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55 Cards in this Set

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Which herb strongly tonifies the base qi, tonifies the lungs and augments the qi, strengthens the SP/ST, generates fluid and stops thirst, benefits the HT qi and calms the spirit, irritability, poor memory and insomnia?
a. ren shen
b. dang shen
c. tai zi shen
d. huang qi
ren shen
Which herb is for extreme collapse of qi or abandoned conditions, for lung def syndromes, for SP def syndromes, for wasting and thirsting disorder, for palp due to qi and blood def?
a. ren shen
b. dang shen
c. tai zi shen
d. huang qi
ren shen
Which herb tonifies middle jiao and strengthens qi, tonifies lung, strengthens qi and nourishes fluids?
a. ren shen
b. dang shen
c. tai zi shen
d. huang qi
dang shen
Which herb is for SP qi def syndromes, for LU qi def syndromes, for wasting and thirsting disorders, for using the herbs that release the exterior or drain downward when the presentation is significant qi def?
a. ren shen
b. dang shen
c. tai zi shen
d. huang qi
dang shen
Which herb strengthens the SP and augments the qi, generates fluids, for SP and ST def, for thirsty and injury to fluids after a febrile disease?
a. ren shen
b. dang shen
c. tai zi shen
d. huang qi
tai zi shen
Which herb tonifies the SP and strengthens qi, raises yang qi of the SP/ST, augments the protective qi and stabilized exterior, tonifes the qi and blood, promotes urination and reduces edema, promotes the discharge of pus and generates flesh?
a. ren shen
b. dang shen
c. tai zi shen
d. huang qi
huang qi
Which herb is for SP qi def, for prolapse disorder, for def w spontaneous sweating, for post partum fever due to qi and blood def, for def edema, for chronic ulceration and sores due to def?
a. ren shen
b. dang shen
c. tai zi shen
d. huang qi
huang qi
Which herb tonifies and augments the SP/ST, tonifies the LU qi and augments the LU yin, tonifies the KI and stabilizes and binds, for SP/ST def, for chronic cough and wheezing due to the LU def, wasting and thirsting disorders?
a. shan yao
b. bai zhu
c. da zao
d. gan cao
shan yao
Which herb tonifies the SP and augments the qi, strengthens the SP and dries dampness, stabilizes the exterior and stops sweating, strengthens the SP and calms the fetus?
a. shan yao
b. bai zhu
c. da zao
d. gan cao
bai zhu
Which herb is for SP/ST def, for edema and urination due to SP def, for damp painful obstruction, for spontaneous sweating due to qi def, for restless fetus?
a. shan yao
b. bai zhu
c. da zao
d. gan cao
bai zhu
Which herb tonifies the Sp and augments the qi, nourishes the blood and calms the spirit, moderates and harmonizes the herb properties, for SP/ST def syndromes, restless organ disorder?
a. shan yao
b. bai zhu
c. da zao
d. gan cao
da zao
Which herb tonifies the SP and augments the qi, moistens the LU and stops coughing, clears heat and relieves fire toxicity, moderates spasms and alleviates pain, moderates and harmonizes the characteristics of other herbs?
a. shan yao
b. bai zhu
c. da zao
d. gan cao
gan cao
Which her is for SP def syndromes, for coughing and wheezing, for carbuncles, sores, or sore throat due to fire toxin, for painful spasms of the abd or legs, used in formulas to harmonize the properties of the herbs?
a. shan yao
b. bai zhu
c. da zao
d. gan cao
gan cao
Which herb tonifies SP qi and augments the SP yin, moistens the LU, tonifies the KI and augments essence, for SP/ST def syndromes, dry cough due to LU qi and Yin def, for KI def and waning essence, for wasting and thirsting disorders?
a. huang jing
b. bai zhu
c. da zao
d. gan cao
huang jiang
Which herb tonifies the blood, nourishes yin, nourishes the blood and tonifies the essence, for blood def syndrome, for KI yin def syndromes, for exhausted blood and essence?
