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50 Cards in this Set

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is the process of guiding and directing the behavior of people in the work environment
Formal Leadership
occurs when an organization officially bestows on a leader the authority to guide and direct others in the organization
Informal Leadership
occurs when a person is unofficially accorded power by others in the organization and uses influence to guide and direct their behavior
-most researched but least understood
Kotter Management Process
o Planning and Budgeting
o Organizing and Staffing
o Controlling and Solving the Problem
Kotter’s Leadership Process
o Setting a direction
o Aligning people with the direction through communication
o Motivating people to action
Zaleniks Personality-
o Leaders- want change
o Managers – want stability and status quo
Four Dimensions of Personalities Distinctions
o Attitudes towards work
o Conceptions of work
o Relationships with other people
o Sense of self
Strategic Leaders
- combine both elements of a good leader and good manager
Early Trait Theories
• Leaders can be distinguished from followers based on physical attributes
• Leaders possess traits have failed to find a universal, distinguishing attributes of leaders
Lewin Studies
Laissez Faire
o Autocratic
 Directive, stong, and controlling in relationships
 Rules and regulations
o Democratic
 Collaborative, interaction, less rules and regulations
 Have influence
o Laissez Faire
 Hands off
 High interpersonal conflict
 Role Ambuiguity
• Ohio State Studies
o Use of LBDQ
o Structure
 Is leader behavior aimed at defining and organizing work relationships and roles
o Consideration - is leader behavior aimed at nurturing friendly warm working relationships
• Michigan Studies
o Style of Leaderships
o Production Oriented
 Getting work done
 Constant influence
o Employee Oriented
 Concern for people and needs
 Concentrate on the relationships
Leadership Grid
o An approach to understanding a leader’s or managers concern for results and concern for people
o Called the managerial grid
o Organization man manager
o Is a middle of the road leader/medium concern for individuals
o Authority Compliance Manager
o Has a great concern for production and little concern for people
o Team manager
has great concern for people and production
o Country Club Manager –
o Great concern for people but little concern for production
o Improvised manager –
little concern for people or production
o Paternalistic Manager
rewards and punishments
o Opportunistic Manager
greatest self benefits
Contingency Theories
o Style must be appropriate for a particular situation
o Fidelers Contingency Theory
o Proposes that the fit between the leaders need structure and the favorableness of the leaders situation determines the teams effectiveness in work accomplishment
o Task oriented or relationship oriented
o Situation Favorableness
 Task Stucture- refers to the number and clarity of rules, regulations, and procedures for getting the work done
 Positon Power- refers to the leaders legitimate authority to evaluate and reward performance, punish errors, and demote group members
 Leader member reatlions – the quality of of interpersonal relationships among a leader and the group members
 Favorable- structured task, strong position power, good leader member relations
o Leadership Effectiveness-
 Low LPC- most effective with very favorable or very unfavorable leaderships situation
 High LPC- are most effective with intermediate favorableness
 Misfit
• The situation should be changed to match the leaders style
Path- Goal Theory
 Created by Robert House
 Clear the followers path to the goal
 Four Leader Styles
• Directive Style – specific guidance
• Supportive Style- express concern for the followers
• Participative Style- leader must engage in joint decision making activities with followers
• Achievement Oriented- must set challenging goals
• Adapt the leaders behavior and style to fit the characteristics of the followers and the environment
o Vroom Yetton Jago Normative Decision Model
 Knows when to have employees participate in the decision making process
 Recognizes the 4 styles of leader behavior
 Five Forms of Decision Making
• Decide – alone or sales it to the group
• Consult Individually – each group member individually
• Consult group
• Facilitate-presents the problem
• Delegate- lets the group make decisions
 Use a decision method most appropriate for a given decision situation by using matrices
o Situation Leadership Model
 Created by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard
 Leaders behavior should be adjusted to the maturity level of the followers
 Uses task and relationship oriented behavior
 High readiness – willing and able
 Low readiness- less able or willing
 Telling - S1- High Task and Low Relationship
 Selling - S2- High Task and High Relationship
 Participating- S3- High Relationship and Low Task
 Delegating- S4- Low Relationship and Low Task
o Leader Member Exchange
 Form different relationships with followers
 Two Groups
• In-groups
o Similar to the leader
o Organizational citizenship behavior
o Leader Stress
• Out-Groups
o Outside the circle
o Retaliate against the organization
o Stress- outside the communication
Substitutes for Leadership
 Situations that neutralize or even replace leader behavior
 Ways to replace the leader
o High Satisfaction
o High Skill
o Team Cohesiveness
o Formal Controls on the Part of the Organization
Inspirational Leadership Theories
– transformational, charismatic leadership, and authentic leadership
Transformational Leadership
 Inspire and excite followers to high levels of performance
Four Sub Dimensions of Tranformational
o Charisma- a leaders use of personal abilities and talents in order to have profound and extraordinary effects on followers
 Reality Distortion Field – persuading others of a idea even when it looks unrealistic
 Gift
 Referent power
 Can be negative or positive
o Individualized consideration- refers to how much the leader displays concern for each followers individual needs
o Inspirational motivation- is the extent to which the leader is able to articulate a vision that is appealing to followers
o Good transactional leadership cannot replace transformational leadership
o Goals are set to followers standards
o Authentic Leadership
 Includes transformational, charismatic or transactional approaches as the situation demands
 Have conscious and well developed sense of values
 High Morals
 Gandhi
Emotional Intelligence
o Is the ability to recognize and manage emotion in oneself and in others
o Is more important than IQ or skills
o Includes:
o Self awareness
o Empathy
o Adaptability
o Self Confidence
o Can be improved
o High Emotion- Better Decisions
o Low Emotion – Bad Decsions
o Trust
o Is the willingness to be vulnerable to the actions of others
o Understand who to trust and how to trust
o Gender and Leadership
o Women – have strong interpersonal skills
o Glass Cliff- represents a trend in organizations of placing more women in difficult leadership positions
o Servant Leadership
o Leaders lead by serving others
o Want to leave the organization in better shape for future generations
o Abusive Supervision
o Costly to productivity and increases absentism
o Costs companies money
o Supervisors direct there abuse on others
Contemporary view
followers have the potential for leadership /self leadership
o Alienated Followers-
 Think independently but are passive and distance themselves
 Bad to the organization
o Sheep Followers
 Passive and do not think independently
o Yes People
 Do not think critically but a very active
 Most dangerous to the organization because they just agree with the leaders
o Survivors
 Least disruptive and lowest risk followers
o Effective Followers
 Self management and self responsibility
 Dedicated to the organization
 Give their input
 Honest and credible
 Could be self leaders
o Dynamic Follower
 A follower who is responsible steward of his or her job is effective in managing the relationship with the boss, and practices self management
 Shares criticism and keeps the manager well informed
Cultural Differences in Leadership
o Different across in all countries even people inside large parts such as Latin America
o Must understand cultures
o China – Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism
o Differences in their goals into the future
How do corporations handle the ethical actions?
o Corporations never really risk the companies fortune to take a ethical action