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62 Cards in this Set

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marketing channel
consists of individuals and firms involved in the process of making a product service available for use or consumption by consumers or industrial users
channel strategy
creates utility for customers -particulary time and place utilities
time utility
provide convenience by having the product available when consumers want to buy it. speed getting the product to the customer in a timely manner
place utility
convenience of location and prestige of location refers to how exclusive or upscale a location is.
form utility
created when a channel member takes an unassembled product and assembles it
possession utility
created when a channel member gives the consumers actualy possession of the product
logistical functions
performed by intermediaries and relate most closely with the movement of products
transactional function
performed by intermediaries and involved buying, selling, and risk taking because they stock merchandise in anticipation of sales
facilitating functions
performed by intermediaries; assist producers in making goods and services more attractive to buyers. also involveds financing and market research
intensive distribution
want their products to be in every place a consumer could conceivably get them. (i.e. gum and soft drinks); objectives is to achieve a sense of convenience
direct channels
producer and ultimate consumer deal directly with each other (i.e. Dell). there is no middleman
indirect channels
rely on marketing intermediaries to perform different functions and reach ultimate consumer. Becuase itnermediaries are used there is no direct contact between the producer of the good and the ultimate consumer
selective distribution
place products in just a few locations (i.e. perfume at department store)
exclusive distribution
sell products through just one outlet per geographic territory (i.e. Armani); typically used when manufacturer wants to add an element of prestige to the product
industrial distributor
performs a variety of marketing channel functions including selling, stocking, and delivering a full prodcut assortment and financing
electronic marketing channels
employ the Internet to make goods and services available for consumption or use by consimers or business buyers
direct marketing channels
allow consumers to buy products by interacting with various advertising media with a face-to-face meeting with a salesperson; include mail-order selling, direct-mail sales, catalog sales, telemarketing, interactive media, and televised home shopping
dual distribution
an arrangement whereby a firm reaches different buyers by employing two or more different types of channels for same basic product
strategic channel alliances
whereby one firm's marketing channel is used to sell another firm's products; popular in global marketing where creation of marketing channel relationships is expensive and time consuming
merchant wholesalers
independently owned firms that take title to the merchandise they handle- classified as either full-service or limited-service; two types of full-service wholesalers exist general marechandise wholesalers and speciality merchandise wholesalers
general merchandise wholesalers
aka full-line; carry a broad assortment of merchandise and perform all channel functions
specialty merchandise
aka limited-line; offer a relatively narrow range of products but have an extensive assortment within the product line carried
type of limited-service wholesalers; furnish the racks or shelves that display merchandise in retail stores, perform all channel functions, and sell on consignment to retailers, which means they retain the title to products displayed and bill retailers only for the merchandise sold
Cash and carry wholesalers
type of limited-service wholesaler; take title to merchandise but sell only to buyers who call on them, pay cash for merchandise, and furnish their own transportation for merchandise
drop shippers/desk jobbers
type of limited-service wholesaler; own merchandise they sell but do not physically handle, stock, or deliver it
truck jobbers
type of limited-service wholesaler; have a small warehouse from which they stock their trucks for distribution retailers
types of limite-service wholesaler
4; rack-jobbers, cash and carry wholesalers, drop shippers/desk jobbers, truck jobbers
manufacturer's agent
aka manufacturer's representative; works for several producers and carry noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory
selling agents
represent a single producer and are responsible for entire marketing function of the producer
independent firms or individuals whose principal function is to bring buyers and sellers together to make sales
general merchandise wholesalers
aka full-line; carry a broad assortment of merchandise and perform all channel functions
specialty merchandise
aka limited-line; offer a relatively narrow range of products but have an extensive assortment within the product line carried
type of limited-service wholesalers; furnish the racks or shelves that display merchandise in retail stores, perform all channel functions, and sell on consignment to retailers, which means they retain the title to products displayed and bill retailers only for the merchandise sold
Cash and carry wholesalers
type of limited-service wholesaler; take title to merchandise but sell only to buyers who call on them, pay cash for merchandise, and furnish their own transportation for merchandise
drop shippers/desk jobbers
type of limited-service wholesaler; own merchandise they sell but do not physically handle, stock, or deliver it
truck jobbers
type of limited-service wholesaler; have a small warehouse from which they stock their trucks for distribution retailers
types of limite-service wholesaler
4; rack-jobbers, cash and carry wholesalers, drop shippers/desk jobbers, truck jobbers
manufacturer's agent
aka manufacturer's representative; works for several producers and carry noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory
selling agents
represent a single producer and are responsible for entire marketing function of the producer
independent firms or individuals whose principal function is to bring buyers and sellers together to make sales
manufacturer's branch office
carries a producer's inventory and performs the functions of a full-service wholesaler
manufacturer's sales office
does not carry inventory, typically performs only a slaes function, and serves as an alternative to agents and brokers
channel conflict
aries when one channel member believes another member is engaging in behavior that prevents it from achieving its goals
vertical conflict
occurs between two actors at dirffernt levels in a marketing channel;
vertical marketing systems
professionally managed and centrally coordinated marketing channels designed to achieve channel economies and maximum marketing impact
corporate vertical marketing system
combination of successive stages of production and distribution under a single ownership
forward integration
manufacturer also owns a store that sells the products i.e. Ralph Lauren manufacturers clothes and sells them in retial outlets
backward integration
retailer owns a manufacturing operation
occurs when a manufacturer bypasses a channel intermediary and sells directly to the customer
horizontal conflict
occurs between actors at the same level in a marketing channel
a contractual agreement between a parent company (franchisor) and an individual or firm ( a franchisee) that allows the franchise to operate a cetain type of business under an established name and according to specfic rules
manufactured-sponsored retail franchis
prominent in automobile industry
manufacturer-sponsored wholesale systems
exist in soft-drink industry
service-sponsored retail franchise systems
provided by firms that have designed a unique appraoch for performing a service and wish to profit by selling the franchise to others
service-sponsored franchise systems
exist when franchisors license indivduals or firms to dispense a service under a trade name and specific guidelines
adminsitered vertical marketing systems
achieve coordination at successive stages of production and distribution by the size and influence of one channel member rather than through ownership
channel partnership
consists fo agreements and procedures among channel members for ordering and physically distributing a producer's products through the channel to the ultimate consumer
channel captain
a channel member that coordinates directs and supports other channel members; can be producers, wholesalers, or retailers
intermediaries that sell to other businesses; 3 kinds merchant wholesalers, agents, and manufacturer-owned wholesalers
merchant wholesalers
distributors and jobbers' maintain physical possession of goods; distrbutor is a full-service wholesaler - performs all functions that we would expect a channel to perform; jobber is a wholesaler that does not perform all of the functions we expect from the channel, is a subset of distributor
do not have possesion over goods. simply represent the company, take orders, and transfer the orders back to the manufacturer
drop shipping
the manufacturer ships the product to the customer