluded in 1819 between the United States and Spain. Spain ceded Florida to the United States, and the two nations agreed on the southwestern boundary of the Louisiana Purchase. Spain retained the territory from Texas to California while abandoning its claims to the Oregon country.

George Canning

British foreign secretary who proposed what would later become the Monroe Doctrine, a declaration issued by James Monroe warning European powers to refrain from acquiring new territories in the Americas.

Monroe Doctrine

Statement delivered by President James Monroe, warning European powers to refrain from seeking any new territories in the Americas. The United States largely lacked the power to back up the pronouncement, which was actually enforced by the British, who sought unfettered access to Latin American markets.

Russo-American Treaty

Fixed the line of 54 40 as the southernmost boundary of Russian holdings in North America.