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29 Cards in this Set

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Legitimate power
Illegitimate power (not acceptable)
Sociologist, Peter Berger Beliefs on violence
Violence is the ultimate foundation of any political order; no matter what you do, the "law" will always get you.
State (AKA The Govt.)
Claims monopoly on the use of violence in some particular territory; commonly known as a country.
Max Weber's beliefs on State violence
State has exclusive right to use violence & the right to punish those who use it
Traditional Authority
Authority based on custom
Rational-Legal Authority
Based on written rules agreed upon. (AKA Bureaucratic Authority); Comes from position that someone holds, not the person themselves.
Charismatic Authority
Based on someone's outstanding strait, which attract followers.

i.e. Joan of Arc & Adolf Hitler
Routinization of Charisma
The transition of authority from a charismatic leader to either traditional or ration-legal authority.
An independent city whose power radiates outward, bringing identity based on one's position in the means of production.
"Power to the people"
----> Greek terms: demos (people) & kratos (power)
Direct Democracy
Where the eligible voters meet together to discuss issues and make decisions on their behalf.
Representative Democracy
Where voters elect representatives to meet together to discuss issues & make decisions on their behalf.
That by virtue of birth & residence people have basic rights.
If an individual seizes power & then dictates his will to the people.
If a small group seizes power " " " " " " ".
Has almost TOTAl control of a people by the govt.
Political-Gender Gap
Men & women are somewhat more likely to vote for different presidential candidates.
Special-interest Group
People who think alike on a particular issue and can be mobilized for political action.
People who are paid to influence legislation on behalf of their clients.
Pluralism (A Functionalist Perspective)
A diffusion of power among many special-interest groups, prevents any one group from gaining control of the govt. & using it to oppose the people.
Power Elite ( A Conflict Perspective)
Sociologist, C. Wright Mills believed the country's most important maters are made by the top leaders not congress or lobbyists.

i.e. Large corps., generals & admirals in Army & certain elite politicians
Sociologist, Nicholas Timasheff's
3 Essential Conditions of War
(1) Antagonistic Situation
(2) Cultural tradition of War
(3) "Fuel" that heats the Antagonistic Situation
Our system of producing & distributing goods & services.
The Start of the Industrial Societies
1765, with the birth of the steam engine.
Sociologist, Thorstein Veblen's Conspicuous Consumption
His term for a change from the Protestant ethic to an eagerness to show off wealth by the consumption of goods
(1) Private ownership of the means of production
(2) Market competition
(3) The pursuit of profit
(1) The public owns the means of production
(2) Central committees plan production & set prices; no competition
(3) No profit motive in the distribution of goods and services
United States, Canada and Mexico formed the NORTH AMERICAN FREE-TRADE AGREEMENT