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48 Cards in this Set

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In order for a behavior to be considered abnormal, one of the four criteria of ___________, ____________, ____________, and ____________ have to be met.

Statistical Rarity, Interference with normal function, personal distress, and Deviance from social norms.

The criteria of normality that occurs when behavior is "away from the norm" or does not occur very often is called a ____________.

Ex: A neighbor who checks the stove 26 times to make sure it has turned off

Statistical Rarity

The criteria of normality that occurs when behavior is dysfunctional or interferes with a person's ability to function on a daily basis is called ______________ with normal functioning.

Ex: Having anxiety that is so bad that your can't leave your home.

Interference with normal functioning
The criteria of normality that occurs when one's behavior is upsetting, distracting, and confusing or personally troubling to themselves is called ________________.

Ex: A person who believes that others are "out to get" them or seeing suicide as "the only solution"

Personal Distress

The criteria of normality that occurs when a behavior violates accepted conventions set by social norms is called ____________ from social norms.

Ex: Some groups view body piercing as self-mutilation; others see it as valued expression of group solidarity or rebellion against conformity imposed from an outside group.
Deviance from social norms

The term used to describe behavior that is rare or dysfunctional, causes personal distress, or deviates social norms is the book definition of ____________.


A working definition of abnormal describes a _____________ that meets the four criteria mentioned that is culturally variable and differs for each person's view of what is abnormal.

Continuum of Behavior

The most frequently used system for diagnosing psychological disorders is called the ______________.


The ___________ occurs when patients are given certain labels for their psychological symptoms such as "schizophrenia" and are treated differently because of it even though certain behaviors may be normal. Rosenhan discovered this with pseudopatients who did not have symptoms, but once labeled, they could not shake their diagnoses.

Label Issue

__________________ is the genreal feeling of apprehension characterized by behavioral, cognitive, or phsychological symptoms.


Severe anxiety that disrupts a person's life indicated the presence of an _______________.

Anxiety Disorder

______________ are irrational fears of activities, objects, or situations that are out of proportion to the actual danger.

Ex: Fear of Spiders is called _______________.

Phobia, Arachnophobia

The most severe anxiety disorder, characterized by intense physiological arousal not related to a specific stimulus is called _____________.

Ex: Panic attacks without any real fear, I had this

Panic Disorder

A chronic high level of anxiety unattached to the specific stimulus such as excessively worrying about everyday problems such as school, finances, employment, and so forth is called _____________.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

An anxiety disorder characterized by repetitive, irrational, intrusive thoughts, impulses, or images and irresistible repetitive acts such as checking to see if doors are locked or washing hands is called ________________.

Ex: Howie Mandel

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

_________________ is a reaction to a traumatic event or life threatening situation that is characterized by repeated re-experience of the traumatic event, avoidance of reminders of the situation, emotional numbness, and increased arousal.

Ex: An Ex-Military soldier after Iraq War may have this.

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

The 5 examples of anxiety disorders are ___________, ___________, ____________, ____________, and _______________.

Phobia, Panic Disorder, GAD, OCD, PTSD

________________ are disorders involving physical (body) compliaints that do not have a know medical cause but are related to psychological factors.

Ex: Conversion Disorder is a __________________

Somatoform Disorder

_________________ is a somatoform disorder in which a person presents sensory or motor symtoms that do not have a medical explaination.

Ex: A patient who reports paralysis of the wrist may still be able to move the fingers, even though the finger and wrist are on the same nerve pathway. There is no medical explanation.

Conversion Disorder

________________ are disorders that affect a function of the mind, such as memory for events, knowledge of one's identity, or consciousness.

Dissociative disorders

_______________ is a dissociative disorder that involves a sudden inability to recall important personal important personal information; often occurs in reponse to trauma or extreme stress.

Ex: Pg. 498

Dissociative amnesia

_______________ is a dissociative disorder involving amnesia and flight from the workplace or home; may involve establishing a new identity in a new location.
Dissociative fugue

______________ is a dissociative disorder in which a person has two or more separate personalities, which is usually alternate.

