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45 Cards in this Set

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Alkyl halides

Halogen is bonded to an sp3 carbon alkane

Vinyl halide

Halogen is bonded to an sp2 C alkene

Aryl halide

Halogen is bonded to an sp2 C on a benzene ring

Geminal dihalide

Two halogen atoms bonded to the same C, like gemini twins

Vicinal dihalide

Two halogen atoms bonded to adjacent carbons

What affects boiling point?

1) Greater intermolecular forces, highly bp

2) Greater mass, higher bp

3) Spherical shape, lower bp

What occurs in a substitution reaction?

• Reagent acts as a nucleophile and attacks an electrophilic position

• Nucleophile replaces LG

Sn2 mechanism


Draw the mechanism

• Employs 2 arrows in 1 step:

• No intermediate -> transition state has nucleophile and LG partially attached to molecule

• Groups on substrate C get geometrically converted, and usually stereochemically inverted when LG and nucleophile have the same priortity

What is the highest energy point of an Sn2 rxn?


The transition state b/c it has both the LG and nucleophile partially bonded to the substrate, and so it is the most unstable

Sn1 mechanism


Draw the mechanism

• Employs 2 arrows in 2 steps

• Forms an intermediate carbocation

• Forms a racemic mixture

What determines the rates of an Sn2 and Sn1 reaction?

Sn2 = rate is dependent on both the nucleophile and LG, since everything occurs in one step

Sn1 = rate is only dependent on the LG, because the first step is the slow step, and the second step with the nucleophile is so fast

Sn2 reactions favored when...why?

1) Electrophile (the substrate) is a 1º C, or 2º C when all other conditions favor it -> b/c of sterics

2) Nucleophile is strong b/c it speeds up the rxn quick enough for it to occur

3) A good LG -> b/c it can stabilize the charge once it's left

4) Polar aprotic solvent -> protic solvents would slow down the rxn too much b/c the nucleophile would get protonated

Sn1 reactions favored when...why?

1) Electrophile (the substrate) is a 3º C, or 2º C when all other conditions favor it -> b/c the more stable carbocation reacts quicker

2) Nucleophile is weak -> b/c a weak nuc slows down the rxn so much that an Sn2 cannot occur; but the rate of Sn1 is not dependent on the nuc

3) Good LG -> b/c it can stabilize the charge once it's left

4) Polar protic solvent -> this disfavors Sn2 b/c it slows it down so much, but Sn1 rate is not dependent on nuc

What is the electrophile?

• The central carbon atom which looses the LG

• Called the substrate

What stabilizes a carbocation?

• The more alkyl groups the more stable the carbocation -> b/c alkyl groups are electron donating towards the positive central C

• Resonance from double bonds

Nucleophilicity vs. basicity

Nucleophilicity = measures the rate of attack on an electrophilic carbon

Basicity = measures stability of a charge

What makes for a strong or weak nucleophile? (3 each)

Does nucleophilicty reverse in a polar protic solvent?


• Negative charge which is wants to donate

• Highly polarizable due to larger atomic radii

• Donating inductive effect (by a less electronegative group)


• Resonance

• Greater electronegativity

• Taking inductive effect (by a more electronegative group)

What must be considered for each nucleophile because it can hinder an otherwise good nucleophile?

What affect does this have on basicity?

Steric hinderance

Many bulky allyl groups

It doesn't have as large as an affect on basicity, so elimination is favored

What makes for a good leaving group?

Youtube video? Which is most important factor?

• Polarizable = stabilizes the transition state

• Electronegative = electron withdrawing to polarize substrate

• A weak base = a more stable molecule once separate

How does the LG affect which substitution reaction will occur?

A good leaving group doesn't favor either substitution reaction. A bad leaving group means neither will occur

Which halide is the best and which is the worst LG?

I- > Br > Cl >>> F- is the worst b/c it's bond to C is very strong

What is solvation?

The process by which a solvent stabilizes the product, usually a charged species

Which solvent favors which reaction?

Polar aprotic = Sn2

Polar protic = Sn1 or E1

Why do the polar aprotic and protic solvents favor the substitution reactions that they do?


• A polar protic solvent would protonate the nucleophile, inhibiting it from attacking the substrate. This greatly slows down the rate of the reaction, so that Sn1 occurs before Sn2 can

• Sn1's rate is independent of the nucleophile and so the protonation does not affect it

• Polar protic solvents have a large dipole moment, and help to stabilize the Sn1's carbocation transition state

What role do crown ethers play?


