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153 Cards in this Set

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Fever in acute confusional state
Meningitis, anticholinergic intox, alcohol/sedative withdrawal, sepsis
Headache in acute confusional state
Head trauma, meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage
Hypothermia in acute confusional state
Ethanol/sedative intox, hepatic encephalopathy, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, sepsis
Hypertension in acute confusional state
Anticholinergic intox, ethanol/sedative withdrawal, HTN encephalopathy, subarachnoid hemorrhage, sympathomimetic intox
Tachycardia in acute confusional state
Anticholinergic intox, ethanol/sedative withdrawal, thyrotoxicosis, sepsis
Bradycardia in acute confusional state
Hyperventilation in acute confusional state
Hepatic encephalopathy, hyperglycemia, stress
Meningismus in acute confusional state
Meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage
Skin rash in acute confusional state
Meningococcal meningitis
Tetany in acute confusional state
Papilledema in acute confusional state
HTN encephalopathy, intracranial mass
Dilated pupils in acute confusional state
Head trauma, anticholinergic intox, ethanol/sedative withdrawal, sympathomimetic intox
Constricted pupils in acute confusional state
Opioid intoxication
Nystagmus in acute confusional state
Ethanol/sedative/phencyclidine intox, vertebrobasilar ischemia, Wernicke encephalopathy
Tremor in acute confusional state
Ethanol/sedative withdrawal, sympathomimetic intox, thyrotoxicosis
Asterixis in acute confusional state
Metabolic encephalopathy
Hemiparesis in acute confusional state
Cerebral infarction, head trauma, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia
Seizures in acute confusional state
Ethanol/sedative withdrawal, head trauma, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia
Ataxia in acute confusional state
Ethanol/sedative intox, Wernicke encephalopathy
Argyll Robertson pupills
Kayser-Fleischer rings
Wilson disease
Gait apraxia
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Huntington disease, Wilson disease
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, HIV-associated dementia
Lemon yellow coloration of skin
Vitamin B12 deficiency
"Worst headache of life" w/vomiting, seizures
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Amyloid plaques
Senility, Alzheimer's
Pill rolling
Locus ceruleus
Raphe nuclei
Stroke symptoms on one side, with other symptoms on other side
Brainstem stroke
Hemiparesis & sensory loss in leg greater than arm
ACA stroke
Hemiparesis & sensory loss in arm greater than leg
MCA stroke
Stroke symptoms w/nausea, vomiting, hiccups
Brainstem stroke
Stroke symptoms w/oropharyngeal weakness, eye mvt abnormal
Brainstem stroke
Stroke symptoms w/ataxia, gait instability
Cerebellar stroke
Meaningless unintentional unexpected movements (chorea)
Basal ganglia lesion
Cerebellar disorder
Inability to perform rapid alternating movements
Cerebellar disorder
Overshooting the goal in reaching towards an object
Cerebellar disorder
Cerebellar disorder
Cerebellar disorder
Basal ganglia & substantia nigra disorder
Positive Romberg (swaying with eyes closed but not with open)
Proprioceptive or vestibular defect
Inability to say "Kuh Kuh Kuh"
CN 10 defect (soft palate)
Inability to say "La La La"
CN 12 defect (tongue)
Inability to say "Mi Mi Mi"
CN 7 defect (lips)
Expressive aphasia
Lesion in anterior Broca's area
Receptive aphasia
Lesion near Wernicke's area
Alexia (inability to read)
Lesion near the visual association cortex
Agnosia or apraxia
Cerebral cortex lesion
Wrist drop
Radial nerve injury (C5-C8)
Atrophy of thenar eminence
Median nerve injury (C6-T1)
Claw hand
Ulnar nerve injury (C8-T1)
Atrophy of hypothenar eminence
Ulnar nerve injury (C8-T1)
Impaired supination of foremarm
Musculocutaneous nerve injury (C5-C6)
Deltoid atrophy
Axillary nerve injury (C5-C6)
Winging of scapula
Long thoracic nerve injury (C5-C7)
Foot drop
Common peroneal nerve injury (L4-S2)
Upper motor neuron injury
Lower motor neuron injury
Whole body muscle atrophy, fasciculations, hyperreflexia
Weakness, decreased sensory, hyporeflexia of distal extremities bilaterally
Peripheral neuropathy
Decreased proprioception, + Romberg, sharp pains lower distal extremities
Tertiary syphilis
Lower Spastic paralysis, decreased proprioception & hyperreflexia one side, decreased pain/temp on other side
Brown-Sequard syndrome (hemisection of spinal cord) at T11
Radicular pain upper extremity
Cervical roots C5-C6 injury
Upper extremity decreased pain/temp, light touch/proprioception intact
Lower extremity spastic paralysis, loss all sensory modalities, hyperreflexia
Total transection of T11
Decreased triceps reflex
Radial nerve injury (C5-C8)
Weakness of elbow & wrist extension
Radial nerve injury (C5-C8)
Decreased sensory of buttocks/back of thighs, atrophy, impotence
Cauda equina lesion (S2-S4)
Decreased vision, + Babinski, ataxia, nystagmus, facial weakness
