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141 Cards in this Set

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apocrine gland
open into hair follicles. thick -in axillae, anogenital area nipples and naval decreases in aging adult odor
eccrine gland
open onto skin surface produce sweat. mature in 2month old infant
nails indication of
good way for metabolic orders
functions of skin
protect fluid balance aborb and excrete synthesis of vit d , sensation thermoregulation immunity communication ( non verbal) identification
in relation to other systems
no o2 then blue, cardio- no circulation. hair loss , can get ulcer if skin bad jaundice /urinary excretion on skin. rash allery see on skon..hypothermidism- dry skin
children skin
normal for jaundice early on
acne hair on axillae and groin bodor odor
hair change chloasma (pregnancy mask) line up abdomen.. (linea nigra) striae gravidarum .. connective tissue frail. metabolism increased in pregnancy sweat and sebaceous glands increase
skin dry,, hair on face
older adults
skin loose elasticity,, nails brittle skin thinner hair thinner
senile purpura
older adults get when skin dry dark and red discolored spots on the skin
blacks and whites skin
sweat more than asians and indians
black hair
scalps dry ..
blacks -skin
keloids/ pigmentary disorders .. pseudofolliculitis razor bumps melasma - the mask of pregancy
significant hair loss
loss of color due to absence of oxygenated hemoglobin
pallor white skin
looses rosey tones can become yellow may be mistaken for jaundice
pallor dark skin
looses red undertones and appears ash-gray brown skin yellow tinged looks dull
absence of color
generalized by albinism.. localized bu vitiligo or tinea veriscolor a commun fungal infection.
albinism on light skin
white skin and white hair and pink irisis vitilligo appears as patchy milk white areas.
albinism on dark skin
appears as white skin and pink iris vitiligo is very noticeable as patchy white milk areas.
blue inadequate oxygenated blood in skin
causes for cyanosis
due to cardiac disease pulmonary disease , heart malformations and low hemoglobin levels. local is due to vasoconstriction exposure to cold and emotional stress
cyanosis in light skin
skin lips mucous membranes look blue-tinged the conjunctive nail beds are blue.
cyanosis in dark
appear a shade darker undectable except for the lips tongue and oral muscous membranes conjunctivae appear pale or blue tinged.
reddish blue tone
increased hemoglobin and stasis of blood in capillaries. // apparent in the face mouth and hands feet and conjunctivae ..
cause of reddish blue tone
polycythemia vera--overproduction of red blood cells
reddish blue tone on light skin
reddish purple hue
darker skin for reddish blue tone
difficult to detect the normal skin color may appear darker in some clients - check lips for redness.
reddish of skin due to increased visibility of normal oxyhemoglobin
fever. local inflammation . allery. emotions alcohol- exposure to extreme cold .
erythema in light skinned
readily identifiable over entire body or local redness higher fever at the site...
erythema in dark skinned
difficult to detect local purple.. higher temp hardness
jaundice -
yellow due to increased billirubin in the blood,
light skin jaundice
seen over skin and sclerae oral mucosa hard palate fingernails palms
dark skin jaundice
visible in the sclerae , oral muscosa palate palms and soles
yellow orange tinge increased levels of carotene in the blood, seen in anorexia patients and endocrine disorders
light skin carotenemia
seen in forehead palms soles no yellowing of sclerae or mucous membranes
dark skin carotenemia
yellow - orange tinge most visible palms and soles no yellowing of sclerae or mucous membranes
pale yellow tone due to uninary chromogens in the blood
cause of uremia
chronic renal disease
light skin uremia
generalized pallor and yellow tinge not affect conjuctiva or mucous membranes, skin may appear bruised.
dark skin urmeia
difficult rely on lab tests
increase in production of deposition of melanin generalized or local
causes brown
Addisos disease or pituitary tumor hormonal on face tanning bootse
light skin people brown
bronzed skin red tinge really pale skin
dark skin people
deepening of skin tone sun exposure brown to black
border irregularity
color variation
diameter greater than 6 mm
elevation and enlargement
vitiligo -- abnormal
complete absence of melanin in certain areas. more noticeable on darker skin people
descriptions of lesions
size shape color texture exudate tenderness surface relationship - raised or flat /blanching or pulsation of vascular lesions. pattern configuration and distribution..
a lot of perspiration
mucous membranes dry and lips cracked
skin w hyperthyroidism
skin feels smoother and softer
skin w hypothyroidism
skin feels rough dry flaky
very thin skin
arterial insufficiency
fluid in intercellular spaces - pig skin orange peel look
mobility and turgor
mobility decreased when edema present.
