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46 Cards in this Set

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The definition and importance of "Critical Factors"
A single factor in the shortest supply relative to its demand. It is a critical determinant in species distributuion.
Defintion and importance of "Tolerance Limits"
Refers to the minimum and maximum levels beyond which a particular species cannot survive/reproduce.
Defintion of "Adaption"
The process where species acquire traits that allow them to survive in their environments.
"Individual Adaption"
This type of adaption has a limited range of physiological modifications,short term modifications.
"Population Adapation"
Inheritance of specific genetic traits, allowing a species to live in a particular environment. Can be explained by the theory of Evolution.
The theory of Evolution:
A species will change over generations becasue they are competing for resources. The strongest(higher reproductive and fitness values) will survive.These strong traits, will be received by the offspring, and overtime will become common among the species.
Divergent Speciation
When a separation of one species occurs and they evole into a new, and seperate species.
Convergent Speciation
When unrelated organisms evolve to look and act alike. May result from sharing a food source of other resource.
Natural Selection
Describes the process where better competitors survive and reproduce more successfully.
Intraspecific competition
Competition among members of the same species.
Ways a species try to avoid Intraspecific Competition:
1. Dispersal (they spread out)
2. Territoriality
3. Resource Partitioning
4. Niche Partitioning- among
adults and juvenilles.
Interspecific Competition:
Competition between members of different species.
Set of environmental conditions in which a particular organism lives.
Ecological Niche
Description of the role played by a species in a biological community. It is the total set of environmental factors that determines species distribution.
Resource Partitioning
Alter behavior or physiology to minimize competetion. Allows several species to utilize different parts of the same resource. (Birds eating/living at different parts of a tree)
Any organism that feeds directly on antoher living organism.
Predation Influences:
1) All stages of predator and prey life cycles.
2)specialized food obtaining mechanisms
3)predator-prey adapations
When a predator or prey adapts specifically as a response to predation.
Defintion of Symbiosis:
The intimate living together of members of two or more species
Both members benefit from the relationship.
One member benefits while the other is unaffecterd.
One member benefits at the expense of the other.
species called the mimic resembles in color, form, and/or behavior another species called the model, in order to fight predation. Has two types.
the mimic (palatable) resembles the model (unpalatable) and only the mimic benefits.
both the mimic and the model are unpalatable and both benefit
Keystone Species:
W/O this keystone the rest of the biological community will suffer. It's importance is usually out of proportion with its abundance. (it is realitvly small in number but has a huge impact)
Biotic Potential:
Potential of a population to grow in the absence of expansion limits.
Exponential growth:
Creates a J curve. W/O limits will continue forever. W/limits will overshoot it's carrying compacity and experince dieback. (Oscillatory pattern)
Logistic Growth:
"S-Curve" environmental resistance imposes limits on growth.No over shoot, no dieback.
Exponential growth formula:

N-Future population
No-Current pop.
k- growth rate as decimal
t- time
Logistic growth formula:

N-Future pop.
No-current pop.
K- carry compacity
k- growth rate as decimal
t- time
Density-Dependent Factors:
Mortality rates increase s the density of the population increases. (disease, stress,predation)
Density-Independent Factors:
Effect on mortality rate is independent of poulation density. (Abiotic conditions)
K-type species:
Experience Logistic Growth.
long life, slower growth, late maturity, fewer large offspring, high parentaal care,predators.
R-type species:
Exponential growth.
Short life, rapid growth, early mat.,many small offspring, little care, Pioneers, colonizers, prey.
Carrying Capacity:
The maximum number of organisms of one species a habitat and its resources can handle.
Primary Productivity of a community:
rate of biomass productio. Used as an indication of the rate of solar energy conversion to chemical energy
# of different species, ecological niches, or genetic variation. Inversly proportionate to abundance.
total # of organisms in a community
#of species at each trophic level, and the # of trophic levels, in a community.
Boundaries between adjacent communities (forrest and meadows)
Edge effects:
penetrating influences of communities for hundres of meters, of adjacent communities.
Ecological succession:
Communities change all the time. There are two types of Succession: Primary and Secondary.
Primary Succession:
A community begins to develop on a site previously unoccupied by living organisms. (pioneer species)
Secondary Succession:
And exsiting community is disrupted and a new one subsequently develops at the same site. (Ecological development)
Climax Community:
is one that has reached the stable stage. When extensive and well defined, the climax community is called a biome. Examples are tundra, grassland, desert, and the deciduous, coniferous, and tropical rain forests. Formed by Succession.