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22 Cards in this Set

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What is bacterial transformation?

The transferring of genetic information through DNA.

What is the role of bacteriophages in identifying genetic material?

The bacteriophage was the bacteria-infecting virus in the Hershey-Chase experiment which convinced many scientists that DNA is the genetic material found in genes of all living cells.

What is the role of DNA in heredity?

It stores, copies, and transmits information in a cell.

What are the chemical components of DNA?

DNA is a nucleic acid, which is made of of nucleotides joined by covalent bonds into long strands.

Base pairing/Chargaff's rule

The percentage of A and T are equal, as well as G and C.

DNA replication

DNA molecule separates into two strands and then produces 2 new complementary strands (following base pairing).

Occurs during the S phase (late interphase)

What is the result of DNA replication?

2 DNA molecules which are identical to each other and the original molecule.

DNA replication in prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes

prokaryotes: have 1 DNA in the cytoplasm

Eukaryotes: 1000 DNA in chromosomes of the nucleus

Prokaryotes: replication begins at a single point and goes in 2 directions until the whole (single) chromosome is copied

Eukaryotes: Begins at dozens/hundreds of places and goes in both directions until all chromosomes are copied

DNA polymerase

Enzyme involved in DNA replication that joins nucleotides to make new strands of DNA


The tip of eukaryotic chormosomes


Adds repeated DNA sequences to telomeres while chromosomes are being replicated to prevent gene loss and damage

What stores information in the cell?


What happens if a piece of DNA is missing?

Genetic information is lost

Where in the cells of eukaryotes, is DNA located?


During DNA replication, a DNA strand that has the bases CTAGGT produces a strand with the bases...


The bonds that hold the two strands of DNA together come from

weak hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases

DNA Replication results in two DNA molecules, each with...

one new strand and one original strand

What phase of the cell cycle does DNA replication take place?

S phase


Double ring nucleotides


single ring nucleotides

phosprodiester bond

bonds the deoxyribose to the phosbate within a nucleotide

anti- parallel strands

go in opposite directions