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44 Cards in this Set

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why form groups and teams?
-better decisions
-faster response
-increased productivity
-gretaer buy-in
-less resistance to change
- improved employee morale
- reduced risks
rejection of teams
- slowed decisions
-shielded workers from responsibility
-reduced productivity
virtual teams
- groups of people who work interdependently with shared purpose across space, time and org. boundaries using techno.
How to form virtual teams
- select team members carefully(self-starters, good communicators, flexible, trusting...)
- invest in beginnings(meet face to face if possible to reach consensus about goals, tasks...)
- redefine "we" (encourage unity)
- get maximum benefit from techno(speakerphones, e-mail, teleconferencing...)
-concentrate on building credibility and trust
-establish responsibilities(make rules for response time and share of info)
- keep track of info (in a shares database like a wiki)
-avoid misinterpreting messages
Phases of team development (4)
1. Forming: get to know each other, discuss fundamental topics
2. storming: define roles and responsibilities. subject to conflict
3. norming: tension subsides, clarify, info flows.
4. Performing: some groups do not reach this stage due to problems.
- successful if he acts like a coach, not a cop
- set limits, control chaos, offer suggestions
team problems (see p.31)
- confused goals
- mismatched needs
-unresolved roles
-senseless procedures
-bad leadership
-anti-team culture
-poor feedback
Steps to deal with CONFLICT
1. listen( set the example)
2. understand others point of view(show understanding thru questions and paraphrasing)
3. show concern for relationship(understanding other's situation and needs, willing to agree)
4. look for common ground(identify interests, and help the other identify theirs)
5. invent new prob. solving options
6. reach agreement based on what's fair
Avoiding groupthinking
- means that team member agree without examining alternatives or considering contingency plans
-Symptoms: pressure on member who argues agst group's shared belief, self-censorship
- EFFECTIVE teams: avoid groupthink and thrive for diversity in age, culture, etc.
Reach group decisions
1. majority vote
2. Consensus
3. Minority
4. Averaging
5. Authority rule with discussion
- time consuming
- produces creative and high quality discussion
- subcommittee investigates and recommendation for action
-useful when group can not get together to make a decision/when short of time
- members haggle, bargain, negotiate to reach middle position
-require compromise
-opinion of least knowledgeable may cancel the ones of more knowledgeable
Authority rule with discussion
- leader listens to member's ideas
and final decision is his/hers.
-requires a leader with good communication skills and willing to make decisions
Characteristics of SUCCESSFUL team (9)
1. Small size, Diverse makeup
2. Agreement on Purpose
3. Agreement on Procedures
4. Ability to confront Conflict
5. Use of Good Comm. techniques
6. Ability to collaborate, not compete
7. Acceptance of Ethical resp.
8. Shared leadership
9. Demonstration of good workplace Manners
TEAM is observed as an acronym for:
Together, Everyone Achieves More
A Purpose
Effective team begins with a purpose
-Allows teams to better be guided
-set up intermediate goals with deadlines
- decide how they will reach a decision
How to avoid conflict
- acknowledge conflict and address it (use 6 step plan)
- negotiate for fair settlement, no matter how long
-good decision: based on consensus
Comm. Techniques
- speak clearly and concisely
-encourage feedback & listen
- active, read body language, ask qst.
-inject a little humor even if task is seriour
- key to a good team
- thru exchanging information
- no competition
-monitor team progress
- celebrate team accomplishments
Ethical resp
- represent org. view and respect privileged info
- avoid advocating actions that endangers members
Shared leadership
- no formal leader often
- rotated among members
- democratic approach
-in times of crisis, one strong leader must step up
Good Manners
-treat politely and respectfully
- support others
Team Writing/Oral Presentation
(5 steps)
1. Prepare to work together
2. Plan Document/ Presentation
3. Collect info
4. Organize, Write, Revise
5. Edit, Rehearse, Evaluate
1. Prepare to work together
- meeting leader(chairperson)
- Recorder (minutes)
- evaluator (determine if on target)
-how team will be governed(decision process)
- compare schedules
-discuss value of conflict
- discuss how to deal with members who don't pull their share of load
2. Plan Doc./ Pres.
-final format?
-develop work plan
-assign jobs
-set deadlines
3. Collect Info
-assign topics
-deadlines for collect of info
-ways to ensure accuracy
4. Organize, Write, Revise
-review propose org. of final doc/pres. + Adjust
-First draft composition
-Revise/ Rehearse
-One person to coordinate all parts for consistency
-for pres.: build a bridge btwn members for smoothness and logical suite
5. Edit, rehearse, evaluate
- one person to find and correct grammatical and mechanical errors
- evaluate the final doc. together
- schedule at least 5 rehearsals for pres. ( videotape one of them and critique)
-2 days before pres.: dress rehearsal
-practice fielding qst.
Productive meetings (10 steps)
- need of efficient, satisfying, and productive meetings

1. Decide whether meeting necessary
2. Select Participants
3. Distribute Advance Info.
4. Getting meeting started
5. Move meeting along
6. Record Info
7. Participate actively and productively
8. handling conflict in meetings
9. Ending and following up
10. follow up actively
1 Necessary meeting?
-only if topic is important, urgent
-invite key people only
-ask these people what outcomes are desired, ad how to achieve goals
2. Select participants
- # of meeting participants: based on purpose
-if motivational(awards): unlimited people
- problem-solving meetings: 5 or less people
3. Advance Info
- pass out meeting agenda of topics to be discussed and other info in advance
(at least 2 days before)
-the narrower the focus, the greater chance of success

- date and place of meeting
- start/end time
-brief description of each topic(by priority with names of people who will present )
- Propose allotment of time by topic
-Any pre-meeting prep. expected by participants
4. start meeting
- start on time, and open with brief intro
-goal and length
-background of topics/probs
- solutions/ constraints
- tentative agenda
-ground rules
Robert's Rules of Order
- Formal meetings like parliamentary procedure follow these rules
5. Move the meeting along
-avoid issues that sidetrack the group
-adhere to agenda and notice if group is getting off track
-check if everyone agrees
6. Record info
-minutes transcribed
-point by point summary
7. Participating
- arrive early
- come prepared(agenda and any materials, study topics and come with questions, comments, ideas)
- positive attitude
- contribute with respect
- good manners
- give credit to others
- put techno away if not needed
- help summarize
- express views in meeting
- follow up, send signal that you're efficient and caring
8. handle conflict
- encourage each to make a complete case for members in conflict
- leader should summarize what was said, group offers comments
9. Ending and following up
- summarize, assign tasks for next time, and by what time
- everyone is asked to summarize briefly his interpretation of what was decided
- thank participants
10. follow up
- minutes distributed a couple of days after meeting
- verify that the decisions were accomplished
- call/ email to remind them of tasks
-offer help if needed
Using Techno to Facilitate Collaboration (6)
- voice conferencing (by telephone)
- video "( video, audio, software)
- Web "
- IM
- Blogs
- Wikis
Strengthen Teamwork Skills
- study
- nurturing