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9 Cards in this Set

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Sexual Orientation
refers to the attration that people feel for people of the same or different sex and is deeply rooted in a person. The biological and cultural bases are not clear. Sexual orientation apperars to be created through the self-definitions that people develop through realtionships with others, including the process of "coming out" and may evolve throughout one's life
Sexual identity
oneself that is related to one's sexual realtionships, altough it it not simply based on one's sexual practices. Extensive evidence exists about the social influnces that shape people's sexual identities.
Sex trade
"sex trafficking" or the internation sex trade, especially in "sex capitals" (Bangkok, Thailand). Is defined as: the practice whereby women, usually very young women, are forced by fraud, coercionand/or violence into commercial sex acts. This may also include young girls and boys. There are intricate connections between sexuality and the international economy. This is illustrated by: the association of the sex trade with world poverty, the spread of AIDS, and the exploitation of women.
fear and hatred of homosexuality/ homosexuals: this stereotyping/prejudicees attitude may permanate the culture and produces many misunderstandings about gay people.
Lesbians and gays are minority groups
in the US society, and they are treated with the same prejudice/discrimination as other minority groups; they have organized to promote civil rights protections for themselves with some success.
Hate Crimes
assults and other malicious acts (including crimes against property) modivated by various forms of bias, including sterotypes/ prejudices on the basis of: race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin and disabilites.
Sexual harassment
is defined as the unwanted physical/verbal sexual behavior that occurs in the contect of a relationship based on unequal power and is experienced as a threat to the victim's jog or educational activities.
acquaintance/date rape
is defined as the forced and unwanted intimate sexual realtions by someone who know the victim (even if only briefly) research on sexual violence, including acquainance/date rape, shows how strongly sexual coercion is tied to the status of diverse groups of women in society.
American Civil Liberites Union and the femisit movement have succeeses in identifying, studying, and advocating better social policies on rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence, incest, and other types of sexual coercion.