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55 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following terms is defined as the study of structure by means of the cutting and separation of tissues test ?

A) percussion
B) auscultation
C) dissection
D) palpation
Which of the following terms is defined as examining the body for signs of normalcy or disease by touching structures with the finger tips?

A) percussion
B) auscultation
C) dissection
D) palpation
Which of the following terms is defined as examining the body for signs of normalcy or disease by listening to the natural sounds made by the body such as heart and lung sounds?

A) percussion
B) auscultation
C) dissection
D) palpation
Which of the following terms is defined as examining the body for signs of normalcy or disease by listening to a sound while tapping on the body?
A) palpation
B) auscultation
C) dissection
D) percussion
Which of the following scientists were the first to describe blood flow as a continuous circuit around the body from the heart to the organs and back to the heart again?
A) Harvey and Galen
B) Aristotle and Plato
C) Servetus and Harvey
D) Vesalius and Servetus
Servetus and Harvey
The word "physiology" is derived from the word "physiologi" which was first used by this scientist when identifying diseases caused by natural phenomenon rather than those attributed to supernatural causes.
A) Galen
B) Hippocrates
C) Aristotle
D) Vesalius
Anatomy is defined as
A) the study of life.
B) the study of function.
C) the study of tissues.
D) the study of structure.
the study of structure.
Physiology can be defined as
A) the study of life.
B) the study of function.
C) the study of tissues.
D) the study of structure.
the study of function.
Which of the following subdisciplines of physiology deals with the study of hormones and their effects?
A) histology
B) neurophysiology
C) endocrinology
D) pathophysiology
Which of the following terms is used to describe our ability to sense and react to a variety of stimuli?
A) metabolism
B) responsiveness
C) differentiation
D) compartmentalization
In the hierarchy of organization of living things, which of the following is the simplest level at which we see all the basic functions of life?
A) organelles
B) molecules
C) tissues
D) cells
Which of the following scientists is the famous Italian physiologist who published the first atlas of anatomy, De Humani Corporis Fabrica in 1543?
A) Michael Servetus
B) Andreas Vesalius
C) Ibn Sina
D) Moses ben Maimon
Andreas Vesalius
In a feedback loop, which of the following components carries out the response necessary to restore homeostasis in an unbalanced system?
A) receptor
B) control central
C) effector
D) activator
Which type of feedback loop will result in a self-amplification response in the same direction, rather than lead to a corrective effect?
A) negative feedback loop
B) positive feedback loop
C) homeostatic control mechanisms
D) equilibrium balancing loop
positive feedback loop
Which medical imaging technique is most useful for visualizing soft http://www.flashcardexchange.com/mycards/add/659801
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A) radiography
B) magnetic resonance imaging
C) sonography
D) positron emission tomography
magnetic resonance imaging
Which of the following medical imaging techniques is used to assess the metabolic state of tissue?
A) radiography
B) magnetic resonance imaging
C) sonography
D) positron emission tomography
positron emission tomography
Which of the following methods of medical imaging uses sound wave reverberations to visualize internal organs?
A) radiography
B) magnetic resonance imaging
C) sonography
D) positron emission tomography
Which level of organization of living things represents more than one cell type sharing a common function?
A) organism
B) cell
C) tissue
D) organelle
Complex, multicellular organisms usually consist of multiple
A) tissues.
B) organs.
C) organ systems.
D) All of the above.
All of the above.
A person can be declared legally dead if he or she has
A) very slow reflexes.
B) an erratic heartbeat.
C) weakened respiration.
D) no brain waves for 24 hours.
no brain waves for 24 hours.
True or False
Humans are genetically most closely related to the gorilla.
True or False
Repair of the thumb is given the highest priority when repairing damage to the hand.
True or False
Color vision is a hallmark of primate evolution and adaptation.
True or False
Anatomical terms coined from the names of people are called nomina anatomica.
Which scientist treated Roman gladiators and published a highly regarded medical textbook based on his observations and animal dissections?
Who is considered the father of modern medicine?
Which scientist was famous for having recorded his observations of "little anamacules" and is therefore one of the first scientists credited with having examined life at a microscopic level?
Antony van Leeuwenhoek
Which scientist improved the optics of the compound light microscope, added several controls, and was later the first to describe "cellulae" (little cells) when describing what he saw when looking at cork cells?
Robert Hooke
True or False
A law of nature describes in general the predictable ways in which matter and energy behave.
True or False
Scientists and lawyers use the word "theory" in the same way.
True or False
Carl Zeiss is one of the scientists credited with having improved the compound light microscope such that chromatic aberrations were significantly minimized.
True or False
Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden are the two scientists credited with having been the first to conclude that all living things are composed of cells.
The philosophers credited with having invented new habits of scientific thought and therefore turning science into what is recognized today as a more objective and systematic approach to information research are.
Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes
True or False
The purpose of a hypothesis is to suggest a method for answering a specific question.
The main contribution of all the scientists and philosophers discussed in this first chapter was that they
helped replace superstition with an appreciation of natural laws

