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67 Cards in this Set

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What is the outcome of evolutionary biology?
every characteristic of every species
What man is known to related to unifying theme of biology? or Stated "Nothing in biolgoy makes sence except in the light of evolution"
Who stated that "all the organic being which have ever lived on this earth ahve decended form some primordial form"?
Charles Darwin
What does evolutonary perspective do?
Illumates every subject in biology.
What is evolution in terms of its conncections to other fields of biology?
It is the unifying theroy of biology
Importance of evolutinary perspective in asking questions in Biology.
The evolutionary perspective allows biolgoists to answer the thousands of why questions that occur to them. For instance "why do peakcockes have extravagent feathers, why do whales have lungs, or why do snakes have no legs. Evolutionary perspective is needed to answer these questions. Evolutionary perspective illumates every subject in biolgoy. Indeed, evolution is the unifying theroy of biolgy. When defining unifying theme in biology, it is the subject that connects other fields of biology. As Dobzhansky says "nothing in biology makes sence except in the ligh tof evolution.
Defintion of Biological evolution
Biolgoical (or organic) evoltuion is the change in in prperties of groups of organsims over the course of generations
What's unique about single organisms?
The ontogney (the development) of an individual orgnaism are not considered evolution or do not evolve.
What evolves?
What do popultions undergo?
descent with modification
What is the role of genogroc subdivision among populations?
Populations may become subdivided, so that several populatins are derived from a common ancestral population.
When do populations diverge?
If different changes transpire in several populations
What are considered evoutionary changes in populations?
those that are passed via the genetic material from one generation to the next.
When can we call populations different species?
If they diverge sufficiently
How can biolgical evolution be slight or substantial
When it embraces everything from slight changes in the proprotions of different forms of a gene within a population............to the alternation that lead form the earliest organism to the dianosures , bees, oaks, and humans
What was the antibiotic crisis?
It was evoutionary change in an organism resuting from directional(natural) selection on resistance to toxin.

-Antibiotics were introduced in the 1940's before that most people suffed form tuberculosis, pneumonia, mengitis, and other kids of bacterial infection. Antibiotics were used to fight of the infections. TOday, we confrtont on only new infective diseases such as AIDS ubut also the resurgence of old diseases iwth new faces. The same bacteria are back but now they are resistanct ot anitibotics that were previously used to vanquish them. By fighting against changing diseases they unintentially made them stronger. Example is Staphylocus auerus which is the caue of infection in mnay surgical patients and is now ressistance to many antibiotics.

-Staphyloccus aureus
Biolgoical evolution

-organisms vs population
Biological (or orgnaic) evolution is the change in properties of groups of organsims over the course of generations.

The ontogney (the development) of an individual orgnaism are not considered evolution or do not evolve, whereas populatins evolve. The latter evolve by undergoing decent with modification. Populatins may beome subdivided so that several populatins are derived from a common ancestral population. If differnt changes transpire in several populations the population diverge. Evolutionary changes in populations are those that are passed via the gentic material form one gernation ot the next. The changes may be slight in the form of differnt genes or substation in the ideas of the oledest organism leading to humans. If populaitons diverge sufficeinly we may call them differnt species.

Antibiotic resistant crisis which was an evolutonary change in an organism resuting from dierectionl selection to resistance to a toxin.

Staphyloccus aureus.
Relatiship of other field of biology to evoltuinoary biology
-questions require answers form evolutionary theroy and some have been provided by the principles and methods of evoluitonary biolgoy.

1. HIV traced back to chimpanzes and mongaly monkeys.

2.Evolutioanry principles& knowlge are bieng used in biotechnoogy to design new drugs and other useful products

3.In computer science + artficial intellgence "evolutionary computation" uses principles taken form evolutioanry to solve matematiclly intraceable practical problems.

4. Conservation biolgoy: mangament plans for species that are in danger of extinciton, identification of such species.
What did early philosphoers overlooked when it came to evolutionary thought?
What was Plato known for?
Theory of forms, essentialsim
What is theroy of forms?
a transcendent ideal form imperfectly imiated by earthy repensatation
What is essentailsim?
variatons is accidental imperfection
What was Aristole known for?
speices have fiexed properties
What was Christians interpretation of Genesis
each species had been created individually by God in its current form "special creation"
What is the Great Chain of Being?
humans form the link between animals and angels. This link is permant and unchangin since change wouldimply that ther had been imperfection in the orgignal creation.
Who was Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778)
Estalished the frarmework of modern classification in his Systema Naturae by classifying plants and animals.