Ex: Herschel Walker, Sybil

Dissociative Identity Disorder

________________ is a mood disorder characterized by sadness; a feeling of guilt; changes in sleep, appetite, and motor behavior; and sometimes thoughts of suicide.


______________________ is characterized by symptoms of sadness, reduced energy, and lack of interest in activities.

Major Depressive Disorder

_____________, _____________, and ____________ are all characteristics of major depressive disorder.

symptoms of sadness, reduced energy, and lack of interest in activities

Major Depression Disorder prevalence and course rates vary with __________ and _________.

culture and sex

The rates of suicide of people with major depression disorder vary with ________, ________, and __________.

age, race, and sex

_____________ is a mood disorder in which a person experiences episodes of mania and depression, which usually alternate.

Bipolar Disorder

Excessive activity, accelerated speech, poor judgment, elevated self-esteem, and euphoria that occur in bipolar disorder is called _____________.


There are several causes of ______________ which include biological explanations, the psychodynamic explanation, cognitive and behavioral explanations, and other multiple causes.

Mood Disorder

Mood Disorder can be explained ______________

because it has genetical influences such as prevalence in families and even concordance rates of twins. Neurotransmitters (norepinephrine and serotonin) may also play a role in mood disorders being explained _____________.

Biologically Explanation

The _______________ explaination of mood disorders states that early childhood experiences contriubute to later mood disturbances.

Psychodynamic Explanation

__________ and _________ explanation of mood disorder states that learned helplessness leads to passivity and reduced motivation. Also, the hopelessness model focuses on the way people think of themselves.

Cognitive and Behavioral Explanation

With all of the explanations of how mood disorders can be explained, it displays that the are ___________ for mood disorders.

Multiple Causes

_____________ is a psychotic disorder characterized by positive symptoms (excesses) such as delusions, hallucinations, and fluent but disorganized speech or negative symptoms (deficits) such as flat or blunted affect.


The symptoms of schizophrenia can be characterized by ___________ and ___________.

Positive and Negative

___________ symptoms of schizophrenia consists of delusions (false belief difficult to change) and hallucination (sensory experience caused by stimulation of sensory organ).

Positive Symptoms

______________ symptoms of schizophrenia consists of poverty of speech, flat or blunted affect, volition, and apathy.

Negative Symptoms

______________ is a negative symptom of schizophrenia in which the speech of people with schizophrenia may be adequate in the amount yet convey little information.

Poverty of Speech

_____________ is a negative symptom of schizophrenia that occurs when their is failure to experience any emotion.

Flat Affect

_____________ is a negative symptom of schizophrenia

Blunted Affect

_____________ is a negative symptom of schizophrenia that is difficulty making decisions.


_____________ is a negative symptom of schizophrenia that is characterized by lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.


Schizophrenia typically occurs earlier in ________, and the onset of it can have __________ outcomes. When it comes to prognosis, _________ usually have a more clear one.

Men, Positive, Women

The causes of schizophrenia include ____________ (more likely to occur b/c of nature not nurture), ____________ (atrophy and larger cerebral ventricles), ______________ (high level of dopamine), and ____________ (external forces like standard of living). Also, there are __________ in general that could result in a schizoprenia diagnosis.

C. Causes of schizophrenia 1. Genetic factors 2. Brain abnormalities 3. Neurotransmitters 4. Environmental causes 5. Multiple causes

Genetic Factors, Brain Abnormalities, Neurotransmitter, Environmental Causes, Multiple Causes.

Disorders characterized by long-standing, difficult-to-treat, dysfunctional behaviors that are typically first observed in adolescence is called ____________.

Personality Disorder

_______________ is a personality disorder characterized by deceitful, impulsive, reckless actions that violates social norms and for which the individual feels no remorse.

Antisocial Personality Disorder