Multiple sclerosis
Absent knee jerk
Femoral nerve lesion
Legs swing outward when walking
Obturator nerve lesion
Upgoing toes (Babinksi)
Upper motor neuron injury
Upper motor neuron injury
Lower motor neuron injury
Gower's sign
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy
Calf pseudohypertrophy
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy
Dystrophin gene
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy
Gottron's sign
Acetylcholine receptor antibodies
Myasthenia gravis
High protein on LP but no white cells
Palpable purpura
Neisseria meningitidis
Only responsive to pain
Inappropriate reactions to stimuli
Decerebrate posturing to painful stimuli
Lesions of tongue/palate causing speech difficulty
Difficulty with speech because of cerebral dysfunction
Alteration of tone or volume of voice due to lesions of vocal cords/tongue
Malformed words
Phrases substituted for words that patient cannot remember
Inability to perform voluntary movements
Decreased ability to perform voluntary movements
Dyspraxia (deep frontal lobe lesion)
Inability to construct or draw simple designs
Lesion in posterior parietal lobe (Constructive apraxia)
Unilateral vibration sense loss
Peripheral neuropathy
Diffuse bilateral vibration sense loss
Peripheral polyneuropathy - diabetes, B12 deficiency
Lack of discriminative sensation (number in hand, object in hand)
Contralateral cerebral cortex - parietal lobe lesion (posterior columns)
Tactile localization more proximal than actual test site
Contralateral parietal lobe dysfunction
Two point discrimination impaired
Contralateral parietal lobe dysfunction
Superficial reflexes diminished
Upper motor neuron injury
Hyperactive DTRs
Upper motor neuron injury
Clumsiness in movement
Drags leg, elbow flexed across abdomen
Shuffles w/short hurried steps, head down, back bent
Wide based gait with staggering from side to side
Cerebellar ataxia
Foot drop
Weakness of dorsiflexors of ankle
High stepping gait with firm slap, patient looks down, positive Romberg
Sensory ataxia
Spastic diplegia (scissoring)
Injury to pyramidal system
Legs far apart, high then brought down forcibly, heel stamps on ground
Tabetic gait
Positive pronator drift
Mild hemiparesis or contralateral corticospinal tract lesion
Brief flexon of hands/wrist after holding in flexion
Asterixis - metabolic encephalopathy
Decorticate rigidity
Lesion of corticospinal tract near or within cerebral hemispheres
Unilateral decorticate rigidity
Chronic spastic hemiplegia
Decerebrate Rigidity
Lesion in diencephalon, pons, midbrain, or metabolic disorder like hypoglycemia or hypoxia
Unilateral corticospinal tract causes one sided paralysis with initial flaccidity
Eyes turned towards normal side
Doll's eye reflex present
Comatose patient with lesion in brainstem
Eyes do not drift toward irrigated ear in caloric stimulation
Brainstem injury
Resting tremor
Intention tremor
Multiple sclerosis
Postural tremor
Benign, anxiety, hyperthyroidism
Chorea at rest or with movement
Huntington disease
Athetosis (slow twisting, spasticity)
Cerebral palsy
Pseudohypertrophy of calf muscles
Duchenne & Becker muscular dystrophy
Rubber band like resistance that snaps back to position when released
Unilateral headache
Migraine or cluster headache
Headache arising in temporal area
Tension headache
Retro-orbital headache
Cluster headache
Horizontal diplopia
CN III or VI palsy
Vertical diplopia
CN III or IV palsy
Noisy environment helps hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss
Trouble understanding words and noisy environment worsens hearing loss
Sensorineural hearing loss
Tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo
Meniere's disease
Leg pain that resolves with rest and/or lumbar forward flexion
Spinal stenosis
Severe pain of rapid onset in a red, swollen joint
Septic arthritis or gout
Positive Lhermitte sign
MS or cervical cord compression
Ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, global confusion
Wernicke's encephalopathy (treat w/thiamine - B1)
Atrophy of hippocampus
Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, severe unipolar depression
Excess activity in amygdala
unipolar depression
Increased frontal lobe & caudate nucleus activity
Drooping eyelids, double vision, oropharyngeal/appendicular weakness, SOB
Myasthenia gravis
Nasal speech, flattened smile
Myasthenia gravis
Torticollis (Shortening of neck muscles, head to one side, chin to other)
Osteomyelitis of vertebrae, secondary to soft tissue infection of neck
Rapid onset proximal weakness w/o pain
Rapid onset proximal weakness w/heliotrope rash & Gottron's sign
Very slow onset proximal/distal weakness, dysphagia
Inclusion body myositis
Myasthenia gravis
Slowly progressive atrophy of distal muscles innervated by peroneal nerve
Charcot Marie Tooth disease
Stroke victim neglects side of body
Right brain stroke
Stroke with aphasia
Left brain stroke
Crossfindings in stroke (face affected one way, other side of body another)
Brainstem stroke
"Down & out" pupils
CN III palsy