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18 Cards in this Set

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Where did the church gather in the 1stC? (2)


2. Homes (as Judaism and Christianity divide)

Why did the church in the 1stC gather in homes? (3)

1. Necessity - still not legally recognized

2. Pragmatism - buildings are expensive

3. Helped promote true Christian fellowship/intimacy

When did the 1stC church meet? (3)

1. Sundays - Lord's day - Jesus rose

2. Informally gathering throughout the week

3. Intimately involved in each other's lives

What did the 1stC church do when they met? (7)

1. Scripture reading

2. singing

3. corporate prayer

4. Teaching/preaching

5. Observe baptism/Lord's supper

6. Simplistic/Minimalistic

7. Emphasis on community

Where did the 2ndC church meet? (2)

1. Homes (still pragmatic and necessary

2. Slowly see special buildings for corporate gathered worship

What did the 2ndC church do when they met? (3)

1. Very similar to 1st century, except:

2. More formal liturgy - prescribed order of readings

3. Creeds formed and used

Whose writings give us an early picture of the 2ndC church?

Justin Martyr

Baptism in 1stC (5)

1. Membership: initiated recipient into local church

2. Immediately after profession of faith

3. followed pattern of Acts

4. Only professing followers were baptized

5. via Immersion

Baptism in the 2ndC (Membership & theology) (3)

1. Entry into local body of believers

2. Some began to think/teach of it being more than just memberships - washing away of original sin

3. Baptismal regeneration

Baptism in the 2ndC (Mode and method) (6)

1. On basis of profession of faith

2. Evidence of baptizing infants

3. Timing - catechesis

4. Confession of faith and right belief were important

5. Frequently: once per year usually at Easter

6. Started using baptismal pools

Catechesis (4)

1. Catechumenates: those wanting to be baptized

2. Probation membership - excluded f/ Lord's supper

3. 1 to 3 years for examination

4. Rise of the importance of theology

Lord's supper in the 1stC (When) (1)

1. Based on Passover meal taken weekly

Lord's supper in 1stC (Who) (3)

1. Only baptized believers in good standing;

2. exclusive, spoke to unifying nature of the supper;

3. committed to seeing sanctification realized in their lives through the local church

Lord's Supper in 1stC (How?) (3)

1. Potluck

2. Large corporate meal at conclusion of worship on Lord's day

3. Special time of remembrance during the meal together

Lord's supper in 2ndC (When) (4)

1. Weekly;

2. slowly separate from fellowship meal;

3. took more consecrated/reverent feel (along w/intro of liturgy)

4. End of formal worship service but prior to fellowship meal

Lord's supper in 2ndC (Who?) 2)

1. relates change in baptismal practices

2. Only those will full membership

Lord's supper in 2ndC (How?) (3)

1. Shift in prominence for supper; central part of worship

2. Climactic feel

3. Begin to call Eucharist (thanksgiving)

What of the presence of Jesus? (2)

1. Initially very little thought; assumed Jesus was there

2. 2ndC - Theologians began believing Jesus was physically present in the elements - not transubstantiation