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28 Cards in this Set

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What neuroglia is similar to an astrocyte in that is has slender cytoplasmic extensions, but has smaller cell bodies and fewer processes than astrocytes?


What are the processes of oligodendrocytes generally in contact with?

Exposed surfaces of neurons

What is the function of the oligodendrocytes processes ending at the neuron cell body?

It has yet to be determined

What are many axons in the CNS completely sheathed in?

Oligodendrocyte processes

What does the oligodendrocyte process insulate the CNS from?

Contact with the extracellular fluid

During its maturation, what does the plasma membrane near the tip of each process of an oligodendrocyte expand to form?

An enormous pad

When is the enormous pad at the tip of each process of an eligodendrocyte formed?

During its maturation

What happens to the cytoplasm in this enormous pad?

It becomes very thin

This enormous pad can also be called a flattened what?


When the flattened "pancake" somehow gets wrapped around the axolemma, what is formed?

Concentric layers of plasma membrane

What is the membranous wrapping around the axolemma formed by flattened "pancake" called?


What does myelin serve as?

An electrical insulation

What does myelin increase?

The speed at which an action potential travels along the axon

What do oligodendrocytes cooperate to form along the length of an axon?

Myelin sheath

What is an axon covered with a myelin sheath said to be?


Each oligodendrocyte myelinates segments of several what?


What are the fairly large areas of the axon that are wrapped in myelin called?


Typically, how long are internodes?

1-2 MM

The small gaps of a few micrometers that separate adjacent internodes are called what?


What is another name for nodes?

Nodes of Ranview

What part of the axon originates at the nodes?

Collateral branches

Why do dissected myelinated axons appear glossy white.

Primarily because of the lipids in the myelin

What are regions of the CNS dominated by myelinated axons known as?

White matter

What are axons not completely covered by oligodendrocytes called?


Unmyelinated axons are common where short axons and collaterals form what?

A synapse with densely packed neuron cell bodies

What are the areas containing neuron cell bodies, dendrites, and unmyelinated axons with a dusky gray color called?

Gray matter

Oligodendrocytes play an important role in structural organization by tying what together?

Clusters of axons

How do oligodendrocytes improve the function of neurons?

By wrapping axons within a myelin sheath