a. shu di huang
b. he shou wu
c. dang gui
d. bai shao
shu di huang
Which herb tonifies liver and KI, nourishes the blood, and augments the essence, secures the essence and stops leakage, relieves fire toxicity, moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels?
a. shu di huang
b. he shou wu
c. dang gui
d. bai shao
he shou wu
Which herb is for yin or blood def syndromes, for nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea, or vaginal discharge, for fire toxin carbuncles, sores, scrofula, goiter, and neck lumps, for constipation, for wind rash due to blood def?
a. shu di huang
b. he shou wu
c. dang gui
d. bai shao
he shou wu
Which herb tonifies the blood and regs the menses, invigorates and harmonizes the blood and disperses cold, moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels, reduces swelling, expel pus, generates flesh, and alleviates pain?
a. shu di huang
b. he shou wu
c. dang gui
d. bai shao
dang gui
Which herb is for blood def syndromes, for pain due to blood stasis, for constipation d/t blood deficiency, for treating sores and abscesses?
a. shu di huang
b. he shou wu
c. dang gui
d. bai shao
dang gui
Which herb nourishes blood and regs the menses, calms and curbs the LV yang and alleviates pain, preserves the yin and stops sweating?
a. shu di huang
b. he shou wu
c. dang gui
d. bai shao
bai shao
Which herb is for blood def syndrome, for various pains or painful spasms from either constrained LV qi or disharmony between the LV and SP, for vaginal discharge and spermatorrhea, for spontaneous sweating due to the exterior wind cold from def pattern or yin def causes the yang floating to the surface?
a. shu di huang
b. he shou wu
c. dang gui
d. bai shao
bai shao
Which herb tonifies blood, nourishes the blood and stops bleeding, nourishes and moistens the yin, blood def syndromes, for any type of bleeding, for yin def in the aftermath of a febrile disease?
a. e jiao
b. gou qi zi
c. sang shen
d. long yan rou
e jiao
Which herb nourishes and tonifeis the LV and KI, benefits the essence and brightens the eyes, enriches the yin and moistens the LU, for yin and blood def syndromes, for blurred vision and diminished visual acuity?
a. e jiao
b. gou qi zi
c. sang shen
d. long yan rou
gou qi zi
Which herb tonifies the blood and enriches yin, moistens intestines, for yin and blood def syndromes, for wasting and thirsting disorders and constipation due to blood and yin def? (premature greying of hair and good for eyes)
a. e jiao
b. gou qi zi
c. sang shen
d. long yan rou
sang shen
Which herb tonifies and augments the HT and SP, nourishes the blood and calms the spirit, for insomnia, palpitation, forgetfulness due to the heart and SP def?
a. e jiao
b. gou qi zi
c. sang shen
d. long yan rou
long yan rou
Which herb tonifies the KI and fortifies yang, tonifies the governing vessel, augments essence and blood and strengthens sinews and bones, regs the penetrating and conception vessels and stabilizes the girdle vessel, tonifies and nourishes the qi and blood?
a. lu rong
b. ge jie
c. dong chong xia cao
d. rou cong rong
lu rong
Which herb benefits the KI and tonifies the LU, assist the KI yang and augments the essence and blood, for KI and LU def and KI is unable to grasp the qi, for def KI yang?
a. lu rong
b. ge jie
c. dong chong xia cao
d. rou cong rong
ge jie
Which herb augments the KI and tonifies the yang, tonifies KI yang, augments the LU yin, transforms phlegm and stops bleeding, for KI yang def, for chronic cough w bleeding, wheezing from the def?
a. lu rong
b. ge jie
c. dong chong xia cao
d. rou cong rong
dong chong xia cao
Which herb tonifies the KI and strengthens yang, warms the womb, moistens the intestine and facilitates passage of stool, for deficient syndrome of KI yang, for infertility, excessive uterine bleeding and vaginal discharge due to cold def womb, for constipation?
