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78 Cards in this Set

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Life on Earth most likely originated from?

Nonliving Materials

Species are the basic units of what?


Evolutionary trees help us do what?

Conceptualize and Categorize biodiversity

What were the early earth atmospheric gasses?

CO2, N2,CH4, NH3,H2,H2S

Who were the two people who developed a simple 4-step expirement that demonstrated how complex organic molecules could have arisen in earth's early environment?

Stanley Miller and Harold Urey

What could happen under conditions similar to those on early earth?

Small organic molecules can form

RNA can what?


RNA can ____________ necessary for replication.

Catalyze reactions

Membranes make numerous aspects of...

Metabolism possible

What does mixtures of phospholipids in water spontaneously form?


What do microspheres formed around RNA molecules have?

A protocell

How did the first organisms on earth arise?

1) Formation of small molecules containing carbon and hydrogen, 2)formation of self-replicating, information-containing molecules, 3)Development of a membrane

What is the Earliest form of life on earth.

Fossils of 3.5 billion year old cells that may have been among the first living organisms on earth.

Species are the what?

Basic units of biodiversity

Species Definition

Natural populations of organisms that interbreed and cannot interbreed with organisms outside of their group.

Species is...

Labels for different kinds of organisms.

Two key features of the biological species concept:

1) actually interbreeding or could possibly interbreed, 2) "natural populations"

What are the barriers to Reproduction?

1) Prezygotic barriers, 2) postzygotic barriers

Prezygotic Barriers

Individuals are physically unable to mate with each other, or if individuals can mate the males reproductive cell is unable to fertilize the female's reproductive cell.


Matings produce hybrid individuals that do not survive long after fertilization, or hybrid offspring survive they are infertile or have reduced fertility.

Prozygotic Mating Barriers

Occur after fertilization, Generally prevent the production of fertile offspring, hybrids

How do we name species?

With a Hierarchical System

What are the 2 parts consisting to names?

Genus plus specific epithet

Each species on earth is given a unique name using a what?

Hierarchical system of classification

What are the three domains every species on earth falls into?

Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya

The Biological Species Concept doesnt work for...

Classifying asexual species, Classifying fossil species, determining when one species has changed to amother, Classifying ring species, Classifying hybridizing species

Why Classifying Asexual Species does not work with the biological species concept

Asexual reproduction does not involve interbreeding.

Why Classifying Fossil Species does not work with the biological species concept

Differences in size and shape of fossil bones cannot reveal wether there was reproductive isolation between the individuals from which the bones came.

Why Determining when one Species has changed into another does not work with the biological species concept

There is rarely a definitive moment marking the transition from one species to another.

Why Classifying Ring Species does not work with the biological species concept

Two non-interbreeding populations may be connected to each other by gene flow through another population, so there is no exact point where one species stops and the other begins.

Why Classifying Hybridizing Species does not work with the biological species concept

Hybridization- the interbreeding of closely related species- sometimes occurs and produces fertile offspring, suggesting that the borders between the species are not clear cut.

The Morphological Species Concept...

Focuses on aspects of organisns other than reproductive isolation as defining features, Characterizes species based on physical features such as body size and shape, can be used effectively to classify asexual species.

The biological species concept is useful when describing what?

Most plants and Animals

The biological species concept falls short when representing a what?

universal and definitive way of distinguishing many life forms.

How do new species arise?

One species splits into two distinct species.

What are the two distinct phasses for speciation?

Reproductive Isolation, and Genetic divergence

Steps to Allopatric Speciation

1) Inital population, 2) Reproductive Isolation, 3) Genetic Divergence

Speciation definition

The process by which one species splits into two distinct species that are repriductively isolated

Speciation can occur by polyploidy or by...

combination of reproductive isolation and genetic divergence.

What can help conceptualize and categorize biodiversity?

Evolutionary trees

The tree reveals the evolutionary history of all what?

Species and the sequence of speciation events that gave rise to them.

Evolutionary trees show what?

Ancestor-descendant relationships

Monophyletic Groups

A group in which all of the individuals are more closely related to each other than to any individuals outside of that group.

What determines Monophyletic Groups?

Determined by looking at the nodes of trees.

Members of a Monophyletic Group share what?

A common ancestor and all the decendants of that ancestor.

How are evolutionary trees constructed?

By comparing similarities and differences among organisms.

How to esimate how long it has been since they shared a common ancestor?

By comparing DNA sequences.

What do evolutionary trees represent?

An attempt to describe which groups are most closely related to which othwr groups.

Homologous traits definition

Features that are inherited from a common ancestor

Analogous traits

Features produced by convergent evolution

How do you know whether traits are homologous or analogous?

DNA analysis

Evolutionary trwes are best constructed by comparing organisms' __________ rather than comparing physical similarities.

DNA sequences

Convergent evolution can cause distantly related organisms to appear...

Closely related, but doesn't increase their DNA sequence similarity.

Short term results


Long-term results


The process of evolution in conjunction with reproductive isolation is sufficient to what?

produce speciation and the rich diversity of life on earth.

The pace of evolution does what?

Varies for different species.

2 types of pace of evolution

Gradual change, and punctuated equilibrium

The pace at which evolution occurs can be what?

Rapid or slow

Adaptive Radiation

Adaptive Radiation occurs when a small number of species diversify into a larger number of species. Three phenomena tend to trigger adaptive radiation.

3 types of Adaptive Radiation

Mass extinction events, colonization events, evolutionary innovations

What are the 2 categories of extinction

Mass Extinctions, Background Extinction

Mass extinctions are caused by...

Extraordinary and sudden changes to the environment

Background extinctions are caused by...

Natural Selection

As new species are created...

Others are lost through extinction

Extinction may be a consequence of...

Natural selection, large sudden changes in the environment.

Mass extinctions when?

A large number of species become extinct over a short period of time.

What are the 3 domains of life?

Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya


Bacteria originated from...

Self-replicating, metabolizing cells

There was a split line between ________ and a line that gave rise to the _______ and ________.

Bacteria, archaea, and eukarya

The fusion of a _________ and a ___________________ gave rise to the eukarya, which then split from the archaea line.

Bacterium, archaeon-like prokaryote

What do all bacteria have in common?

Single-celled organisms with no nucleus or organelles, one or more circular molecules of DNA, several methods of exchanging genetic information, asexual organisms

Bacteria have a much broader diversity of...

Metabolic and reproductive abilities than do the eukarya.

What are the 5 groups for the archaea exhibit based on their physiological features?

Thermophiles, Halophiles, High- and low- PH tolerant, High- pressure tolerant, Methanogens

Archaea physically resembles ______ but are more closely related to ______.

Bacteria, eukarya

What are the 4 kingdoms of Eukarya?

1. Protist, 2. Plants, 3. Fungi, 4. Animals

All living organisms that can be seen with the naked eye are...

Eukarya, including plants, animals, fungi, and protists

The _______ are unique among the three domains in that they have cells with organelles.
