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47 Cards in this Set

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Progressive movement
Time when members of progressers belived the government could fix the ills of society
Juvenile Justice System
-Punished and tried younger offenders differently from adults
-Established in 1915
Child Labor Laws
-Established in 1930
-Prevented children from doing harsh labor in bad conditions
-Women's Christian Temperance Unit
-Advocated for states to be "dry"
18th Amendment
-Prohibited the manufacturing, transportation, and selling of alcohol
-Ratified in 1919
-Also known as prohibiton
19th Amendment
-Gave women the right to vote
-Ratified in 1930
-GA never ratified
-36 states had to ratify for it to become a law
Populist Party
-Political party that supports the common people against the priviledged elite
-Supported Austrailian Ballot
Farmer's Alliance
-Farmer's orginization
-Joined with labor unions to form the populist party
The Grange
-Farmers orginization
County unit system
-Smaller counties got 2 votes
-Larger counties got 6 votes
(121 small counties)
(8 big counties)
-Beacame illegal
Progressive movement
Time when members of progressers belived the government could fix the ills of society
Juvenile Justice System
-Punished and tried younger offenders differently from adults
-Established in 1915
Child Labor Laws
-Established in 1930
-Prevented children from doing harsh labor in bad conditions
-Women's Christian Temperance Unit
-Advocated for states to be "dry"
18th Amendment
-Prohibited the manufacturing, transportation, and selling of alcohol
-Ratified in 1919
-Also known as prohibiton
19th Amendment
-Gave women the right to vote
-Ratified in 1930
-GA never ratified
-36 states had to ratify for it to become a law
Populist Party
-Political party that supports the common people against the priviledged elite
-Supported Austrailian Ballot
Farmer's Alliance
-Farmer's orginization
-Joined with labor unions to form the populist party
The Grange
-Farmers orginization
County unit system
-Smaller counties got 2 votes
-Larger counties got 6 votes
(121 small counties)
(8 big counties)
-Beacame illegal
To draw up an election that benifiets a certain group
Grandfather Clause
Only men whose fathers/grandfathers who voted are allowed to vote
Poll tax
A tax paid to vote
National Urban League
Orginization to help urban dwellers
-Activists who worked for african americans rights
-Formed in 1989
-Precursor for U.S to join war
-Ship sunk by Germany
Zimmerman Telegraph
-Telegraph inercepted by the U.S from Germany telling Mexico to attack U.S
Camp Benning
-Training camp for infantry troops
-Opened in 1917
-For WW1
-Where they learned to march
Plessy vs. Fergueson
-Gave states the right to control social discrimination
Seperate, but equal is OK
Upton Sinclair
-The Jungle
-Book about the meat packing industry
Hoke Smith
-Governer that supported white supremacy and anti-black laws
-Created agricultural extension services
Tom Watson
-Wanted to unit all farmers
-Sponsored RFD
Clarke Howell
-Publisher of the Atlanta Constitution
-Ran for governer
Booker T. Washington
Wrote and spoke Atlanta compromise act
Woodrow Wilson
-President during WW1
-Big supporter of League of Nations, but it was not passed
John Pershing
Famous WW1 General
Carrie Nation
-Carried a hatchet around with her
-Destroyed all liquor in bars
Leo Frank
-White jewish man accused of murdering a 14 year old girl
Juliette Gordon Lowe
-Creator of Girl Scouts
John pemberton
-Created the Coca-Cola formula
-Called it a tonic
W.E.B DuBois
-GA educator
-Took the top 10% of African Americans and readied them for higher levels of education
Alonzo Herndon
-Built the largest African American insurance company
John D. Rockefeller
-Built an oil company
Rebecca Latimer Felton
-Speaker against the convict lease system
Martha Berry
-Had a small Sunday school, then began a bigger schol turning it into Berry College
-Nickname=Sunday Lady of Oppossum Trot
John Hope
-President of the National Association of teachers for colored schools
-Started the Atlanta University Center
Mary Harris Armor
-From GA
-GA reformer
-Represented alcoholism for the world in the U.S congress