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32 Cards in this Set

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anything that occupies space and has mass


a substance that can't be broken down to there substances


a substance consisting of two or more different elements

trace elements

elements that are essential to humans in small amounts (iodine, fluorine,iron)

subatomic particles





protons and neutrons in the atoms central core

atomic number

number of protons

mass number

sum of the number of protons and neutrons

atomic mass

the sum of protons and neurons (mass number too)


different number of neutrons

radioactive isotope

when the nucleus decays spontaneously, giving off particles and energy

*can use them as radioactive tracers to trace things in body

*can be harmful to DNA

electron shells

different levels at which electrons can sit

chemical bonds

when atoms share donate or receive atoms to fill their outer shells

covalent bond

when atoms share electrons from the outer shell- forms a molecule

*double bond when share two pairs of electrons


atoms attraction for shared electrons (more electronegative, the more it pulls on the electrons)

*nonpolar covalent bonds- when the electrons are shared equally like in H2 or O2

*polar covalent bond- when the electrons are unqually shared like in H2O where O pulls much more

ionic bonds

*ion-when an atom gains or loses electrons

*when two ions with opposite charges attract each other

*NaCl= salt=ionic compound

*Na gives its last electron to Cl to form ionic bond

hydrogen bond and its water qualities

*when a polar molecule has a partial positive charge on a hydrogen, allowing it to "flirt" with molecs that are more negative

*make H2O cohesive

*cohesion- molecules of the same kind stick together

*adhesion- the clinging of one substance to another

*surface tension- a measure of how hard/easy it is to break the surface of a liquid

chemical reactions

breaking existing bonds and creating new ones

*reactants- starting materials

*products- end materials

hydrogen bonds and temperature

*to raise temp of water H bonds must be broken *evaporative cooling- when a substance evaporates and the surface of the left over liquid cools down bc the molecs with the most energy leave


thermal energy in transfer from a warmer to a cooler body of matter


measure of the intensity of heat

*average speed of molecules in a body of matter


*ice floats bc it is less dense than liquid water and the molecules are more spread out than in liquid

*ice isolates the water below it

Water as a solvent

*good solvent bc polar


a liquid consisting of a uniform mixture of two or more substances


the dissolving agent


the instance that is dissolved

aqueous solution

*solution in which water is the solvent

*hydrogen molecules surround and separate all the ions


donates hydrogen ions to solutions


reduces the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution

pH scale

describes how acidic/basic something is

*pH 7 is neutral

*0 is most acidic, 14 most basic


substances that minimizes changes in pH

ocean acidification

CO2 dissolving in seawater lowers the pH of the ocean

*extraterrestrial life is based on the search for water