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30 Cards in this Set

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The feeding center stimulates what?

Causes feeding

The satiety center stimulates what?

Inhibits feeding

What transports triglycerides and cholesterol?


Triglycerides and cholesterol end up as what?


How are lipoproteins removed from circulation?

By receptor-mediated endocytosis

What are the different classes of lipoproteins?

Very low density (VLDL), low density (LDL), and high-density (HDL)

How many kcal/g of fat?


How many kcal/g of carb?s


How many kcal/g of protein?


What is a Calorie?

The amount of heat required to increase temperature of 1-liter of water 1-degree celsius

What is the most efficient energy storage?

a. Fat

b. Carbs

c. Protein

a. Fat

How are carbs stored?

As glycogen, a polymer of glucose, in liver and skeletal muscle

What is the normal energy source for neurons?


Are proteins stored for energy?

No, but can be used for this purpose if necessary

What happens during the absorptive state?

Glucose concentration rises and stimulates insulin secretion

What happens during the postabsorptive state?

No more nutrients are being absorbed by the intestine, glucose concentration falls causing insulin concentration to fall

What is secreted to prevent glucose concentration from falling too low?

Glucagon and adrenal corticoid secretion

What hormones affect metabolism?

Insulin, Glucagon, Glucocorticoids

What secretes insulin?

Beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas

What secretes glucagon?

Alpha cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas

What secretes Glucocorticoids?

The adrenal cortex

What are some stimuli for insulin secretion?

1. increased blood concentration of glucose

2. increased blood concentration of amino acids

3. PNS stimulation

4. Gastrointestinal hormone (GIP)

What are some stimuli for glucagon secretion?

1. decreased blood concentration of glucose

2. increased blood concentration of amino acids

What are some stimuli for Glucocorticoid secretion?

1. low blood glucose concentration

2. stress

3. circadian rhythm

Effects of insulin secretion

decrease blood concentration of glucose

Effects of glucagon secretion

largely antagonistic to insulin

1. gluconeogenesis in liver

2. glycogenolysis in liver

Effects of glucocorticoid secretion

1. gluconeogenesis in liver

2. breakdown of muscle proteins to release amino acids

2. suppress the immune system

How is glucose altered in muscle and fat?

1. Moves GLUT4 transporters (glucose carrier) from cell interior to the membrane

2. Allows glucose to enter these cells by facilitated diffusion

3. Transporters are withdrawn into the cell interior when insulin concentration decreases

What is the secretion pathway for glucocorticoids?

1. hypothalamus secretes CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone)

2. CRH stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)

3. ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete the glucocorticoids

What are some examples of glucocorticoids?

Cortisol, cortisone, etc.