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28 Cards in this Set

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Who are knowledgeable, competent, and independent professionals who work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to design and to deliver holistic care ?
- ANA ( American Nurses Association)
Who first used the term "Nursing Process" in 1955 ?
- Hall
Name the 5 steps in the nursing process ?
1.) Asses
2.) Nursing Diagnoses
3.) Expected outcome and plan
4.) Implement
5.) Evaluate
Define the first step in the nursing process ?
assessing is the first step which mean:
- collecting
- validating
- communicating of patient data
Define the second step of the nursing process ?
- the second step is nursing Diagnoses
- analyzing patient data to identify patient strengths and problems
What is the third step in the nursing process?
- expecting outcome planning
Define Planning ?
- patients outcomes and related nursing interventions
Name the fourth step in the nursing process?
- implement
Define Implement ?
- carrying out the plan of care
what is the 5th step in the nursing process?
- Evaluate
Define Evaluate ?
- Measuring extent to which patient achieved outcome results.
why are the five steps of the nursing process interrelated ?
- because each step depends on the accuracy of the steps preceding it .
What are the 5 characteristics of the nursing process?
1.) systematic
2.) dynamic
3.) interpersonal
4.) outcome oriented
5.) universally applicable
Define Systematic ?
- part of an ordered sequence of activities
Define Dynamic ?
- great interaction and overlapping among the 5 steps
In the nursing process do all the five stages occur simultaneously ?
Yes, because it is presented as a orderly progression of steps in reality there is great interaction and overlapping among the 5 steps .
Define Interpersonal ?
- human being is always at the heart of nursing
Define Outcome Oriented ?
- nurses and patients to work together to identify specific outcome.
Define Universally Applicable in nursing situations ?
- a framework for all nursing activities
Names a few word and phases that describe the nursing process?
- Systematic
- dynamic
- interpersonal
-outcome oriented
- universally applicable
Name the 4 problem solving in the nursing process ?
- trail and error problem
- scientific problem solving
- intuitive thinking
-Critical thinking: intuitive, logical or both
Define Trail and error problem solving ?
-involves testing and any number of solutions until one is found that works for that particular problem
Define Scientific problem solving ?
- is a systematic seven step problem solving process.
Names the 7 steps of the Scientific problem solving process ?
-1.) problem identification
2.) data collection
3.) hypothesis formulation
4.) plan of action
5.) hypothesis testing
6.) interpretation of results
7.) evaluation, resulting in conclusion or revision of the study
Define Critical thinking ?
- critical thinking is logical, scientific, and evidence-based, it also promotes clinical reasoning that is creative and intuitive
Name the 4 blended skills ?
1.) cognitive skills
2.) Technical Skills
3.) Interpersonal Skills
4.) Ethical/legal skills
names the considerations when posed with a thinking challenge ?
- adequacy of knowledge
- potential problem
- helpful resources
- critique of judgment/ decision
what is the first step in thinking of a critically situation ?
- might be to make a judgement about particular patient or situation or to make a decision about how best to intervene