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56 Cards in this Set

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Nomination by Convention
Just basically when delegates elected by the various committees in the state's political organization, get together in a convention to vote.
National Committee
1. Made up of one man/woman from each state.
a)Chosen in three ways: elected by a state convention, by voters in a statewide election, or chosen by the state central committee.
b)Its responsible for selecting the city in which the national nomination committee is to be held.
National Nominating Conventions
1. Held during the summer of election year.
2. Held in a great convention hall and the party platform is given.
One-Party System
A political system in which a single political party controls the government and all other parties are banned.
Why was the Electoral College set up?
Those who planned the government were uncertain how successful the people of the new republic would be in choosing wise leaders.
Local Committees
1. Elected by committee members and serve local party leaders.
a)recommendations made for political appointments/candidates for office.
b)they are there basically for harmony; keeping committees from arguing.
Registering to Vote
1. Permanent registration allows a one-time registration to vote for life as long as their address remains the same.
2. Periodic registration allows voters to register before each election or at certain pre-set times.
Third Party
A minor political party in a two-party system.
State Qualifications for Voting
1. Can't deny any citizen to vote based on race, color, or gender.
2. Voting Rights Act in 1965 prohibits states from using literacy tests or any other tests as requirement for voting.
3. A convicted person, a mentally incompetent person, violators of election-laws, or homeless people may not be allowed to vote.
What Happened in the 1992 Election?
Independent Ross Perot ran against Democrat Bill Clinton and Republican George Bush. Although election results gave the nation's highest office to Clinton, Perot won 19% of the votes.
Choosing Convention Delegates
1. Presidential primaries are held.
2. Smaller states often choose candidates by their party leaders in state conventions.
An agreement between two or more political parties to work together to run a government.
What is the difference between an electoral vote and a popular vote?
The electoral vote is the vote cast by the Electoral College for President and V.P. While a popular vote are the votes cast by citizens in a presidential election.
Where are the different political prties found?
One-Party System: Cuba
Two-Party System: U.S.
Multi-Party System: Italy
"Hat in the Ring"
Just means you're going to run for a certain public office.
Multi-Party System
A political system in which many political parties play a role in government.
Electoral College
1. Citizens vote for the presidential candidate (indirectly). They choose the electors.
2. Electors have the same amount of members as there are senators and representatives in the state (538 electors/electoral college).
3. Votes are sent to the Presidents pro Tempore (leader of the Senate).
State Central Committee
1. Chairperson of committee is important (member of the National Committee).
a)Represents the prty organization in each state.
b)Works to raise money for campaigns and help candidates win.
What two states can split their Electoral Votes?
Virginia and Maine
Political Party
An organization of citizens who have similiar views on issues and who work to put their ideas into effect through government action.
Choosing a Presidential Candidate.
1. President and V.P must come from the same party otherwise they would argue and break apart the government.
2. Nomination-roll call taken, delegate makes a speech, and candidate is chosen to run.
3. Favorite son/daughter-popular in their state, but has the least chance of being elected.
4. Balloting-majority needed of roll call procedure votes.
Multi-Party/Third Party System.
1. Can be called a democracy or republic.
2. Allows the people another choice during an election.
a)Can be used to help one
party or the other (1912)
b)Strong showings can have
have an effect on an
election (1992)
General Election
1. Takes place during the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November.
a) Usually held every four years on even-numbered years (President)
2. Voting has changed in history
a)Earlier was "secret". Still have the secret vote, but the machinery has made it easier to county the total votes.
Two-Party system
A political system with two strong political parties.
What are the top 6 states that have the most Electoral Colleges and what are their numbers (in order from greatest to least)?
California: 54
New York: 33
Texas: 32
Floriday: 25
Pennsylvania: 23
Illinois: 22
What Happened in the 1912 Election?
In 1912 Theodore Roosevelt was denied the presidential nomination of the Republican party and organized a third party called the Progressive Party. Roosevel ran for president as the nominee of this party. He was not elected, but he took away enough votes from the Republican Candidate (William Taft), to permit the Democratic Candidate, Woodrow Wilson to win.
Federal Election Commission.
See Seperate Page.
Originating, as in political support, from many individuals rather than from national parties and large organization.
One-Party System
1. Known as dictatorship or totalitarian government.
2. America opposes this type of system because it denies citizens the freedom of speech.
What happens when no presidential candidate receives a majority vote?
Then the House of Representatives picks the President from the top three candidates. While the Senate picks the Vice President if no candidate recieves a majority of votes for V.P.
To select candidates to run for public office.
Political Party Finance
1.Started off with private contributions (can be used as a tax ride-off).
2. Party now serves the pupose of raising money.
3. When large amounts are raised, questions arise. Therefore:
a)Federal Election Campaign Act required every candoidate to report the name of person who contributes $200+ to campaign (DOESN'T deal with the Federal Election Commission).
b)Revenue Act limits the amount GIVEN by individuals to $1000 (primary and general elections).
Advantages of Two-Party System
1. No one party becomes too powerful.
2. Government is set up so that both parties have to work together (coalition).
a)Disadvantage deals with
the introduction of a
multi-party system when
a coalition breaks down.
How many Electoral College are found in D.C.?
A person who runs for election to public office.
Primary Election
1. Divided into two time periods; primary and general. In each, ythe voter votes only for the candidate in their chosen party.
2. Two types; closed primary (only for the candidates in their party) and open primary (for candidates in any party).
a)Exception to the rule=runoff primary (NO MAJORITY, two top vote getters run against each other.
Secret Ballot
A method of voting in which the voter marks a ballot in secret.
Closed Primary
A primary election in which only voters who're members of the party can vote for the party's candidates.
Straight Ticket
A ballot on which a person votes for all the candidates of one political party.
Split Ticket
A ballot on which a person votes for candidates of more than one political party.
Roles of political parties
1. Lets large number of people with similiar ideas get thigns done.
2. Concerned with what actions government should take.
3. Nominate candidates to run for public office.
4. Takes positions on public issues and work to have laws passed.
Polling Place
A place where citizens go to vote.
Runoff Primary
An election in which voters choose between the two leading candidates in a primary to determine the party's candidate in the general election.
Electoral Votes
The votes cast by the Electoral College for president and vice president.
Popular Vote
The votes cast by citizens in a presidential election.
Beginning of the Two-Party System
1. Introduced during Washington's term in office (Federalists were people who favored a strong federal government while an Anti-Federalists were people who favored limiting the power of the central government).
2. Thomas Jefferson (3rd President) was the leader of the democratic-republicans(a.k.a the Anti-Federalists) and Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the Federalists.
Independant Voter
A voter who is not a member of a political party.
Primary Election
An election in which the voters of various parties choose candidates to run for office in a general election.
The Democrats/Republicans
1. The Democrats were introduced by Andrew Jackson (when democratic-republican split up to just the democratic and republicans; was also the 7th President) in 1828 and they believed that the federal gov't benefited the wealthy instead of the common people.
2. Republicans came about to go aginst the ways of slavery in the U.S. (was formed in 1854). Abraham Lincoln (16th President) was introduced as the first president of that party.
Favorite Son or Daughter
A man or a woman, popular in his or her home state, who is nominated for president by the state's delegates on the first ballot at the national nominating convention.
General Election
An election in which the voters elect their leaders.
Electoral College
The group of electors who cast the official votes that elect the president and vice president.
Presidential Primary
A primary election in which voters in a state selet the presidential candidate they wish their delegates to support at the party's national nominating convention.
A person elected by the voters in a presidential election as a member of the Electoral College.
Open primary
A primary election in which voters may vote for the candidates of any party.
A local voting district in a county, city, or ward.