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61 Cards in this Set

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disruption in the rules and understandings that guide and integrate social life and give individuals a sense of their place in it
the social class ina capitalist industrialized society that owns and contrals the means of production
members of the bourgeoisie. Capial is property taht can be used to produce further wealth
class consciousness
a sense of shared interests and problems amoung members of a social class
the shared, more or less integrated way of thinking, understanding, evaluatiin, and connunication that make up a poeople's way of life
in science, information that is specifically relevant to the questions being asked
double consciousness
a mismatch between one's image of oneself and the indentity ascribed to one by society
empirical observation
the organization of sensory information into scientific data by process of abstraction, interpretation,and replication
teh contribution a social relationship, position, organization, value,or other phenomenon makes to a lager social whole
fuctional integration
the degree to which the different papers of a cocial system are so closely interrelated that hat heppens in one affects the others and is influenced by them in turn
local analysis
the development of theory be identifying disnct units af analysis and relationships among them
mechanical solidarity
solidarity that is based on cammon beliges, values, and customs
organic solidarity
interependence among a group of people that is based on an intricate division of labor
the ability of a social actor to determine the shape of the events ot the structure of social organization
the members of a capitalist industrialized society who have no control over th emeans of prodruction
a systematic way of abserving nature, interpreting waht we see objectively, searching for relationships of cause and effect, and orgacizing knowledge through theory
social action
behavior that is intentioanl, not idstinctive; depends on cocial conditions created by others; and affects other social actors
social facts
enduring prperties of social lige that shepe or constrain the cations individuals can take
social soliderity
the condition that reults when inderlying social forces bind people together
social structure
relatively stable, enduring patterns of social relationships, or social positionsm and of numbers of people' petterns over which individuals have little control
sociological imagination
a way of looking at our personal experiences in the context of what is heppeing in the world and perceiving broader social patterns that are not apparent through peroanl experience alone
the study of himan society, including both social actiona dn the organization of social relationships
status groups
groups beased n reace, religion, personal tastes, and onter noeconomic factors, which help establich a social hierarchy
symbolic ineractionism
an approach to human behavior as consructed in teraction and interpreted through culture, stressing the collective attribution of meaning to social life
a systematic attempt to explain how two or more phenomena are related
Weber's tem for an empathetic inderstanding of what people are thinking and feeling
altruistic suicide
Durkhiem's term for suicide that results form extreme commitment to a proup or community
anomic suicide
Durkhiem's term for suicide that results from a condition of social normlessness known as anomie
content analysis
a research method that provides that provides a way to systematically organize and summarize both the monifast and latent content of communication
a regularly occuring relationship between variables
correlation coefficient
a deciaml number between zero and one that is used to indicate the strength of a correlation
cross-cultural research
studies that describe social petterns in societies other than the reasearchers' own
facts, statistics, study results, and other pieces of abservable information that are collected and used to construst theories
dependent variable
in an experimant, the quality or factor that is affected by one or more independent variables
egoistic suicide
Durkeim's term for suicide that results form social isolation and individualism
studies in which researchers observe people in
a research method in which subjects are exposed to a specially designed situation taht allows the researchers to control the factors taht may affect the hypothetical cause-and-effect relationships among the varibles they are studying
falalistic sucide
the taking of oe's own life to avoid what seems to be an inevitably bleak future if goes on living
the process by which the peoples of the world are being drawn into closer relationship with one another
historical studies
sociological research on past events, previous ways of life, or patterns change over time
a tentative statement that predicts how two or more varibles affect, or are related to, one another
independent variable
in an experimant. the quality or factor that affects one ot more dependent varibles
soemthing that can be cleatly measured as an approximation of some other, more comlex varible
a conversation in which a researcher asks a series of questions or discusses a topic with another person
the average; obtained by adding all figures in a series of data and dividing the sum by the number of items
the number that falls in the middle of a sequence of figures
the procedures that guide research
the figure that occurs most often in a series of data
operational deginition
the set of clearly measurable indicator that will represent one tfo the veriable in an analysis
in a survey, the total number of people who share a characterstic that is being studied
qualitative research
reseach that depends primarily on verbal descriptions, firsthand observatios, ot pictures to study particular cases in depth
quantitative research
research that reles on statistical analyses of data
random sample
in a survey, a method ised to draw a sample in such a way that every memer of the population being studied has an equal chance of being selected
the degree to which a study yields the same reults when repeated b the orginal or other researchers
a limited number of people selected from the population being studied who are represenative of that population
secondary analysis
research that reanalyzes data drawn from previous research projects
spurious correlation
a correlation between two or more variables that has no meaningful causal point
standard deviation
a statistical measurement of how fat other recorded instances fall from the mean or other central point
a research method using questionaires or interviews, or both, to learn how people think, feel, or act
the degree to which a scientific study measures what it attempts to measure
any factor that is capable of change