- undertaken in the hope of discovering the pattern of creation
Who first laid out the foundation for evolutionary thought by challenging the age of earth and the lineral interpretaion of Genesis?
astronomers and geologist
Who was Chevalier de Lamark?
Known for an important pre-Darwinian evolutioanry hypothesis.

-proposed that each speceis arose indiviidually by spontangeous genration form non-living matter-starting at the bottom of the "chain of being" and species tehn inherited acquired characteristics

-No common ancestor-individual organism changes
Acquired characteristics
giraffes orignially had shor tneckes, but strteche dthier necks to reach foliage above-->henc elenghtled neck--> longer necks inherited-->necks got longer with each genration-->individaul organism change
Darwin noted the similaries between ------forms and -----forms
extinct (fossil) and extant (existing)
What where the 2 major thieses for Orgin of Species?
1. Decent with modification
2. The casual agents of evolutatry change (Natural selection)
What is Decent with Modification
All speices, living & extinct, have decended, without interruptaion, form one or a few original forms of life

-species thta t diverged from a common ancestor were at first very similar bu taccumulated diffenced over great spans of time, so that some are now radically diffent form one another
The casual agents of evolutioary change (natural selection)
IF variation s usuefl to any organic being ever occur, assurdly individuals thus charcterisied will have the best change of bien preseved in the struggle for life, and form the strong principle of inheritance , they will thend to produce offspirng similarily characteristed. Htis principle of preservation, or the survifal of the fittes, I have called natural selection.
Darwin proposed that the various descendants of a common ancestor evolve diffent features becasue? (2)
1. they are adaptive under diffent condition of life- differnt hapitats
2. the pressure of competiotn favors the use of differnt food or habitats by differnt species.
Five theories that compromise Darwin's Theory of Evolution
1. Characteristics of lineages of organisms change over time

2. Common descent

3. Gradualism

4. Populational change

5. Natural Selection
What is populational change
evolution occurs by changes in the proportions of individuals within a population that have difffent inherited traits
What are poputlation changed caused by?
by differntial survival and reproduction
What was still not accced by 1870's and what was?
Natural selection was not accepted

evolution by common descent was
What mechanism was accpeted during the late 19th centuray that clased with Darwin? why did it clash
Blending inheritance

-darwin said variations increased this mechanism said it decreaesd.
What was the modern evolutionary synthesis?
a reconciliation of Darwin's theroy and mendelian gentics
Who were the major players in the Evolutaionry Synthesis (modern sysnthesis)
Ronald A. Fisher
John BS Haldane
Sewall Wrigner
Sergei Chevericove
Theodosus Dobzhansky
What did Ronal A Fisher and John Haldance develop?
A mathematical theory of population genetics which showed that muation and natural selction together cause adaptive evolution
What did Theodosus Dobzhansky and others argue?
That muation, recomination, and natural selction operint with in speices acount ofr the orgins of new species and higher taxa.
changes within species that account for new species
long term of evolution
Ernst Mayer
systematics & orgins of speices
Bernard Rensch
Evoluiton above the species
G. Ledyard Stebbins
Variation & evolution in plants
Geroge Gayloard simpson
temp& moderation in evolatuion
What is differnt from the genotype?
Evenormonet affets on phenotype ----- affect the genses passed on to offspring?
What is heritatiary variatons based on and on not?
based on genes not blending inheritance
What can result in continuous variation
polygenic inheritance
Genes mutate at a --- ---- to one or two forms (alllees)
low rate
What are phenotypeic affects amplifed by?
What is evolutioanary change?
a popuulational process
Mutations rates are too---- to shift a population form one genotype to another
The change in genotype proptoirons with a population cna occur by what 2 principles?
gentic drift or natural selection
Even a slight intensit of this can bring about great change inspeiexs in a relatistic time span
Natural selection
How can natural selection alter populations beyond the orginal range of variatons?
by increasing the frequency of alleles that, by reocmination with other geneses that affect the same trait, give rise to new phenotype
What are gnetically variable and can often evolve rapidly when evenormenal change occurs
natural populations
the orgin of two or more species form a singel comoon ancestor
How does speciatio occur?
by gentic differentiation of geopgrphically segretagated populatons.

-spearatin prevents interbreeding btwen recently spearted forms
Popuulations of a species, in diffent geograophic regions, differ in what?
traits that have a genetic basis
Tratis that have a gentic basis are often what and are thus a consequece of what?

natural selection
Among what living oragansims does gradation in phenotypic characters exist?
speices assigned to the:

same geneus

to differnt genra,

to differnt families
Where do fossil reocds include gaps and gradations?
from ancestral to very differnt descentants