• They increase of the strength of the nucleophile by salvating the nucleophile's cation

• This speeds up the rate of reaction and assists an Sn2 to occur

• Fluorine breaks from its cation and becomes fluoride -> a good nucleophile b/c of the negative charge

What are the 5 common polar aprotic solvents?

Know their structures?

1) Acetonitrile

2) Acetone

3) DMF


5) DME

Walden inversion

An inversion of configuration via an Sn2 rxn

In an Sn1 rxn, is there usually more retention or inversion of configuration?

Usually more inversion in the racemic mixture

What occurs in a elimination reaction?

• Reagent acts as a base and removes a beta proton

• Nucleophile removes LG, and a double bond is formed

What effect does heat have on a rxn?

It favors the elimination rxn over the substitution

What is an α carbon and a β carbon?

α carbon = C attached to LG

β carbon = C attached to α C

E2 mechanism

How many arrows in how many steps?

Intermediate/transition state?

What happens? (3)

• Employs 3 arrows in 1 step:

• No intermediate -> transition state has base, LG and H partially attached to molecule

1) Base takes a β proton from the β positioned C

2) This rxn causes the expulsion of the LG at the α position

3) A double bond then forms from the α C to the β carbon

E1 mechanism

How many arrows in how many steps?

Intermediate/transition state?

What happens? (3)

• Employs 2 arrows in 2 steps:

• Forms a carbocation intermediate

1) LG leaves on its own accord, forming a carbocation intermediate (same as Sn1 rxn)

2) Carbocation looses a β proton to the base

3) A double bond then forms from the charged α C to the β carbon

Stereoselective vs. stereospecific

When does each occur?

During which rxn does each occur?

How many products do they produce?

Which are these products?


• Occurs when β C has 2 H's attached to it

• Occurs during both the E1 and E2 rxns

• Produces more than 1 product: the Zaitsev cis or trans and Hoffman cis or trans

Stereospecific - anticoplanar:

• Occurs when β C has only 1 H attached to it

• Occurs only during the E2 rxn

• Produces only 1 product: either cis or trans

When both a cis and trans product are possible, which is preferred?

The trans product b/c it minimizes overlap and is more stable

Does rearrangement occur in Sn1, Sn2, E1, E2, all, some, rxns?


Rearrangement (methyl or hydride shifts) occur in Sn1 and E1 rxns only

Never in E2 or Sn2 b/c there is no carbocation

Which rxns have the same conditions?

What is the result of this?

E1 and Sn1

A mixture of products is obtained, although one will be favored over the other. Depends on whether:

1) The solvent is a weak nucleophile or weak base

2) There is heat involved - E1

What is the chemical formula of ethanol?

Is it a nucleophile or base?

Which reaction occurs?


It is both a nucleophile and a base!

Both E1 and Sn1 occur

What are 3 strong bases that are NOT nucleophiles?

Which reaction(s) do they favor?




They favor E2

What is anticoplanar?

For which reaction does the molecule need to be anticoplanar?

Why must this occur?

Anticoplanar = when the LG and proton to be removed are anti (180º) from to another

Must be for an E2 elimination to occur

The atoms must aligned like this b/c it minimizes any steric hinderance and allows a pi bond to form in the transition state

Which elimination reaction has no geometrical requirements in order for it to occur?


E2 must be anticoplanar

When is the Hoffman product favored over the Zaitsev product?


When the base is bulky

It is easier for the bulky base to abstract the least hindered H+, and so it gives the less substituted alkene as the major product

What is a prerequisite for an anticoplanar conformation on a cyclohexane?

• An anticoplanar conformation can only be achieved when both the H and LG occupy axial positions on a chair conformation

• The chair must flip to this position in order for the reaction to take place

What happens when there is no nucleophile or base, but an acid?

Which reaction(s) is this?

1) The acid gives up a H to the solution to form a base

2) The lone pairs of the LG attract the H, but this gives the LG a positive charge (ex. OH becomes H2O+

3) The LG breaks off and leaves all on its own in order to take its electron from its C bond and neutralize the positive charge

4) This forms a carbocation as the alpha C is now positively charged

Acid as a reagent = indirectly incites LG to leave = Sn1 or E1 rxn

What happens when LG is a poor leaving group?

It must be protonated, which gives it a positve charge and incites it to leave