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48 Cards in this Set

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The faculty for recalling past events and past learning


A basic activity of memory, involving the recording of information in our brain


A basic activity of memory, involving retention of information for later use.


A basic activity of memory, involving recovery of information when beed it later.

Information-processing model

View of memory suggesting that information moves among three memory stores during encoding, storage, and retrieval.

Parallel distributed-processing model (PDP) - or connectionist

Theory of memory suggesting that information is represented in the brain as a pattern of activation across entire neural networks

Autonomic processing

Encoding of information with little conscious awareness or effort

Effortful processing

Encoding of information through careful attention and conscious effort.

Sensory memory

Memory involving a detailed, brief sensory image or sound retained for a brief period of time.

Working memory

A short-term memory store that can hold five to nine items at once


Conscious repetition of information in an attempt to make sure the information is encoded.

Long-term memory

The memory system in which we hold all of the information we have previously gathered, available for retrieval and use in a new situation or task.

Spaced practice effect

Facilitated encoding of material through rehearsal situations spread out over time.

Semantic code

Cognitive representation of information or an event based on the meaning of the information.

Mnemonic devices

Techniques used to enhance the meaningfulness of information as a way of making them more memorable.


Knowledge bases that we develop based on prior experience to similar experiences or other knowledge bases.

Memory span

Maximum number of items that can be recalled in the correct order.


Grouping bits of information together to enhance ability to hold that information in working memory.

Explicit memory

Memory that a person can consciously bring to mind, such as your middle name.

Implicit memory

Memory that a person is not consciously aware, such as learned motor behaviors, skills, and habits.

Semantic memory

A person’s memory of general knowledge of the world.

Episodic memory

A person’s memory of personal events or episodes from his life.

Ritual cues

Words, sights, or other stimuli that remind us of the information we need to retrieve from our memory.


Activation of one piece of information, which in turns leads to activation of another piece, and ultimately to the retrieval of specific memory.

Recognition tasks

Memory tasks in which people are asked to identify whether or not they have seen a particular item before.

Recall tasks

Memory tasks un which people are asked to produce information using no or few retrieval cues.


The original location where you first learned a concept or idea, rich with retrieval cues that will make it more likely you will be able to recall that information later if you are in that same location or context.

Encoding specificity principles

A theoretical framework that asserts that memory retrieval is more efficient when the information available at retrieval is similar to the information available at the time of encoding.

State-dependent memory

Memory retrieval facilitated by being in the same state of mind un which you encoded the memory in the first place.

Flashbulb memories

Detailed and near-permanent memories of an emotionally-significant event, or of the circumstances surrounding the moment we learned about the event.


The inability to recall information that was previously encoded into memory.

Decay theory

Theory of forgetting, suggesting that memories fade over time due to neglect or failure to access over a long period of time.

Interference theory

Theory that forgetting is influenced by what happens to people before or after they take information in.

Proactive interference

Competing information that is learned before the forgotten material, preventing its subsequent recall.

Retroactive interference

Learning of new information that disrupts access to previously recalled information.


Process in which we unconsciously prevent some traumatic events from entering our awareness so that we do not have to experience the anxiety or blows to our self-concept that the memories would bring.

Why we distort or manufacture memories?

- Source misattributions

-exposure to misinformation

-effects of imagination

Source of misattributions

We often fail to record where the information came from when we encode and store the information in long-term memory.

Exposure to misinformation

New information that is inaccurate or misleading can distort our recall or lead us to manufacture new memories.

Effects of imagination

Our own imagination can lead us to recall events that never took place.

Source of misattributions

Remembering information, but not the source it came from; can lead to remembering information from unreliable sources as true.

We often fail to record where the information came from when we encode and store the information in long-term memory.

Prefrontal cortex

Important brain structure located just behind the forehead and implicated in working memory.

Long-term potentiation (LTP)

A phenomenon where repeated stimulation of certain nerve cells in the brain greatly increases the likelihood that the cells will respond strongly to future stimulation.

Prospective memory

Ability to remember content in the future

Retrospective memory

Ability to remember content from the past.

Amnestic disorders

Organic disorders in which memory loss is the primary symptom.

Retrograde amnesia

Inability to remember things that occurred before an organic event.

Anterograde amnesia

Ongoing inability to form new memories after an amnesia-inducing event.