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37 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics Of Organizations
hierarchy, bureaucracy
a system that is divided into orders and ranks, status and power are not distributed equally; some people are subordinate to others
there is a clear chain of command, every members reports to someone else who is resopnsible for overseeing his/her work
Information Flow
the path information takes as it passes through
- formal channels of communication, informal channels of communication, downward flow, upward flow, horizontal flow
Formal Channels of COmmunication
occur whne information flows through a structured chain of command officially recognized by the organization
informal channesl of communication
when information takes a more personal and less structured path
Downward flow
occurs when someone near the top of the organization sends a message to someone near the bottom of the chain, ex. instructions, appraisals, oreintation,
Downward flow Problems
not enough, too much, information overload, inappropriate channels, filtering through serioal transmission, lack of clarity
downward flow fixes
target, vuild in redundancy, multiple channels, encourage questions
Upward FLow
occurs when a message travels from the bottom of the chart to the top,
Upward FLow Examples
progress reports, problems, suggestions
UPward Flow Problems
often neglected, no follow-up, distorted to aviod negative info
upward flow fixes
ombudsman- person's whose job it is to listen to the people at the lower levels of the organization and pass their concerns directly to the top, follow-up, encourage and review criticism
Horiontal Flow
occurs when communication takes place between people on the same level
Horizontal Flow Examples
cross department teams and meetings, problem-solving, information sharing
Horiz. Flow Problems
clash of interests and persepctives, jargon/vocabulary, competition/territorailty
Horiz Flow Fixes
cooperative climate, paraphrasing and clarifying
Network Analysis
a method of mapping informal communication patterns
a group of people who communicate more with eachother than they do with others in the organization, have similar jobs or common status
someone who connects two cliques without being a member of either one, may help spread information b/w people who might not normally speak to eachother
a member of a lcique who has connections with another clique
someone who is outisde the informal netowrk, has no links to any clique
loose coupling
when the relationships b/w subunits in an organization is relatively weak
tight coupling
when the rel.ship b/w subunits in an organization are closely connected and highly interdependent
Organizational Culture
consists of collectivaly held logics and legends about organizational life and the organizations identity
Organizational Culture Metaphors
linquistic expressions that allow us to experience one ting in terms of another, both reflect and shape the way we see the world
(family vs army metaphors)
Organizational Culture Stories
help us make sens of organizational culture by reflecting company values
(scotch tape story)
pubilcly performed, relatively elaborate, dramatic, planned sets of activiites that consolidate various forms of cultural expressions into one event
a system of several rites connected with a single occasion or event. (ex. graduation)
Rites of Passage
purpose: celebrate new role identitites
ex. army basic training, freshman orientation
consequences: facilitate tranfsformation into new role while ensuring new member is as much as poissible like previous members
Rites of Degradation
purpose: strip away power or remove incumbent from role
ex. impeachement, student judicial hearing
consequences: strengthens organizational boundaries by defining who belongs and who doesn't reaffirm value of role by punishing out of role behavior
Rites of Enhancement
Purpose: reward organization achievement,
example: academy awards, honor society induction
cosequences:enhanve status and value of organization, motivate individuals to strive, give organization credit for individual achievement
Rites of Renewal
purpose: improve functioning of organization
example: diversity awareness training, studen government retreat
consequences: make members believe something is being done to solve probllems
Rites of Conlifct Reduction
purpose: reduce conflict and aggression
example: collective bargaining, grievance procedures
consequences: deflect attention away from problems; compartmentalize conflict
Rites of Integration
purpose: create common identity and commitment to organization
example: mardi gras, end of semester party
consequences: permit catharsis; loosen norms temporarily in order to reaffirm their moral rightness, channel agression
Sexual harrassment Legally Recognized Types
quid pro quo (something for something): demand sex in exxchange for some job benefit
hostile environment: repeated acts create abusive work atmosphere
Sex Harras is more likely to occur if
"normal" employee defines as male, support systems for women/minorities are weak or nonexistent, relatively independent units, strong hierarchy