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45 Cards in this Set

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Refers to sensitivity to pain, temperature, touch, and vibration

General senses

Usually have large receptive fields


scattered immediately beneath the surface of the skin


a tactile receptor that responds to deep pressure

Ruffini corpuscle

a tactile receptor composed of dendrites that are highly coiled and interwoven

Meissner's corpuscle

sensory receptors that respond to changes in blood pressure


a tactile receptor that is composed of dendritic processes that lie within a series of concentric cellular layers

Pacinian corpuscle

includes the root hair plexus, Merkel's discs, Meissner's corpuscles, free nerve endings

tactile receptors

the sensory neuron that delivers the sensation to the CNS

first order neurons

Anterior corticospinal tract

the spinal tract that regulates voluntary motor control of muscles on the same side of the body

the spinal tract that controls involuntary regulation of eye, head, neck and arm position in response to visual and auditory stimuli

Tectospinal Tract

voluntary control of skeletal muscles

Pyramidal system

not part of the extrapyramidal system

Spinothalamic tracts

not controlled by the cerebellum

touch sensations

decreases the amount of information that reaches CNS

peripheral adaptation

control skeletal muscles by traveling over the medial, lateral, and corticospinal pathways

conscious and subconscious motor commands

a rare condition in which the brain fails to develop at levels above the mesencephalon or inferior part of the diencephalon


a link between a receptor and cortical neuron

labeled line

cause a generalized activation of the reticular formation and the thalamus

sensations of burning or aching pain

stimulation of a neuron that originates in the inferior region of the right precentral gyrus

muscle twitch in the left cheek

Lower Motor Neuron

*identify on a picture of the neural pathway

when axons cross over from one side of the brain to the other


the change in transmembrane potential that accompanies receptor stimulation

receptor potential

a membrane depolarization that leads to an action potential in an excitable sensory membrane

generator potential

sensory neurons that are always active

tonic receptors

provides information about the strength, duration, variation, and movement of a sensory stimulus

sensory coding

Sensory homunculus

**a map of the sensory cortex of the cerebrum**

a number of disorders that affect voluntary motor performance

cerebral palsy

Damage to the posterior spinal cord at c7, T1?

what tract lies in area? what happens if there is persistent swelling in this area?

second order neurons of the autonomic nervous system

autonomic ganglia

release epinephrine into blood capillaries

postganglionic neurons in the adrenal gland

stimulation by norepinephrine would result in release of intercellular calcium stores

Alpha 1 receptors

inhibition of the parasympathetic neurons of the digestive tract

Alpha 2 receptors

sweat glands contain them

cholinergic receptors

not a visceral effect

cremaster reflex

a state of unconsciousness in which an individual can be aroused by normal stimuli


the brain waves produced by normal adults while testing with their eyes closed

Alpha waves

controls visceral effectors


originate in the thoracic and superior segments of the spinal cord

preganglionic fibers

the effect of the neurotransmitter on the target cell depends on the nature of the receptor

receptor on the post synaptic membrane

there are no enzymes to break down epinephrine and norepinephrine the blood and few enzymes in peripheral tissues

epinephrine and norepinephrine

drugs that stimulate alpha receptors causing construction of peripheral vessels


the simplest functional units of the autonomic nervous system

visceral reflexes

drugs that mimic the activity of one of the normal autonomic neurotransmitters


neurons that use norepinephrine as a transmitter
