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7 Cards in this Set

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4 Ways the Demographics of the New American Workforce is Changing Demographics, New social contract between employer& employees, Inequalities in the workplace, Managing diversity/// 8 Managerial Functions (1)Planning, (2) Decision Making, (3) Organizing, (4) Staffing, (5) Communicating, (6) Motivating, (7) Leading, (8) Control** Accomodation pressure to assume additional responsibility. //Administrative Role Team member/facilitator/teacher/sponsor/advocate/coach ;; Advantages to GROUP-AIDED DECISION MAKING Greater pool of knowledgeDifferent perspectivesGreater comprehensionIncreased acceptanceTraining ground;;

Arguments Against Corporate Social Responsibility 1. Profit maximization ensures the efficient use of society's resources. 2.As an economic institution, business lacks the ability to pursue social goals. 3.Business already has enough power. 4.Because managers are not elected, they are not directly accountable to the people.||Arguments for Corporate Social Responsibility Business is Inevitably involved in social issues. Business has ample resource to help out. Better society = better environment. Less government intervention. ||The Basic Planning Process Step 1:

Formulate plan Step 2: Carry out plan Step 3: Compare with plans Step 4: Take corrective action|| Behavioral Approach People deserve to be the central focus of organized activity.|| Certainty a condition of certainty exists when there is no doubt about the factual basis of a particular decision and its outcome can be predicted accurately. || Change and Conflict Anticipate / seek / channel|| Characteristics of Typical Managers (1) Overburdened with obligations, (2) Cannot easily delegate tasks, (3) Driven to overwork, (4) Forced to do many tasks superficially, (5) Work pace characterized by brief interactions, frequent interruptions, and a high

high reliance on verbal communication. || Clarification of Goals and Objectives your ability to organize and schedule the work of your unit so it is achieved when expected, and meets established standards.||The Classical Economic Model Adam Smith (18th Century) Invisible hand promoted public welfare. Public interest was served by individuals pursuing their own economic self-interests. Primary concern for short-run profits/stockholders. ||Common Myths about older Emplyees They are less productive, They incur higher benefits costs, They have higher absenteeism, They have more accidents at work, They are not willing to learn, & They

& They are inflexible about the hours they are willing to work.|| Communicating communication is a two-way process. Managers should be responsive to feedback and upward communications.|| Competitve Advantage be the leader|| Contingency Approach Through research with managerial practices & techniques, there are appropriate approaches to specific Contingency Characteristics.|| Control comparing desired results with actual results& take necessary corrective action. || Control of Details overseeing the performance of work at a close level, 2 meet performance goals and standards.|| Coordinating & Cooperating demonstrate-

demonstrating a willingness to work w/ others; your group, individuals, and units close to you.|| Corporate social responsibility the notion that corporations have an obligation to constituent groups in society other than stockholders and beyond that prescribed by law or union contract." (Voluntary Action, An emphasis on means, not ends)||Cultural orientation;Multicultural / multilingual ||Decision Making; choosing among alternative courses of action.|| Defense use legal maneuvering &/or public relations campaign to avoid assuming additional responsibilities.|| Direct Foreign Investments Stage 6 of the Internationalization &Process

Process--outright purchase of a foreign-owned organization.**Directing & Coaching meeting your goals and standards; keeping your team's skills up to target levels. || Drive Skills (1) Standards of Performance, (2) Control of Details, (3) Energy, (4) Exerting Pressure|| Economic Job outlook/cycles/foreign-owned companies||Effectiveness entails promptly achieving a stated objective.|| Effect uncertainty inability 2 predict effects of specific environmental changes or events.|| Efficiency refers2 the amount of resources used to achieve an objective against what was actually accomplished.|| Energy demonstrating to your team

