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31 Cards in this Set

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written by Thomas Hobbes, where he explained his ideas about human nature and govt.
The Leviathon
the basic principle that government is not all-powerful, and that it does only those things that citizens allow it to do.
Limited government
- the state of nature that include the right to "life, liberty, and property"
Natural rights
presented by William Patterson who argued for unicameral legislature, and each state would have the same vote.
New Jersey Plan
What is the process called for ratifying amendments
The title of Locke's essay that stated that people form governments to protect these natural rights, giving up their freedom to govern themselves through a social contract between government and the governed
Second Treatise on Government
the division of government's powers into three separate branches: executive, legislative, judicial
Separation of powers
this fight was eventually controlled, but it encouraged leaders to seek a stronger central government.
Shay's Rebellion
an agreement between rulers and citizens that protects individual rights is called
Social contract
People are born with natural rights includes right to life, liberty, and property this is called
State of nature
allowed southern states to count a slave as three-fifths of a person, allowing a balance power between North and South
Three-fifths compromise
each state would have the same vote in a one house legislature
Unicameral legislature
The constitutional plan that called for a stronger central government and a bicameral legislature
Virginia Plan
He agreed with Hobbes that humans are basically self-centered, but he believed that they could be rational and even moral and that they had the right to rebel
John Locke
the power of the courts to declare statutes unconstitutional and interpret Constitution when disputes arise.
Judicial Review
Acts of Congress, Judicial Rulings and Executive orders by the President can change the meaning of the Constitution
Informal amendment process
- also called the Connecticut Compromise called for one house in which each state have an equal vote, and a second house in which representation would be based on population
The Great Compromise
Amendment may be proposed by a 2/3 vote of each house of Congress and ratified by at least 3/4 of the state legislatures.
Formal amendment process
This groups of colonist supported the greatly increased power of the central government and believed that the Constitution adequately protected individual liberties
This type of governmental system includes a division and sharing of power between the national government and the states
These essays defended the Ratification of the Constitution, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay
Federalist Papers
Madison's name for special interest groups
grew out of the Scientific Revolution of the 17th centuries, a time of amazing discoveries that formed the basis of modern science.
European Enlightenment
people selected by each state legislature to formally cast their ballots for presidency
Electoral college
written in 1913 by Charles Beard; founders created a constitution that benefited their economic interest
An Economic interpretation of the Constitution
the only valid government is one based on this.
Consent of the governed
- a political system in which branches of government have some authority over the actions of the others
Checks and Balances
ten amendments that guaranteed individual freedoms and rights.
Bill of Rights
this type of legislature would have a larger house with members elected by popular vote and the smaller, more aristocratic house selected by the larger house from nominees from state legislature
Bicameral legislature
this system of government allowed states to retain their powers, and the newly formed central government had severe limitations
Articles of Confederation
this group of colonist believed that the proposed government would be oppressive and that more individual freedoms and rights should be explicitly guaranteed.