color integrity odor and lesions of skin
primary secondary and vascular
cherry angioma
normal people over 30 also called senile angiomas
do not blanch.. small round nonraised hemmorhage
color texture and distribution
tinea capitis
ringworm inection
excessive hair
occipital area
nails shape and contour consistency
160 Degrees or clubbing
color of nails
even pink nail bed
capillary refill
1-2 seconds
skin infants
mongolian spot in darker skin
cafe au lait . usually present at birth
usually red first 24 hours
then harlequin color change
side lying position lower half turns red and the top half turns blanches with demarcation line down the midline.
erythema toxicum
flea bite rash in the first 3-4 days
newborn skin acrocyanosis
bluish color around lips hands and fingernails feet and toenails. last few hours and dissapear
newborn curtis marmorata
red or blue pattern over skin transient mottling in response to cooler room temps
physiological jaundice on newborns
after 3rd or 4th day if on first could be hemolytic disease and after 2 weeks could be billiary tract obstruction.
carotenemia common on infants
orange foods
vernix caseosa
white cream cheese substance on newborns
tiny white papules
present at birth - fades within the year. can see forehead and back of neck
fine hair over body
newborns nails
are blue then change to pink after 2 hrs
increase in sebaceous glands leads to acne open comedones are blackheads and closes are whiteheads
pregnant female striae
linea nigra
brownish black line down the middle
vascular spiders pregnant
lesions tiny red centers with radiating branches that occur on the face neck and upper chest and arms
liver spots older
senile lentigines
crusted scaly and warty // one type seborrheic keratosis
actinic keratosis on older adult
less common than seborrheic keratosis
skin tags
male pattern balding
suspicious lesions
borders inregular bleeding
color changes or multiple colors
diameter > .5cm
lesions annular
annular lesions grow together
linear arrangement along a nerve route. herpes zoster
primary lesions macule/patch
macule less than 1 cm
patch greater than 1 cm
primary lesions papule/plaque
papule raised less than 1 cm
plaque raised greater than 1 cm
vascular lesions-port wine stain
port wine stain . present at birth ususally doesnt fade along the cranial nerve V
vascular lesions strawberry mark
disappears 5-7 doesnt blanch
vascular lesions cavernous hemangioma
reddish blue disappear 10-15 months
vascular spider angioma
fiery red star shaped marking with a solid circular center
vascular venous star
flat bluish when pressure in center cant blanch
tiny hemorrhages wont blanch
many petechiae
vascular hematoma
bruise you can feel
secondary lesions add to the skin or take away
lichenification scales crust scar keloid
take away from skin secondary lesions
excoriation erosion fissure ulcer atrophy
suspicious lesions
actinic keratosis. squamous cell carcinoma - basal cell carcinoma melanoma kaposi sacroma
nail abnormalities koilonychia
spoon nails
tinea unguium
nail abnormalities
splinter hemorrhage pitting
sound heard with the bell... if thyroid swollen check for this
infant caput succedaneum
swelling of newborn head resolves during first 2days of life
subperiosteal hemorrhage result of birth trauma appears several hours after birth and increases reabsorbed after the first few weeks of life
older adult senile tremors
benign and include head nodding
eyes dark skinned
glaucoma muddy sclera
dark skinned eyes asians
fold medial canthus
visual acuity tests
snellen and rosenbaum optic nerve 2
visual fields by confrontation
optic nerve 2 , peripheral test where they cover eye and you wiggle fingers and they say where they can see
oculomotor nerve 3
inspect eyelids for drooping inspect pupils size for equality and direct and consensual response to light and accomodatopn.. hte pupillary light reflex.. ( advance light from side and see constriction of same side pupil and constriction of other pupil and then accomadation have them stare away and then shift gaze to near object - normal response pupillary constriction and eyes come togehther
trochlear nerve 4 test extaocular eye movements
can be cover uncover test, have person look ahead stare should be ahead and then take paper away and other eye should be staring ahead
Trigeminal nerve 5
inspect face and jaw touch with cotton ball and then corneal reflex. shine light in persons eyes the reflection should be the same on both eyes.. same place
Abducens nerve 6
test extraocular eye movements can be diagnostic positions test , hold card up on one eye and move 6 positions have them follow then do the other 6 positions.
olfactory nerve 1
facial nerve 7
inspect symmetry of face smile frown puffed cheeks
nerve 8 acoustic..
whisper test and the weber and rinne test.. ac>bc 2:1
nerve 9 glossopharygeal
ability to taste sour and bitter gag reflex
vagus nerve 10
inspect uvula observe swallowing ahh
spinal accessory 11 nerve
shrug shoulders
nerve 11 hypoglossal
inspect tongue symmetry inspect tongue movement toward nose and chin
infants at brith eyes
good peripheral but born far sighted
older adult sighted
presbyopia near vision
older adult eyes common
cataract glaucoma macular degeneration
child cross eyed
older adults in the sclera
arcus senilis older
gray white circle around the eye
drusen older
small yellow dots on the retina
otitis media
OM middle ear infection
older hearing problem
TMJ palpate cranial nerve 5
cranial nerve 5