& colleagues a readiness and willingness to work and that you expect their cooperation. || Enlightened Self-Interest realization that business ultimately helps itself by helping to solve societal problems.|| Environment in which managers work is changing Administrative role, Cultural orientation, Quality/ethics/environmental impacts, Power bases, Primary Organizational unit, Interpersonal dealings, learning, problems, Change and Conflict, Information|| Ethnocentric attitude home-country oriented ("My culture and ways are superior.")||Exerting Pressure urging others to perform, by shaping your activities to be perceived as teamwork,

not domination.|| Exporting Stage 2 of the Internationalization Process--shipping and selling a product to retailers in another country.|| Four Areas of Scientific Management movement in industry (1) Standardization, (2) Time and Task Study, (3) Systematic Selection & Training, (4) Pay Incentives|| Geocentric attitude world-oriented ("Search the globe for the best talent.")|| Global Company a multinational venture centrally managed from a specific country.|| High- context cultures people rely heavily on nonverbal and subtle situational messages when communicating with others.(Japan and other Asian Cultures)|| Hofstede's Conclusion

Recommended that American managers adapt theories to local cultures rather than be imposed on them.|| The Human Relations Movement Made managers more sensitive to employee needs.|| Imagination and Creativity you demonstrate an ability to originate ideas, to correct and develop ways to improve productivity.|| Information Increase access / share|| Interpersonal Dealings Cooperation; win-win|| Joint Ventures Stage 5 of the Internationalization Process--Partnerships between organizations who belonging to two or more different countries.|| Key Dimensions of Strategic Farsightedness Org. Strategy, Competitive Advantage, Org. Structure, R & D, Personnel Administration, Problem Solving, Management Style|| Key features of effective ethics programs Support of top management. Open discussion of realistic scenarios. A clear focus on ethical issues Integration of ethics into the organization A mechanism for anonymously reporting ethical violations Rewarding of ethical conduct|| Leadng srvng as role modls & adapting their mngemnt style 2 demands of the situation.||Learning Continuous (lifelong; learner-driven)|| Licensing Stage 1 of the Internationalization Process--an agreement between organizations of two different countries to use components created in one country in a product produced by an organization in another country.|| Listening for Insights keeping aware of activities of your team and units close to you; underpinning your ability to continue being a manager.||Local Assembly and Packaging Stage 4 of the Internationalization Process--Components are shipped to a foreign countries assembly and packaging plants. ||Local Warehousing and Selling Stage 3 of the Internationalization Process--product is shipped to storage facilities in another country before going to retail stores in that foreign country.|| Low- context cultures spokn n writn 10 words r usd 2 convy primary meaning (United States) (Contracts) || Management; process of working w/& through others 2 achieve organizational objectives n a changing environment.|| Management by Objectives 4 Step Process 1. Setting objectives- emphasize participation & involvement of people. 2. Developing action plans - complement one another. 3. Periodic review - monitoring performance. 4. Performance appraisal - emphasize results not personalities or excuses.|| Management by Objectives (MBO) A management system based on measurable and participatively set objectives.|| Management Style multilevel, long-term implications|| Managing Diversity The process of creating an organizational culture that provides all employees, including women and minorities, with assistance and opportunities to help them realize their full potential|| Motivating pursuing collective objectives by satisfying needs and meeting expectations with meaningful work and valued rewards. **Nonprogrammed decisions those that r made in complex, important, & nonroutine situations, often under new & largely unfamiliar circumstances. Nonprogrammed decision making calls for creative problem solving.**Operational Approach Process of transforming raw materials, technology, & human talent into useful goods & services.**Organizing structural considerations such as the chain of command, division of labor, & assignment of responsibility are part of the organizing function.**Org. Stragegy written & communicated long-term.** Org. Structure flexible, change, upward & lateral communication, adaptability & speed.** Personnel Administration; long-term, asset**Planning the formulation of future courses of action. It gives purpose &direction to organization, its subunits,& contributing individuals.** Political Responses: (reactive neutral,proactive)/audits** Polycentric attitude host-country oriented ("When in Rome, do as the Romans Do.")** Porter's Model (Competitive Advantage) Cost Leadership Strategy: (Cost focus; Broad Target) concern for keeping costs lower than the competition's focus on economies of scale and productivity improvement Differentiation Strategy: (Differentiation; Broad target) product perceived as unique by most of its customers cost reduction is not d highest priority **Porter's Model (Competitive Scope) Cost Focus Strategy: (Cost focus; Narrow Target) Gaining a competitive edge in a narrow or regional market by exerting strict cost control. Focused Differentiation Strategy: (Differentiation; Narrow) Delivering a superior product and/or service to a limited audience.