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36 Cards in this Set

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Eli Whitney
School teacher that invented the cotton gin in 1793
cotton gin
machine which removed seeds quickly from cotton and made cotton cloth cheaper to make. A valuable crop in the South.
people who spent much time trying to outlaw slavery
Sojourner Truth
A freed black women who spoke out against slavery (an abolitionist)
Harriet Beecher Stowe
An author from Connecticut, wrote a novel called Uncle Tom's Cabin, in which she portrayed the evils of slavery.
Underground Railroad
a system of secret escape routes and hiding places that developed between the southern states and Canada
Harriet Tubman
One of the most famous leaders of the underground railroad. An escaped slave from Maryland
Free States
States not allowing people to own slaves
Slave states
States that allowed people to own slaves
A decision that tries to satisfy both sides of an argument.
Abraham Lincoln
Indiana Farm Boy, Honest Abe, Elected the 16th president in 1860
Stephen A. Douglas
a democrat senator who sought to pass a bill which would allow settlers in new states to own slaves
Confederate States of America
South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas.
Jefferson Davis
President of the Confederate States of America
Missouri Compromise
The compromise made in 1820 admitting Missouri to the Union and establishing law concerning the admission of new slave states
Union Soldiers
called yankees, wore blue uniforms and marched beneath the stars and stripes
Confederate Army
Wore gray and waved their own confederate battle flag.
an old ship that the Union sunk and and Confederates covered it with iron plates

An ironclad ship
The Union's version of an ironclad ship
Emancipation Proclamation
President Lincoln announced on January 1, 1863, all slaves would be considered free in any states that were fighting against the North
13th Amendment
Gave all slaves in the United States and her territories their freedom
Ulysses S. Grant
Leader of the union troops / Lincoln's most valuable General
Known as Unconditional Surrender Grant
General Robert E. Lee
head of the Confederate army
General Stonewall Jackson
General Lee's most valuable assistant
William Harvey Carney
Black American Union soldier who rescued the "Stars and Stripes" from a wounded flag bearer in the heat of battle.
Battle of Fort Sumter
the first battle of the Civil War
Frederick Douglas
black statesman who helped President Lincoln recruit blacks to fight for the Union
Battle of Gettysburg
The south lost this battle but it was the turning point of the war won by the North
Battle of Vicksburg
Union army won control of the Mississippi River, it stopped the Confederates from being able to send supplies from one side to the other.
Appomattox Court House, Virginia
The town in which Lee surrendered to Grant
John Wilkes Booth
The man who shot President Lincoln
In God We Trust
Motto during the civil war/ Official National motto given in 1956
Clara Barton
Founder of the American Red Cross
Pony Express
the mail route between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California. Opened in 1860
transcontinental railroad
railroad that connected the Atlantic with the Pacific
Union Pacific Company & Central Pacific Company
The two railroad companies that worked with each other to connect the East and West