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60 Cards in this Set

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the quality of being a person or a state of being
filipino term for personality by Dr. Virgilio G. Enriquez, father of sikolohiyang pilipinas. puts emphasis on inner self as opposed to katauhan/personalidad
according to An Introduction to Psychology, defines this as constituted by the characeristic patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion that determine a person's adjustment to environment
a neurologist born in Austria during the Victorian Era
Sigmund Freud
analogy of personality according to freud
an iceberg
consists of instincts which are a person's source of psychic energy. it is unconscious, has no contact with reality, and is child-like in its demand for gratification, always seeking pleasure and avoiding pain
id is governed by _____ principle whereas the ego is governed by the ____ principle
pleasure, reality
is partly conscious since it is tasked with higher mental functions such as decision-making, reasoning, and problem-solving; tries to make the pursuit of individual pleasure conform with existing societal considerations
addresses the moral considerations of individual actions
refer to people's unconscious ways of dealing with conflict; ego distorts reality in some way so that it is able to protect itself from anxiety
defense mechanism
works to push unacceptable impulses and traumatic memories back into the unconscious mind and out of awareness
occurs when the ego provides a good reason for a behavior, a reason which may not necessarily be the real (and anxiety-generating) one behind the behavior
is used when failing to accept our own shortcomings and undesirable feelings, we project them onto others and see these others as the ones with the undesirable traits
occurs when we transform an unacceptable impulse by giving expression to its opposite
reaction formation
a defense mechanism which helps a person cope with difficult circumstances such as illness in the family or a philandering spouse
is the psychoanalytic defense mechanism used by individuals who shift unacceptable feelings from one object to another, more acceptable object
a type of displacement, occurs when the ego replaces an unacceptable impulse with a socially approved course of action
occurs when we revert back to the way we used to behave as a younger person, when we assume behaviors which gave us great pleasure during the earlier, less complicated times of our lives
he believed that development of an individual revolves around psychosexual concerns
when infants derive pleasure and reduce tension by sucking, chewing, and biting
oral stage
between ages 18 and 36 months, children derive great pleasure not only from the stimulation of anal muscles(toilet training) but also to achieve tension reduction associated with the elimination of body wastes through the anus
anal stage
associated erogenous zone for children of this age who discover the pleasures of self-stimulation
phallic stage
when male child develops an intense desire to replace his father and to enjoy his mother's affection
oedipus complex
female child envies the male b/c he has a penis, and she doesnt. blaming her mother for the lack of penis, the child renounces her mother and becomes strongly attached to her father
electra complex
stage when emotional energies are supposedly channeled to more acceptable and safe concerns such as the development of social and intellectual skills
latency stage
time of sexual awakening, with the source of sexual pleasure being someone outside of the family
genital stage
the term used when an individual gets locked in an earlier development stage because of under- or over- gratified needs
according to carl jung:
1) analogous to freud's conceptualization of the unconscious mind
2)referred to the impersonal, deepest layer of the unconscious mind shared by all human beings because of our common ancestral past
1) personal unconscious
2) collective unconscious
____ filter people's perceptions and experiences, exerting primordial influences on our collective unconscious
1) passive woman
2) assertive man
3) usually expressed as a figure within a circle
4) our darker, more evil,and immoral self
1) anima
2) animus
3) self
4) shadow
believed in the capacity of individuals to consciously monitor and give direction to our lives; he also believed that social factors are more important than sexual motivation in personality development
Alfred Adler
process of developing one's own abilities in order to overcome real or imagined inferiorities
when ppl try to hide a weakness or deny the existence of a real situation of inferiority
-exaggerated feelings of weakness and inadequacy
-exaggerated self-importance, assumed mainly to mask very strong feelings of inferiority
-inferiority complex
-superiority complex
she rejected the freudian notion that anatomy determines behavior; she thinks the prime motivation among humans is not sex or aggression, but the need for security
Karen Horney
three main strategies that individuals use to cope with life's problems (Horney)
1) being dependent
2) being more independent
3) being aggressive
1) moving towards people, seeking love and support
2) moving away from people
3) moving against people, becoming competitive and domineering
russian psychologist created classical conditioning interventions
Ivan Pavlov
american psychologist created operant conditioning ones; father of behaviorism
John Watson
for him, a person's personality is simply a collection of his/her observable behavior and outward/overt behaviors, all of which were learned through a series of reward and punishment experiences
B.F. Skinner
approach to study of personality
1) when s-stimulus and r-response
2) where the box represents an individual about whom nothing needs be known to understand his/her behavior
1) S-R approach
2) "black box" approach
more cognitive interpretations of behavior
cognitive social learning theory of personality
refers to a belief of a person that certain behaviors will probably lead to the attainment of important goals (Julian Rotter)
in this theory, one must consider how a person views and constructs the world as he or she experiences it (George Kelly)
personal constructs
the ability of an individual to delay immediate satisfaction for a more desirable outcome in the near future
delay of gratification
when seeing someone else rewarded for a good behavior or punished for a bad one (Walter Mischel)
vicarious learning
concept when he/she believes that he/she can master a situation so that it will lead to positive outcomes
emphasizes the importance of an individual's unique view of the world in trying to understand personality
phenomenological perspective
carl roger:
"i will praise/love you only if you conform to our standards"
conditional positive regard
refers to an individual's overall perceptions of his or her own abilities, behavior, and personality
self as a result of experiences
real self
the self the person would like to be
ideal self
recognizing each other's worth and dignity
unconditional positive regard
needs that are related to an individual's physiological needs and psychological needs
deficiency needs
refer to such higher needs as the need for truth, beauty, goodness, wholeness, vitality, uniqueness, perfection, and justice; metaneeds or self-actualizing needs
growth needs
process which aimed at making psychological concepts, theories, and methods more culturally meaningful
three reflections of filipino personality:
1) pagkatawo: ginhawa, buot, isip, dungan, kalag
2) bait, muni, hatol
3) kaluluwa, budhi, katauhang panlabas, katauhang panloob
1) Ma'aram concept
2) Baltazar
3) Covar
1) one of the personality traits that cuts across cultures:
2) outwardness of a person's orientation
3) referring to a person's power and mobility in a horizontal direction
(Mcrae and Costa)
1) sociability
2) extraversion
3) surgency or social potency
seoond trait factor(Mcrae and Costa) as a human universal is; when a person, no matter his or her cultural background, may be anywhere on a continuum describing the individual as irritable, ruthless, and selfish on one end, and good-natured, soft-hearted, and selfless on the other
trait characterized by "careless-careful", "undependable-reliable", and "negligent-conscientious"
assesses an individual's emotional stability