** Power Bases Knowledge; relationship** Primary Organizational Unit Team**Proaction aggressively taking the initiative. ** Problems Opportunities for learning and continuous improvement **Problem Solving your ability to resolve issues you confront in the day's work; 2 develop team collaboration n facing problems.|| Problem Solving finding solutions& Programmed decisions those that are repetitive, routine and common in day-to-day operations.(EX. Billing, Hiring, Inventory,Consumer loan at bank)|| Quality Advocates & their contributions Walter Shewhart- Statistical quality control. Kaoru Ishikawa-Concept of customers; Fishbone diagram in problem solving W. Edwards Deming-14 principles Joseph M. Juran- team work, Armand V. Feigenbaum- total quality Control Philip B. Crosby- zero defects.|| Quality/ethics/enviornmental impacts Forethought (unifying themes) || R&D new, innovative|| Reaction deny & maintain "status quo"||Response uncertainty unable to predict the consequences of a particular decision or organizational response.|| Risk; risk is when a decision must be made on the basis of incomplete but reliable factual information.|| Scientific management Establish standards based on facts through systematic observation, experimentation, or reasoning. || Social Contract b/t Employer & Employee; assumption that employer-employee relationship will b a shorter-term 1 based on convenience& mutual benefit, rather than 4 life||The Social Environment It is getting larger increasingly female more racially and ethnically diverse and older. New Social Contract. Education/older workers/social contract/inequalities|| Social Responsibility Strategies Reaction, Defense, Accommodation, Proaction|| Socioeconomic Model Business is a subsystem among many in a highly interdependent society . Many groups in society besides stockholders have a stake in corporate affairs.|| Solving Problems as Teams an important role is helping your team contribute ideas to improve their performance.|| Sources of Complexity for Today's Decision Makers Multiple criteria - conflicting interests Intangibles - goodwill, morale Risk and uncertainty - cost of poor decisions Long-term implications - unintended mpact Interdisciplinary input - complex & technical Pooled decision making - multifunctional Value judgments - different backgrounds|| Staffing consists of recruiting, training, & developing people who can contribute 2 organized effort.|| Stages of the Internationalization Process Licensing (Stage 1), Exporting (Stage 2), Local Warehousing and Selling (Stage 3), Local Assembly and Packaging (Stage 4), Joint Ventures (Stage 5), Direct Foreign Investments (Stage 6) ||Standards of Performance your effort to keep your part of the organization moving, your willingness to be busy and keep aimed toward new accomplishments.||State uncertainty the environment, or a portion of it, is unpredictable.|| Strategic Management the ongoing process of ensuring a competitively superior fit between an organization and its changing environment.|| Strengths of using MBO 1. MBO blends planning and control into a rational system of management. 2. MBO forces an organization to develop a top-to-bottom hierarchy of objectives. 3. MBO emphasizes end results rather than good intentions or personalities. 4. MBO encourages self-management and personal commitment through employee participation in setting objective|| SWOT Analysis; technique4 matching organizational strengths & weaknesses with environmental opportunities and threats to determine the organization's niche.|| Systems Approach A study of management by putting things together & assume the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.|| Teambuilding Skills (1) Listening for insights, (2) Directing and Coaching, (3) Solving problems as teams, (4) Coordinating and Cooperating|| Technical Expertise skills you have acquired by education and experience; to understand and communicate key technical details|| Technical Managerial Skills (1)Technical Expertise, (2) Clarification of goals and objectives, (3) Problem Solving, (4) Imagination and creativity||Technology Concept --> product technology -->production technology|| Theory X pessimistic view. People are not very creative.|| Theory Y Work is a natural activity, like play or rest. People are capable of self-direction and self-control if the yare committed to objectives. People will become committed to organizational objectives if they are rewarded for doing so. The average person can learn to both accept and seek responsibility. Many people in the general population have imagination, ingenuity, and creativity.|| Transnational Company a futuristic model of a global network of productive units with a decentralized authority and no distinct national identity.|| Uncertainty a condition of uncertainity exists when little or no reliable factual information is available.|| Universal Process Approach The administration of all organizations, public or private or large or small, requires the same rational process.|| Why is managing diversity important? The moral necessity and commitment in going beyond EEO(Equal Employment Oppor.) and affirmative action to create flexible organizations that encompass and value diversity|| Wilson's Managerial Skills Technical, Teambuilding, Drive Skills

