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28 Cards in this Set

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Terms used for eye (2)

1. Ocular

2. ophthalm (combining form)

Name the 3 major layers of the eyeball

1. Fibrous layer

2. Vascular layer

3. Nervous layer

Name the 3 structures in the fibrous layer.

1. Cornea

2. Sclera

3. Limbus

Define each fibrous layer structure:

1. Cornea

2. Sclera

3. Limbus

1. Transparent, admits light to interior of the eye

2. White of the eye

3. Junction of cornea and sclera

Name the 3 parts of the Vascular layer

1. Choroid

2. Iris

3. Ciliary body

Define each vascular layer structure:

1. Choroid

2. Iris

3. Ciliary body

1. Between sclera and retina. pigmented and vessels. forms the tapetum.

2. Pigmented muscular diaphragm. Controls amount of light that enters posterior part of eyeball

3. Ring shaped structure behind the iris that adjusts the shoe of the lens to allow near and far vision

Define suspensory ligaments

Tiny ligaments that attach to the periphery of the lens of the eye and connect to ciliary body

How the ciliary muscles exert and relieve tension on the lens to adjust vision for distance

Name the only part in the nervous layer of the eyeball.


Describe the retina

Multilayers that lines the back of the eye

Contains the sensory receptors for vision- rod and cones ( photoreceptor cells)

Contains optic disc

Name the 5 layers of the retina

1. Pigment

2. Photoreceptor

3. Bipolar cell

4. Ganglion cell

5. Layer of nerve fibers

Define optic disc

Site where nerve fibers on the inside surface of the retina converge and leave the eye to form the optic nerve

Define each photoreceptor cell:

1. Rods

2. Cones

1. More sensitive to light. allows dim light vision

2. more sensitive to color and detail

Name the 2 eye compartments.

Name the 2 eye chambers.

1. Aqueous

2. Vitreous

1. Anterior

2. Posterior

Describe the 2 eye compartments:

1. Aqueous

2. Vitreous

1. Contains clear watery liquid -aqueous humor.

subdivided by iris into chambers

2. Contains clear gelatinous fluid -vitreous humor

Vitreous humor fills whole back of eyeball behind lens and ciliary body

Where is aqueous humor produced?

In the posterior chamber by the cells of the ciliary body

Describe the 2 eye chambers:

1. Anterior

2. Posterior

1. Space in front of the iris

2. Space between the iris and the lens. produces aqueous humor

What does the lens do?

Helps focus a clear image on the retina

Describe Accommodation process in the lens

Process by which the shape of the lens is changed to allow close-up or distant vision

uses ciliary muscles and suspensory ligaments

Name the four parts that help form the visual image

1. Cornea

2. Aqueous humor

3. Lens

4. Vitreous humor

Define each:

1. Conjucntiva

2. Bulbar conjunctiva

3. Palpebral conjunctiva

4. Conjunctival sac

1. Thin, transparent membrane

2. Portion of membrane covering front of eyeball

3. Portion of membrane lining inside of eyelids

4. Space between eyeball and eyelids

Define each:

1. Eyelid

2. Lateral canthus

3. Medial canthus

4. Tarsal (meibomian) glands

1. Upper/lower folds of skin lined by conjunctiva

2. Outer corner of eyelids

3. Inner corner of eyelids

4. Lines margins of each eyelid. Produces waxy substance that prevents tears from overflowing

Describe the third eyelid

Also called nictitating membrane

Located medially between eyelid and eyeball

T-shaped plate of cartilage covered by conjunctiva

What is the Lacrimal apparatus?

Structures that produce and secrete tears and drain them from the surface of the eye

Name the 4 structures of the lacrimal apparatus

1. Lacrimal glands

2. Lacrimal puncta

3. Lacrimal sac

4. Nasolacrimal duct

Describe each lacrimal apparatus structure:

1. Lacrimal glands

2. Lacrimal puncta

3. Lacrimal sac

4. Nasolacrimal duct

1. Primary source of tears

2. Openings on each eyelid that drain tears away from eye surface

3. Receives tear drainage from puncta

4. Drains tears into nasal cavity

Define extraocular eye muscles

Small skeletal muscles that move and position the eyeballs

Attach to sclera

Optic nerve

Carries visual info to brain


Opening in center of Iris