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56 Cards in this Set

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what are the 6 muscles of the eye?
the superior, inferior, medial, and lateral rectus muscles, and the superior and inferior oblique muscles
what nerves are the muscles of the eye innervated by?
CN III (oculomotor), CN IV (trochlear) and CN VI (abducens)
At what point of gestation do the eyes of a fetus form?
The eyes form during the first 8 weeks of gestation.
lacrimal drainage is complete when?
at birth
when do the lacrimal glands begin to produce the full volume of tears?
at 2 to 3 weeks of age.
term infants have a visual acuity of what?
20/400 which is called hyperopic.
peripheral vision is fully developed at birth.
central vision is fully developed at birth.
false. central vision developes later.
when is binocular vision development complete?
by 3 to 4 months of age.
when can an infant differentiate colors?
by 6 months of age.
When is adult visual acuity achieved?
at about 4 years of age.
What is in the tears in an increased amount during pregnancy resulting in a greasy sensation and perhaps blurred vision for contact lens wearers?
Increased level of lysozyme.
What happens to the cornea during pregnancy?
Corneal edema/thickening.
Diabetic retinopathy may worsen during pregnancy.
Intraocular pressures rise during pregnancy.
False. Intraocular pressure falls during pregnancy.
Subconjunctival hemorrhages may occur and resolve spontaneously during pregnancy.
What is the major physiologic eye change that occurs with aging?
Presbyopia, which is a weakening of accomodation (focusing power).
Loss of lens clarity and cataract formation are possible problems for older adults.
What is Hordeolum?
An acute supperative inflammation of the follicle of an eyelash that can cause an erythematous or yellow lump.
A Hordeolum may be recurrent and is caused by which bacterial organism?

Maturation of what system during fetal developement is developement of vision based on?
Neuro system.
When does presbyopia usually develope?
during middle age, after 40-45 years of age.
What are the 5 descriptors of secretions of the eye you should document?
color, consistancy, duration, tears/lack of tears, conjunctival redness.
What is xanthelasma?
small, flat, yellowish skin plaques; the result of lipid deposition in histiocytes(cells of the reticuloendothelial system).
What are some symptoms that could indicate pregnancy induced hypertension?
Diplopia, scotomata, blurred vision, amaurosis.
Can topical eye medications cross the placenta?
what does ectropion mean?
eyelid pushing out.
what does entropion mean?
eyelid pushing in.
What is done to test peripheral vision?
confrontation test
Can color blindness be checked using the Snellen chart?
What is Blepharitis?
Crusting along the eyelashes.
What reflex must be present in newborns and infants?
The red light reflex.
If the red light reflex is not present what does this indicate?
Is it routine to do a funduscopic exam on a newborn?
No, this is deferred to 2 to 6 months of age.
What is being tested when checking for optical blink?
Note closure and head response to bright light.
At what age is visual acuity tested with the Snellen E game?
3 years of age.
How is visual acuity checked in children under 3.
By observing activities.
Retinal changes in PIH include what?
Segmental arteriolar narrowing with a wet, glistening appearance indicating edema.
Retinal changes in chronic hypertension include what?
Vascular tortuosity, angiosclerosis, hemorrhage and exudates.
Unless retinal disease is suspected what agents should be avoided in pregnant women?
Cycloplegic and mydriatic agents.
This test should be done first on ANY potential eye problem.
Test for visual acuity.
Length of eyeball is longer than normal resulting in image being focused before retina...what is this?
Myopia or nearsightedness.
People of American Indian culture have increased risk for this.
Cultures with increased sun exposure such as people from Mexico are at higher risk for this.
Cataracts and pterygium.
Smokers have increased risk of this eye problem.
Macular degeneration.
What is Retinoblastoma?
Embryonal malignant tumor arising from retina.
What is retinopathy of prematurity?
Disruption of normal progression of retinal vascular developement in preterm infant.
What does retinal hemorrhages in infancy indicate?
Shaken baby syndrome.
What tests are done for? extraocular movement
Corneal light reflex, cover-uncover test, six cardinal feilds of gaze.
When looking at the retina what should you focus on?
general color and background, vasculature, optic disc, macula.
A consensual light reflex is present when which of the following occurs?
A. The R pupil dilates when a light is shone in the L pupil
B. The L pupil dilates immediately after the light is removed from the L pupil
C. The R pupil constricts when a light is shone into the L pupil
D. The L pupil constricts after the light is removed from the R pupil
C. This reflex refers to the interconnection between the eyes' reactions to light, which should be equal in size and simultaneous in timing
When examining the eyelids, which of the following represents an expected finding?
A. presence of ptosis
B. the upper eyelid covers the superior portion of the iris
C. the eyelids do not meet when the individual is asked to close the eyes.
D. The eyelids present with redness along the margins of the lid
B is the only normal finding. The others may be signs of pathology and should be noted for follow-uo
An intact corneal reflex would be demonstrated by which of the following?
A. A B/L blink
B. A B/L pupillary constriction
C. A B/L horizontal deviation of the eye
D. B/L tearing
A. The function of this reflex is to protect the eyes from damage by foreign objects
In the Snellen chart, the numerator represents the:
A. distance a normal person could read a particular line
B. distance that a person stands away from the chart
C. % of the number of letters that an individual can read on a particular line
D. number of feet that a person has to move forward to read a particular line
The red reflex is caused by the:
A. refraction of light off of the conjunctiva
B. reflection of light off of the inner retina
C. reflection of light off of the choroids layer
D. condensation of light as it passes through the aqueous humor
B. The red reflex is created by a reflection of light off of the retina, which lends a red cast to the light by virtue of its own color