Competitive Advantage, Org. Structure, R & D, Personnel Administration, Problem Solving, Management Style|| Key features of effective ethics programs Support of top management. Open discussion of realistic scenarios. A clear focus on ethical issues Integration of ethics into the organization A mechanism for anonymously reporting ethical violations Rewarding of ethical conduct|| Leadng srvng as role modls & adapting their mngemnt style 2 demands of the situation.||Learning Continuous (lifelong; learner-driven)|| Licensing Stage 1 of the Internationalization Process--an agreement between organizations of two different countries

countries to use components created in one country in a product produced by an organization in another country.|| Listening for Insights keeping aware of activities of your team and units close to you; underpinning your ability to continue being a manager.||Local Assembly and Packaging Stage 4 of the Internationalization Process--Components are shipped to a foreign countries assembly and packaging plants. ||Local Warehousing and Selling Stage 3 of the Internationalization Process--product is shipped to storage facilities in another country before going to retail stores in that foreign country.|| Low- context cultures spokn n writn 10 words r usd 2 convy primary meaning (United States) (Contracts) || Management; process of working w/& through others 2 achieve organizational objectives n a changing environment.|| Management by Objectives 4 Step Process 1. Setting objectives- emphasize participation & involvement of people. 2. Developing action plans - complement one another. 3. Periodic review - monitoring performance. 4. Performance appraisal - emphasize results not personalities or excuses.|| Management by Objectives (MBO) A management system based on measurable and participatively set objectives.|| Management Style multilevel, long-term implications|| Managing Diversity The process of creating an organizational culture that provides all employees, including women and minorities, with assistance and opportunities to help them realize their full potential|| Motivating pursuing collective objectives by satisfying needs and meeting expectations with meaningful work and valued rewards. **Nonprogrammed decisions those that r made in complex, important, & nonroutine situations, often under new & largely unfamiliar circumstances. Nonprogrammed decision making calls for creative problem solving.**Operational Approach Process of transforming raw materials, technology, & human talent into useful goods & services.**Organizing structural considerations such as the chain of command, division of labor, & assignment of responsibility are part of the organizing function.**Org. Stragegy written & communicated long-term.** Org. Structure flexible, change, upward & lateral communication, adaptability & speed.** Personnel Administration; long-term, asset**Planning the formulation of future courses of action. It gives purpose &direction to organization, its subunits,& contributing individuals.** Political Responses: (reactive neutral,proactive)/audits** Polycentric attitude host-country oriented ("When in Rome, do as the Romans Do.")** Porter's Model (Competitive Advantage) Cost Leadership Strategy: (Cost focus; Broad Target) concern for keeping costs lower than the competition's focus on economies of scale and productivity improvement Differentiation Strategy: (Differentiation; Broad target) product perceived as unique by most of its customers cost reduction is not d highest priority **Porter's Model (Competitive Scope) Cost Focus Strategy: (Cost focus; Narrow Target) Gaining a competitive edge in a narrow or regional market by exerting strict cost control. Focused Differentiation Strategy: (Differentiation; Narrow) Delivering a superior product and/or service to a limited audience.** Power Bases Knowledge; relationship** Primary Organizational Unit Team**Proaction aggressively taking the initiative. ** Problems Opportunities for learning and continuous improvement **Problem Solving your ability to resolve issues you confront in the day's work; 2 develop team collaboration n facing problems.|| Problem Solving finding solutions& Programmed decisions those that are repetitive, routine and common in day-to-day operations.(EX. Billing, Hiring, Inventory,Consumer loan at bank)|| Quality Advocates & their contributions Walter Shewhart- Statistical quality control. Kaoru Ishikawa-Concept of customers; Fishbone diagram in problem solving W. Edwards Deming-14 principles Joseph M. Juran- team work, Armand V. Feigenbaum- total quality Control Philip B. Crosby- zero defects.