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55 Cards in this Set

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Cardiac and skeletal muscle contain visible bands that are called _________________
The muscular layer of the intestine is composed of visceral, or ____________________ muscle.
The ability of a muscle to transmit electrical current is termed ____________________
The ability of a muscle to shorten is termed ___________________
Binding sites on the actin molecules are covered by a troponin and ________________ when the muscle is at rest
The larger of the two filaments forming a cross bridge is made of a protein called _______________
The neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction is called ________________
The compound that causes the mysoin head to detach from actin is called ______________
Muscles operating anaerobicallyare said to be in a state of _______________________
oxygen debt
The polysaccharide in muscles containing multiple glucose molecules is named _______________
The energy storing compound that is similar to ATP is called __________________
creatine phosphate
The increase in muscle size resulting from resistance training is termed _____________________
A contraction the shortens the muscle but does not increase muscle tension is called ___________________
Mr M's arm muscle is contracted because he is carrying a heavy box. This contraction which is associated with an increase in muscle tension, is termed ___________________
A muscle that produces a given movement is called _______________________
prime mover
The muscle that opposes a given action is called the _______________________
The more movable attachment point of a muscle is called the ______________________
The pivot point of a lever system is called the _____________________
Raising a beer glass by flexing the arm at the elbow is an example of a ____________________ class lever sytem
A term referring to a muscle that decreases the angle at a joint is ____________________
A adjective describingmuscle fibers running in a straight line is _______________________
The prime mover in plantar flexion is the _____________________
The innermost muscle of the abdomen is the ___________________
transversus abdominis
The triceps brachii ____________________ the arm at the elbow
The ____________________ tendon is attached to the heel.
The cheek muscle used in whistling is the _____________________
Inflammation of a tendon is called __________________
Inflammation of a fluid filled sac near a joint results in ____________________
The medical term for muscle pain is _______________________
A sudden involuntary muscle contraction is a _______________________
The word sarc/o means __________________
A bundle of muscle fibers is called a
a) fasicle
b) sheath
c) fascia
d) epimysium
a) fasicle
The membrane surrounding individual muscle fibers is the
a) epimysium
b) deep fascia
c) endomysium
d) perimysium
c) endomysium
Which of the following is NOT a function of the muscular system
a) skeletal movement
b) heat generation
c) posture
d) body cooling through evaporation
d) body cooling through evaporation
A single neuron and all muscle fibers it stimulates comprise a
a) neuromuscular junction
b) motor end plate
c) motor unit
d) synapse
c) motor unit
The two filaments that form cross-bridges are
a) actin and troponin
b) tropomyosin and myosin
c) actin and myosin
d) troponin and tropomyosin
c) actin and myosin
The ion that binds the troponin/tropomysoin complex is called
a) calcium
b) sodium
c) ATP
d) actin
a) calcium
The compound that binds myosin and provides the energy for the power stroke is
a) creatine phosphate
b) glucose
c) ATP
d) calcium
c) ATP
A substance produced during oxygen debt is
a) lactic acid
b) calcium phosphate
c) acetylcholine
d) glucose
a) lactic acid
The compound that stores oxygen in muscle cells is
a) hemoglobin
b) glycogen
c) creatine phosphate
d) myoglobin
d) myoglobin
Exercise results in:
a) dilation of blood vessels
b) a decrease in he number of mitochondria
c) muscle atrophy
d) an increase in the resting heart rate
a) dilation of blood vessels
The partial contraction observed in resting muscle is called
a) muscle tone
b) isometric contraction
c) isotonic contraction
d) relaxation
a) muscle tone
Pushing the feet against the floor is a example of a
a) isometric contraction
b) muscle tone
c) isotonic contraction
d) isometric and isotonic contraction
a) isometric contraction
A muscle that steadies body parts dueing a movemtn is called a
a) antagonist
b) synergist
c) prime mover
d) extrinisic muscle
b) synergist
In anatomic lever systems the fulcrum is the
a) bursa
b) insertion
c) bone
d) joint
d) joint
A term referring to a ring shaped muscle is
a) obicularis
b) levator
c) rectus
d) oris
a) obicularis
A muscle that raises a body part is a
a) flexor
b) levator
c) adductor
d) superioris
b) levator
In naming muscles, the suffix -ceps means
a) shape
b) attachment points
c) size
d) direction of fibers
b) attachment points
Which of the following is NOT a muscle of the head?
a) sacrospinals
b) msseter
c) temporal
d) buccinator
a) sacrospinalis
Which of the following is NOT a muscle of the abdomen?
a) internal oblique
b) transversus abdominis
c) iliopsoas
d) rectus abdominis
c) iliopsoas
A muscle that moves the head is the
a) gracilis
b) sternocleidomastod
c) serratus anterior
d) rotator cuff
b) sternocleidomastoid
The levator ani is found in the
a) skull
b) back
c) perineum
d) eye
c) perineum
The muscle that closes the lips is the
a) obicularis oris
b) obicularis
c) buccinator
d) masseter
a) obicularis oris
The hamstring muscles act to
a) extend the leg
b) flex the leg
c) flex the thigh
d) adduct the thigh
b) flex the leg
Inflammation of connective tissues is called
a) myalgia
b) fibrositis
c) myositis
d) fibromyalgia
b) fibrositis