a. lu rong
b. ge jie
c. dong chong xia cao
d. rou cong rong
rou cong rong
Which herb tonifies KI and fortifies yang, expels wind cold damp, tonifies the yin and yang and harnesses ascendant LV yang, for def syndrome of KI yang, for wind cold damp painful obstruction?
a. yin yang huo
b. ba ji tian
c. hu tao ren
d. bu gu zhi
yin yang huo
Which herb tonifies the KI and strengthens the back and knee, warms the LU and helps the KI grasp the qi, moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels, for KI def syndromes, for chronic wheezing due to the def LU and KI, for constipation?
a. yin yang huo
b. ba ji tian
c. hu tao ren
d. bu gu zhi
hu tao ren
Which herb tonifies KI and fortifies yang, strengthens the sinews and bones, disperses wind and expels wind cold, for deficient syndromes of KI yang, for low bk pain and muscular atrophy, for damp cold painful obstruction?
a. yin yang huo
b. ba ji tian
c. hu tao ren
d. bu gu zhi
ba ji tian
Which herb tonifies the KI and fortifies the yang, stabilizes the essence and reserves urine, tonifies and warms the SP yang, aids the KI to grasp the qi, KI yang def syndromes, for enuresis, incontinence of urine and spermatorrhea, amenorrhea, for chronic or morning diarrhea d/t the def of SP/ST, for wheezing d/t the KI not to grasp the LU qi?
a. yin yang huo
b. ba ji tian
c. hu tao ren
d. bu gu zhi
bu gu zhi
Which herb warms the KI, retains the essence, and hold in urine, warms the SP and stops diarrhea, excessive salivation, for def KI syndromes manifested by spermatorrhea, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, for diarrhea, cold abd pain, excessive salivation d/t the def of SP and KI yang?
a. yi zhi ren
b. du zhong
c. gou ji
d. xu duan
yi zhi ren
Which herb tonifies the LV and KI, strengthens the sinews and bones, aids in the smooth flow of qi and blood, calms fetus, for LV and KI yang def, for weakness of the sinews and bones, for restless fetus or miscarriage d/t the KI def, for dizziness and lightheadedness d/t rising LV yang?
a. yi zhi ren
b. du zhong
c. gou ji
d. xu duan
du zhong
Which herb tonifies the LV and KI, strengthens the sinews and bones, expels wind dampness, stabilized the KI, for LV and KI def syndromes, for bi syndromes due to wind damp, for urinary incontinence and vaginal discharge?
a. yi zhi ren
b. du zhong
c. gou ji
d. xu duan
gou ji
Which herb tonifies the LV and KI, strengthens the sinews and bones, stops uterine bleeding and calms the fetus, promotes the movement of blood, alleviates pain and generates flesh, for def syndromes of KI and LV, for uterine bleeding and restless fetus, for pain and swelling due to trauma or fracture?
a. yi zhi ren
b. tu si zi
c. gou ji
d. sha yuan zi
tu si zi
Which herb fortifies the yang and secures the essence, tonifies the LV and KI and improves vision, for def yang KI syndromes, for reduced visual acuity or blurred vision from def LV and KI, lower bk pain, chronic leak essence d/t KI def?
a. yi zhi ren
b. tu si zi
c. gou ji
d. sha yuan zi
sha yuan zi
Which herb moistens LU and stops cough, nourishes the ST, generates fluids, and clears heat, and moistens the exterior, for dry cough due to LU yin def, for dry mouth or throat due to yin def?
a. sha shen
b. xi yang shen
c. mai men dong
d. tian men dong
sha shen
Which herb benefits qi and generates fluids, nourishes yin, nourishes the LU yin and clears fire from the LU, for qi and yin def due to warm febrile diseases, for cough and wheezing w blood sputum d/t the LU yin def w blazing fire?