|| Quality/ethics/enviornmental impacts Forethought (unifying themes) || R&D new, innovative|| Reaction deny & maintain "status quo"||Response uncertainty unable to predict the consequences of a particular decision or organizational response.|| Risk; risk is when a decision must be made on the basis of incomplete but reliable factual information.|| Scientific management Establish standards based on facts through systematic observation, experimentation, or reasoning. || Social Contract b/t Employer & Employee; assumption that employer-employee relationship will b a shorter-term 1 based on convenience& mutual benefit, rather than 4 life||The Social Environment It is getting larger increasingly female more racially and ethnically diverse and older. New Social Contract. Education/older workers/social contract/inequalities|| Social Responsibility Strategies Reaction, Defense, Accommodation, Proaction|| Socioeconomic Model Business is a subsystem among many in a highly interdependent society . Many groups in society besides stockholders have a stake in corporate affairs.|| Solving Problems as Teams an important role is helping your team contribute ideas to improve their performance.|| Sources of Complexity for Today's Decision Makers Multiple criteria - conflicting interests Intangibles - goodwill, morale Risk and uncertainty - cost of poor decisions Long-term implications - unintended mpact Interdisciplinary input - complex & technical Pooled decision making - multifunctional Value judgments - different backgrounds|| Staffing consists of recruiting, training, & developing people who can contribute 2 organized effort.|| Stages of the Internationalization Process Licensing (Stage 1), Exporting (Stage 2), Local Warehousing and Selling (Stage 3), Local Assembly and Packaging (Stage 4), Joint Ventures (Stage 5), Direct Foreign Investments (Stage 6) ||Standards of Performance your effort to keep your part of the organization moving, your willingness to be busy and keep aimed toward new accomplishments.||State uncertainty the environment, or a portion of it, is unpredictable.|| Strategic Management the ongoing process of ensuring a competitively superior fit between an organization and its changing environment.|| Strengths of using MBO 1. MBO blends planning and control into a rational system of management. 2. MBO forces an organization to develop a top-to-bottom hierarchy of objectives. 3. MBO emphasizes end results rather than good intentions or personalities. 4. MBO encourages self-management and personal commitment through employee participation in setting objective|| SWOT Analysis; technique4 matching organizational strengths & weaknesses with environmental opportunities and threats to determine the organization's niche.|| Systems Approach A study of management by putting things together & assume the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.|| Teambuilding Skills (1) Listening for insights, (2) Directing and Coaching, (3) Solving problems as teams, (4) Coordinating and Cooperating|| Technical Expertise skills you have acquired by education and experience; to understand and communicate key technical details|| Technical Managerial Skills (1)Technical Expertise, (2) Clarification of goals and objectives, (3) Problem Solving, (4) Imagination and creativity||Technology Concept --> product technology -->production technology|| Theory X pessimistic view. People are not very creative.|| Theory Y Work is a natural activity, like play or rest. People are capable of self-direction and self-control if the yare committed to objectives. People will become committed to organizational objectives if they are rewarded for doing so. The average person can learn to both accept and seek responsibility. Many people in the general population have imagination, ingenuity, and creativity.|| Transnational Company a futuristic model of a global network of productive units with a decentralized authority and no distinct national identity.|| Uncertainty a condition of uncertainity exists when little or no reliable factual information is available.|| Universal Process Approach The administration of all organizations, public or private or large or small, requires the same rational process.|| Why is managing diversity important? The moral necessity and commitment in going beyond EEO(Equal Employment Oppor.) and affirmative action to create flexible organizations that encompass and value diversity|| Wilson's Managerial Skills Technical, Teambuilding, Drive Skills; sp