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119 Cards in this Set

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One simple strategy for promoting weight loss without serious risk may involve

wasting energy by fidgeting

____ is a key dietary factor for inducing obesity

High-fuctose corn syrup

Which of the following is used by the text author to explain why people exhibitdifferences in metabolic efficiency?

Metabolic efficiency is advantageous for surviving a famine

In what sense could a fall in leptin levels be considered as a hunger signal?

Reduced leptin levels remove and inhibitory influence on NPY/AGRP neurons

Which of the following is true of leptin

Obese humans have high plasma leptin levels and are insensitive to leptin injection

In what sense could a fall in leptin levels be considered as a hunger signal?

Reduced leptin levels remove an inhibitory influence on NPY/AGRP neurons

A genetic cause of obesity may be related to a variation in

the MC4 receptor

In a five-year follow-up of persons who lost weight in a fifteen-week behavioral program, some ______ percent were able to maintain their weight loss


The most effective form of bariatric surgical procedures for obesity involves

a gastric bypass in which the jejunum is connected to a small stomach pouch

The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure produces weight loss by

decreasing plasma ghrelin levels

A serious difficulty with the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure is

the risk of death after the procedure

Drugs such as fenfluramine that were used to treat obesity exerted and inhibition of appetite by

acting as a serotonin agonist in the brain

an important determinant of body weight in adult humans is the

amount of physical exercise a person gets each day

Which of the following would be expected to be useful for the treatment of obesity

a drug that activates leptin, CCK, CART, or MC4 receptors

The distinction between bulimia and anorexia nervosa is that

anorexia nervosa involves weight loss, while bulimia involves binging

a Key aspect of anorexia nervosa is

an intense fear of obesity

The obsession with food noted in anorexia may be related to

elevated levels of CCK in the brain

Which of the following is true of the success rate of therapy for anorexia nervosa

the treatment success rate has not improved in 50 years

the serotonin fluoxetine may be useful for the treatment of the eating disorder known as


In addition to partial paralysis after a stroke, Mr. V. showed a loss of

understanding of the long-term implications of his stroke

the text author asserts that _____ have key consequences for survival and reproduction

emotional behviors

the major components of an emotional response include

behavior, autonomic activity, and hormonal secretions

Which of the following is a key function of the hormonal secretions that accompany an emotion

formation of glucose within the muscles

Damage to the _____ would be expected to disrupt the integration of fear


Neurons within the amygdala are activated by

detection of emotionally relevant stimuli

activation of the ____ nucleus of the amygdala elicits an emotional response


Based on the evidence cited in your text, which brain region would be considered as a key target for pharmacological modification to provide relief for a person suffering from overly intense emotional reactions?

the central nucleus of the amygdala

Infusion of excitatory amino acid glutamate in the central nucleus of the amygdala of a rat would be expected to elicit

behavioral signs of fear

Inactivation of the central amygdaloid nucleus results in

reduced blood levels of stress hormones

exposure to ______ will automatically produce a fear reaction in most species

loud unexpected noises

An intact ____ is required in order for a conditioned emotional response to alter blood pressure

lateral hypothalamus

the expression of emotional responses is inhibited by inputs from the

ventromedial prefrontal cortex

a formal definition of aggressive behaviors

includes those behaviors involved in predation

Which of the following is true of threat behaviors

Threat behaviors resolve conflicts without hurting the involved organisms

Imagine that all members of your class have been tested to determine the level of the serotonin metabolite 5-HIAA in their cerebrospinal fluid. Which of the following would you predict using this information?