a. sha shen
b. xi yang shen
c. mai men dong
d. tian men dong
xi yang shen
Which herb moistens the lung and stops cough, augments the stomach yin and generates fluids, clears heart and eliminates irritability?
a. sha shen
b. xi yang shen
c. mai men dong
d. tian men dong
C. Mai men dong
Which herb is for dry cough, thick sputum that is difficult to expectorate due to lung yin def, for dry mouth and tongue due to ST yin def or irritability due to yin def or a warm febrile disease in the ying level, or for constipation due to yin def?
a. sha shen
b. xi yang shen
c. mai men dong
d. tian men dong
C. Mai men dong
Which herb nourishes KI, clears LU heat, moistens the LU, nourishes the KI, generates fluids?
a. sha shen
b. xi yang shen
c. mai men dong
d. tian men dong
D. Tian men dong
Which herb is for dry cough with thick sputum or blood-streaked sputum that is difficult to expectorate due to LU or KI yin def, for thirst due to LU or KI yin def, or for constipation due to dry intestines?
a. sha shen
b. xi yang shen
c. mai men dong
d. tian men dong
D. Tian men dong
Which herb nourishes the yin, clears heat, generates fluids and nourishes ST yin. It's for parched mouth, severe thirst, intractable fever due to yin def, for stomach ache, dry heaves, shiny tongue with little coating and blurred vision due to KI yin def?
a. shi hu
b. yu zhu
c. bai he
d. mo han lian
a. shi hu
Which herb nourishes the yin and moistens dryness, extinguishes wind, softens and moistens the sinews?
a. shi hu
b. yu zhu
c. bai he
d. mo han lian
b. yu zhu
Which herb is for dry cough, dry throat and thirst due to ST dry heat or yin def, for wind generated by yin def and for external wind-heat with yin def?
a. shi hu
b. yu zhu
c. bai he
d. mo han lian
b. yu zhu
Which herb is for moistens the LU, clears heat, stops cough, nourishes yin, clears the HT and calms the spirit. For cough and sore throat due to dry LU or LU heat, intractable low-grade fever, insomnia, restlessness in the aftermath of a febrile disease.
a. shi hu
b. yu zhu
c. bai he
d. mo han lian
c. bai he
Which herb nourishes and tonifies the LV and KI, cools the blood and stops bleeding. For dizziness, blurred vision, vertigo, premature graying of hair due to LV/KI yin def. For bleeding due to yin def and heat in the blood.
a. shi hu
b. yu zhu
c. bai he
d. mo han lian
d. mo han lian
Which herb nourishes and tonifies the LV and KI, augments the LV and KI, and clears heat from def, augments LV and KI and improves vision?
a. nu zhen zi
b. gui ban
c. bie jia
d. mo han lian
a. nu zhen zi
Which herb is for yin def of LV and KI, for heat due to yin def and for diminished visual acuity due to LV and KI def.
a. nu zhen zi
b. gui ban
c. bie jia
d. mo han lian
a. nu zhen zi
Which herb nourishes yin and anchors yang, benefits the KI and strengthens the bones, cools blood and stops uterine bleeding, nourishes blood and tonifies the HT?
a. nu zhen zi
b. gui ban
c. bie jia
d. mo han lian
b. gui ban
Which herb is for yin def with ascending yang for soreness of the lower back, weakness in the legs, retarded skeletal development due to KI yin def and for HT yin def?
a. nu zhen zi
b. gui ban
c. bie jia
d. mo han lian
b. gui ban
Which herb nourishes yin and anchors the yang, invigorates blood, promotes menstruation and dissipates nodules?
a. nu zhen zi
b. gui ban
c. bie jia
d. mo han lian
c. bie jia
Which herb is for fever and steaming bone disorder due to yin def, for hard, immobile masses or pain and amenorrhea due to blood stasis, for internal wind due to yin and blood def?
a. nu zhen zi
b. gui ban
c. bie jia
d. mo han lian
c. bie jia