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50 Cards in this Set

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single lineage gives rise to two speices....those speices later split and so on.
What process gives rise to biodiversity from a single ancestor?
How many speices are described?
1.5 million
How many speices in existance?
10-100 million
What percent of all speices ever existed are living today?
less then 1%
The estimate of the realtionship among some of the major branches is mostly based on what in the teree of life?
DNA sequences
Phylognetic analysis
study of relatinship among speices
Phylognetic (genealongicl)
relatinship among organism
tree-like diagrams that represent a hypothesis of proposed evolutionary relatinships among orgnaisms that share a common ancestor
What are used to reconstruct evolutionary history (tree of life)?
living species and fossil record
Why are evoluionary relationship important?
because they lay the forudnation for other hypothesis: ex. the pathways by which various characteristics have evolved
the feild of biology concerned with naming organsims and uncovering their evoluitonary history
classification & naming of organisms
Binomial nomenclature
every speices given a specific ephithet or genus and speices

Homo spaiens

Plethodon cinereus
Hierarchical classification
classification of groups nested within larger groups (genera in fmailies)
Taxonomic categories
levels within the hierarchial classification

K, P, C, O,F,G,S
Taxon (taxa)
a particualr gorup of oransisms assigned to a taxanomic categroy
taxonomy of wood frog Rana sylvatica

Species: sylvatica
Genus: Rana
Kingdom: Animalia
Tree of life (phylogenetic tree)
forme dby all species extant & extinct. In which closely adjacent twigs represent living species dreived only recnetly form their common ancestors, wheras twigs on differnt branches represent species derived from more anciend commn ancestors
Why did classifcation take on an entirley new dimentsion with the publicatin of the Origin
now deraling iwth relationship- very specific
What did the concpet of "closel related" species now meant
shares a more recent common ancestor than less lcosely related species.
How are we able to infer the history of branching?
by measuring similiarty or diffences among extant taxa, since speices beocme steadily more differnt form one another after they diferge
refers to any measurable characericic of an organism

-differ among groups of oranisms
Character states
each character has a differnt one

3 versus 4 chambered heart
2 veruse 4 limbs
How can character states occur?
in an ancestral or derived (newly evolved) condition
anchestral charcters (0)
derived characters (1,2,3)
Monophyletic groups:
the set of species derived from one common ancesteor
shared derived charecter state
What 2 types of matrices can be calculated?
overall similarity (shared character state)

shared dderived characters states
what is not a relaiable indicator of common ancestory
overall simialrity
what is a relaible indicator of common ancestoray (closely related)
derived characters
ONly _____ can accurely indicate ____ groups

monphytletic groups
derived states in a single lineage - do no provide any evidenc eregarding realtionship to toehr gorups
a character state inheirted by all taxa whitout change in the common ancestor
acharacter has independly evovleved two or mor tiems
-did not inherit them form a common ancestor

-includes covnergent evolution and reversal
convergent evolution
the independed orgin of a derived character state in two or more taxon
What provieds misleading evidence about phylogenty
homoplasius characters (either covnergencies or reversals)
When are shared derived character statis are valid evidence of monophyly
when they are uniquely derived
the simplest explanation, requireing the fewest undocumeted assumtions, shoud be preferred over explatnions that are more complicated and requed more asumpiton of which evidece is lacking

-means choosing the tree with the fewest evoltionary steps or changes

-used to figure out characters that are derived and when dealin gwith homoplasius hcaracters
distantly related taxa relative to ingroups

-involved comparing the goup in qustion (ingorp) with taxon or taxa that are known to have evolved piror to diversitificaton of the ingrouop
the monphylteic ste of specis whose relationship we wish to infer
How many synaporoies unite chims and humans as sister gorups
sister groups
groups derived form a commn ancestor that is not shared with any other groups.
How can phylogentic hyphothesis be validtated
best way to test these hypothes is to establish indipended lines of evidence.

-or apply them to known experimental phylogneies
two independed lines of evidence?
morphology and DNA
Potential problems in sorting out phylogentic relatinship
hybridization cna result in reticulate evolution

horizaontal gene flow
interbreeding bewn 2 ancestors speices
REticulated evoltuion
tenative eviddece of evoultion by hybridization

-causes some genes in the hyprid population to be more closely related to genes in each of the thwo theor spieces lineased

-net froms
horizaontal gene flwo
involves incorportaion of just a few genes form one speices into the gentome of another

-old world monkeys and cats share viorgnee