Male classmates with low 5-HIAA levels are unlikely to be alive 10 yrs from now

Recent research suggests that emotions may play the most important role in the formation

moral judgments

a general function of the prefrontal cortex may be to

dampen or inhibit emotional reactions

______ is an example of a personal moral dilemma

throwing another person onto a grenade in order to save a larger group

The combination of inadequate activation of the _____ and enhanced activation of the _____ may result in excessive anger that results in harm to other persons.

amygdala; prefrontal cortex

Impulsive aggression may reflect ____, which can be treated with _______.

impaired serotonin prefrontal activity; fluoxetine

aggressive behavior is most strongly related to


prenatal exposure to androgens

increases aggressive behavior in all studied species

studies using primates suggest that alcohol promotes aggression but only

in dominant male moneys during the mating season when testosterone levels are high

a person with damage to the amygdala would have a selective advantage for a career as a


Alzheimer's disease patients who show degeneration of the ____ are more likely to forget emotionally traumatic events such as the Kope earthquake in 1995.


the autonomic component of an emotional response functions to

mobilize energy for vigorous movement

the proposition that facial expressions of emotion are innate is supported by the observation that

the same facial expression for an emotion is observed in all cultures

the ability to recognize emotions expressed by others is most likely to be impaired after damage to the

right hemisphere

PET studies indicate that the comprehension of emotion from tone of voice increased the activity to the

right frontal cortex

The amygdala is involved in the recognition of ____ communicated via ______

fear; facial expression

Pure word defense is produced by damage to the _______ cortex

left temporal

The observation that a person with _____ cannot understand speech but can infer emotion from _____ suggest that word recognition and emotional vocal recognition are independent functions.

pure word deafness; tone of voice

Which of the following is true of the role of the amygdala for the recognition of emotion?

Amygdala damage impairs the ability to use facial expressions for emotion recognition

Because the amygdala receives input from cortical and subcortical sources, a person made blind by cortical damage ________

can recognize facial emotional expressions

damage to the amygdala can impair recognition of _______ but not _______.

facial emotion expression; recognition of emotion using tone of voice

Rapid recognition of facial emotional expression is mediated by signals carried by the ______ system


The emotion of disgust involves activation of neurons within the

insular cortex

People with volitional facial paresis are unable to

voluntarily move the facial muscles

which disorder would greatly impair the capacity of a person to succeed in acting?

volitional facial paresis

with regard to facial emotional expression

negative emotions are more strongly expressed on the left side of the face

the muscular movements that are involved in laughter are controlled by neurons within the

anterior cingulate cortex

a chimeric face

is created by pasting different facial images to form a single unit

the unique aspect of Patient S.P. is that after removal of her right amygdala, she

was unable to recognize her own facial emotional expressions

according to the James-Lange theory, feelings of emotions are

produced by feedback from behaviors and physiological responses

which statement best illustrates the James-Lange theory of emotion

laugh and you will be happy

according to the James-Lange theory of emotion, which of the following is most important for the subjective experience of an emotion?

sensory feedback from muscles and internal organs

which of the following results from studies of people with spinal cord injuries supports the James-Lange theory of emotion?

the higher the spinal cord injury, the intensity of the reported feeling was greater

sugides by Ekman and colleagues suggest that

simulated facial emotional expression changes sympathetic activity

Ekman's research on the recognition of facial emotion expression

showed that all cultures are able to recognize six basic emotions

Which of the following is true of learning?

Learning involves the modification of the nervous system by experiences

Your ability to recognize a series of tones, such as the opening notes of "The Star Spangled Banner," is an instance of ____ that likely involves the _____.

perceptual learning; auditory association cortex

You are listening to a song on the radio while doing your homework. The phone rings. Your mother has called to tell you that your favorite uncle has died after being hit by a car. Three months later, you again hear the same song and suddenly feel very sad. In this example, the unconditional response is

feeling sad when your mother calls with the bad news

The _____ states that a weak synapse will be strengthened if its activation occurs at the same time that the postsynaptic neuron fires.

Hebb rule

The key function of instrumental conditioning is to allow the organism to

adjust behavior according to its consequences

Which of the following is true of motor learning?

Motor learning involves changes in the motor pathways.