were pioneers in establishing a scientific way of thinking

bridged the chasm between mystery and medication
In scientific research, understanding nature can be described as either fact, theory, or a law of nature. Which of the following describes a level of knowledge that can be used to predict how matter and energy behave?
A) fact
B) theory
C) law of nature
law of nature
Which kind of statement is intended to summarize what is already known, predict what might happen, and suggest directions for further study?
A) a statement of fact
B) a statement of theory
C) a statement of principle or law of nature
D) a hypothetical statement
a statement theory
Proper experimental design includes all of the following except
A) statistical treatment of the results.
B) a very small sample size to prevent random or chance results.
C) methods to prevent experimenter bias such as the double-blind method.
D) the control group receives similar treatment to that of the experimental group, except for the test variable.
a very small sample size to prevent random or chance results.
Evolution can be defined as a change in genetic composition of a population of organisms. Which of the following terms describes the mechanism believed to be responsible for such changes?
A) selection pressures
B) natural selection
C) survival of the fittest
D) adaptations
survival of the fittest
During human evolution, humans have developed all of the following characteristics: color and stereoscopic vision, bipedalism, and a prehensile hand.
A) True
B) False
Which of the following is the correct evolutionary sequence for our species?
A) Australopithecus-Homo erectus-Homo sapiens-Homo habilis
B) Homo habilis-Homo sapiens-Australopithecus-Homo erectus
C) Australopithecus-Homo habilis-Homo erectus-Homo sapiens
D) Homo erectus-Homo habilis-Homo sapiens-Australopithecus
Australopithecus-Homo habilis-Homo erectus-Homo sapiens
(ital)Situs inversus (/ital) and horseshoe kidney are examples of:
A) anatomical variation
B) fatal diseases
C) reductionism
D) adaptations
atamomical variation
What part of a feedback loop processes information and determines an appropriate response?
A) receptor
B) effector
C) set point
D) integrator
An organ is a mass of similar cells that forms a discrete region of our body.
A) True
B) False
If you become overheated, which of the following negative feedback mechanisms are used to lower your body temperature?
A) sweating and vasoconstriction of surface blood vessels
B) shivering and vasoconstriction of surface blood vessels
C) sweating and vasodilation of surface blood vessels
D) shivering and vasodilation of surface blood vessels
sweating and vasodilation of surface blood vessels
If a scientist were to speculate about the causes of a phenomenon without any definitive proof, it would be a/an:
A) hypothesis
B) theory
C) law of nature
D) fact
E) double blind
Development is a characteristic of life that involves:
A) metabolism
B) excretion
C) differentiation
D) assimilation
E) reproduction
Which of the following are important aspects of experimental design?
A) statistical testing
B) control groups
C) sample size
D) psychosomatic effects
E) all of the above
statistical testing
control groups
sample size
psychosomatic effects
Humans are differentiated from other primates because they have
A) a hollow nerve chord.
B) an internal skeleton.
C) endothermy.
D) opposable thumbs.
E) bipedalism
A) had six incisors.
B) was bipedal.
C) had a larger brain than Homo sapiens.
D) was a type of monkey.
E) was not multicellular
was bipedal
The theory of evolution
A) is based on very little documented evidence.
B) is irrelevant to the study of modern physiology.
C) explains the slight variance in DNA structure between chimpanzees and humans.
D) does not relate to bacterial resistance.
E) predicts what new species will look like prior to their appearance on earth.
explains the slight variance in DNA structure between chimpanzees and humans.
The early scientist who was the first to discover the role of the heart, arteries, and veins in blood circulation was
A) Avicenna.
B) Paracelsus.
C) Galen.
D) Aristotle.
E) Harvey.
Which scientist first observed cells under a microscope?
A) Harvey
B) Hooke
C) van Leeuwenhoek
D) Schleiden
E) Schwann
The tendency for the bodies of living things to maintain more or less stable internal conditions is
A) the cell theory.
B) set point.
C) positive feedback.
D) homeostasis.
E) dynamic equilibrium
If your blood pressure started to rise very rapidly, a set of activities that your body would undertake to reverse this potentially dangerous condition would probably begin. The processes that would restore stability are called, collectively,
A) homeostasis.
B) negative feedback.
C) set point.
D) the cell theory.
E) positive feedback.
negative feedback