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83 Cards in this Set

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the key to developing a marketing strategy is selecting a _______ _______ and maintaining a _________ ___ that creates long-term relationships with customers

target market, marketing mix

the part of marketing strategy that involves decisions regarding controllable variables

marketing mix

Successful companies offer at least one _________ of value that surpasses other competitors in the market place


The most visible of the marketing mix dimensions


The multistep process of introducing a product includes

idea generation, product screening, concept testing business analysis, product development, test marketing, and commercialization

phase of product introduction which includes marketing managers looking at organization's resources and assessing the firm's ability to produce and market the product

Idea screening

a basic assessment of a product's compatibility in the marketplace and its potential profitability

Business Analysis

stage in introducing a product where it is developed into a prototype that should reveal the intangible attributes it possesses as perceived by the consumer

Product Development

Product development is often _________


a trial minilaunch of a product in limited areas that represent the potential market

Test Marketing

the full introduction of a complete marketing strategy and the launch of the product for commercial success


Products for household or family use

Consumer Products

Consumer products such as eggs, milk, and newspapers

Convenience Products

Consumer products such as furniture, audio equipment, clothing, and sporting goods

Shopping products

Consumer products such as ethnic foods, designer clothing and shoes

Specialty products

products used directly or indirectly in the operation or manufacturing processes of businesses

Business products

natural products taken from the earth, oceans, and recycled solid waste

Raw Materials

large, expensive items used in production

Major equipment

items used for production, office, or management purposes, which usually do not become part of the final product

Accessory equipment

finished items, ready to be assembled into the company's final products

Component parts

things used directly in production or management operations but are not readily identifiable as component parts

Processed materials

materials that make production, management, and other operations possible


financial, legal, marketing research, security, janitorial, and exterminating services

Industrial services

a groups of closely related products that are treated as a unit because of a similar marketing strategy

Product Line

all the products offered by an organization

Product mix

the four stages int the life cycle of a product are:

introduction, growth, maturity, and decline

a product life cycle stage in which consumer awareness and acceptance of the product are limited, sales are zero, and profits are negative

introductory stage

a product life cycle stage in which sales increase rapidly and profits peak, then start to decline

growth stage

a product life cycle stage in which the sale curve peaks and starts to decline while profits continue to decline

maturity stage

a product life cycle stage in which sales continue to fall rapidly

decline stage

the process of naming and identifying products


the part of a brand that is a distinctive design

brand mark

a brand that is registered with U.S patent and trademark office


brands initiated and owned by the manufacturer to identify products from the point of production to the point of purchase

Manufacturer Brands

A brand owned and controlled by a wholesaler or retailer

Private Distributor brands

products with no brand name at all

generic products

external container that holds and describes the product


the presentation of important information on a package


the degree to which a good, service, or idea meets the demands and requirements of customers


the role of price in an organization's marketing mix and strategy

Pricing objectives

provide guidelines for achieving the company's pricing objectives and overall marketing strategy

Pricing strategy

charging the highest possible price that buyers who want the product will pay

Price skimming

a low price designed to help a product enter the market and gain market share rapidly

penetration price

____________ pricing is less flexible than price skimming


encourages purchases based on emotional rather than rational responses to the price

Psychological pricing

a toy that is $9.99 is an example of

even/odd pricing

A perfume that price is artificially inflated to connote quality is an example of

symbolic/prestige pricing

temporary price reductions


type of discount that reflects the economies of purchasing in large volumes (I.E Sam's Club)

Quantity discounts

type of discount to buyers who purchase goods or services out of season

Seasonal discounts

discounts that attempt to improve sales by advertising price reduction on selected products

Promotional discounts

a group of organizations that moves products from their producer to customers

marketing channel

buy products from manufacturers and sell them to consumers for home or household use


Retailers create _______


assuming the risk of ownership

ownership utility

maintaining hours of operation

time utility

arranging products to be moved from producer to retail

place utility

intermediaries who buy from producers or from other wholesalers and sell to retailers


connecting and integrating all parties or members of the distribution system in order to satisfy customers

supply chain management

Services are distributed through

direct marketing channels

Type of distribution that makes a product available in as many outlets as possible

Intensive distribution

Type of distribution that uses only a small number of all available outlets to expose products

Selective distrigution

Type of distribution that exists when a manufacturer gives an intermediary the sole right to sell a product in a defined geographic territory

Exclusive distribution

all the activities necessary to move products from producers to customers

Physical Distribution

the shipment of products to buyers


the design and operation of facilities to receive, store, and ship products

Ware housing

the physical handling and movement of products in warehousing and transportation

Materials handling

personal selling, publicity, and sells promotion are known as

the promotion mix

coordination the promotion mix elements and synchronizing promotion as a unified effort

integrated marketing communication

a paid form of non personal communication through mediums such as television


designing a series of advertisements and placing them in various media to reach a particular target audience

advertising campaign

direct, two-way communication with buyers and potential buyers

Personal selling

The six steps of personal selling is

Prospecting, approaching, presenting, handling objections, closing, following up

nonpersonal communication transmitted through the mass media but not paid for directly by the firm


marketers attempt to create a trend or acceptance of a product

buzz marketing

the concept of getting internet users to pass on ads and promotions to others

viral marketing

direct inducement offering added value or some other incentive for buyers to enter into an exchange

Sales promotion

promotion strategy which attempts to motivate intermediaries to push the product down to their customers

push strategy

promotion strategy which uses promotion to create consumer demand for a product so that consumers exert pressure on marketing channel members to make it available

pull strategy

The objective of promotion is to:

stimulate demand, stabilize sales, and to inform, remind, and reinforce customers

the current sales level of the product

status quo

uses promotion to create and maintain an image of a product in buyers' mind

Promotional positioning

Promotion can be used to _______ or ___________ an image

change, reinforce