Rational learning involves changes in

connections between different regions of sensory association cortex

an example of relational learning is

forming a mental map of a room based on your experience in the room

Simple perceptual learning involves

the recognition of particular stimuli or categories of stimuli

The major finding of the study by Standing (1973), in which subjects were shown 10,000 slides and then tested for recognition at various times thereafter, was that

people were able to recognize most of the slides for a time interval of weeks

The ventral stream of visual association cortex continues into the _____ and carries information relating to ______

inferior temporal cortex; object recognition

Damage to human visual association cortex would be expected to impair the ability to

recognize familiar objects

the MT/MST region of the visual association cortex is key for the

perception of movement

Memories for a stimulus or an event can be retained in _____, which lasts for ____

short-term memory; a few seconds

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can disrupt neural circuits in awake humans. The notion that short-term memory (STM) for a visual stimulus involves continued activation of the appropriate visual association cortex is supported by studies in which

TMS applied to the ventral stream disrupted STM for a visual pattern

The ____ plays a key role in short-term memory for all sensory systems

prefrontal cortex

In a conditioned emotional response (CER) study, a tone is paired with a foot shock for a rat. After several trials, the tone alone is a CS that can elicit fear emotional responses. Which of the following is true of the anatomy of this fear response?

The central nucleus of the amygdala integrates the pairing of tone and shock information

In a conditioned emotional response (CER) study, a tone is paired with a foot shock for a rat. After several trials, the tone alone is a CS that can elicit fear emotional response. Which of the following is true of the physiology of the fear response?

Damage to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala impairs CER learning

The notion that learning a conditioned emotional response to a tone involves long-term potentiation is supported by studies in which

CE learning is blocked when a drug prevents the insertion of AMPA receptors into dendritic spines

Instrumental conditioning involves strengthening connections between

circuits that detect a stimulus and motor control circuits that produce a response

Which of the following is important for the acquisition of complex behaviors that become routine?

As a person becomes proficient in the behavior, the control of the process is transferred to the basal ganglia

The neostriatum is composed of the

caudate nucleus and the putamen

The flow of information into and from the basal ganglia is:

sensory signals-caudate nucleus/putamen-globus pallidus-frontal cortex/primary motor cortex

Damage to the caudate nucleus/putamen in rats would be expected to

impair instrumental conditioning

The behavior of an animal is strongly reinforced by electrical stimulation of the

medial forebrain bundle

James Olds and Peter Milner reported that electrical stimulation of rat brain

could have reinforcing effects

Which of the following is an outcome related to the discovery by Olds and Milner of "pleasure centers" in the brain?

Drugs of abuse appear to act via the same circuits discovered by Olds and Milner

The ___ pathways connects the ventral segmental area with the nucleus accumbens


Reinforcing effects of electrical brain stimulation and of drugs such as amphetamine reflect an action on ____ projections of the ____

dopamine; mesolimbic pathway

Studies by Schultz and colleagues suggest that release of dopamine within the nucleus accumbens

does not occur for an expected reinforcing stimulus (fruit juice)

People with anterograde amnesia

show impairment of complex relational learning

People with retrograde amnesia cannot

recall events that occurred prior to the brain injury

Patient H.M. developed ___ following bilateral damage to his _____

anterograde amnesia; medial temporal lobe

Based on the stud of Patient H.M., it has been concluded that

the hippocampus converts immediate memories into long-term memories

Based on the study of Patient H.M. it has been concluded that the hippocampus is

not required for retrieval of long-term memories

An example of a task that measures perceptual learning would be

recognizing broken drawings

One string aspect of H.M.'s memory deficit is that he could learn some new tasks, but is unaware of having learned them.

could learn some new tasks, but is unaware of having learned them

The most important input of the hippocampus is from

the entorhinal cortex

Which of the following is an explanation of hippocampal damage produced by anoxia?

activation of NMDA receptors produces an accumulation of calcium ions, which is toxic to the neuron

The ___ hippocampal formation is activated by ___

right; spatial information

a person with semantic dementia would be expected to show

a difficulty in recalling factual information

The Morris water maze can be viewed as a test of ___ when the rats are ___.

relational learning; released from a different point of the maze on each trial

dyslexia refers to

word blindness

acquired dyslexia refers to a reading difficulty that

results from brain damage after the person has learned to read

a person wo suffers from surface dyslexia

is unable to use whole-word reading

individuals with phonological dyslexia have

reading unfamiliar words

A Japanese person who suffers from surface dyslexia would be expected to

have difficulty in reading kanji symbols

Developmental dyslexias

run in families and may have a genetic basis

the general term used to refer to an impairment of writing is


____ refers to a deficit in ____

Orthographic dysgraphia; visually-based writing