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34 Cards in this Set

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Urinalysis (you-rih-NAL-ih-sis)
is the examination of urine to determine the presence of abnormal elements

bladder ultrasound

is the use of a handheld ultrasound transducer to look for stones or for elevation of the bladder by an enlarged prostate, and to measure the residual amount of urine remaining in the bladder after urination.

Computed tomography

also known as a CAT scan, is more commonly used as a primary tool for evaluation of the urinary system because it can be rapidly performed and provides additional imaging of the abdomen, which may reveal other potential sources for the patient's symptoms


is the use of a CAT scan to examine the kidneys.

Cystography (sis-TOG-rah-fee)

is a radiographic, or x-ray, examination of the bladder after a contrast medium is instilled via a urethral catheter (cyst/o means bladder, and -graphy means the process of creating a picture or record)


(Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder) is a radio-graphic study without the use of a contrast medium

Retrograde urography

is a radiograph of the urinary system taken after a contrast medium has been placed in the urethra through a sterile catheter and caused to flow upward through the urinary tract (ur/o means urine, and graphymeans the process of creating a picture or record). Retrograde means moving backward.

digital rectal examination

is performed on men by using a lubricated, gloved finger placed in the rectum to palpate the prostate gland to detect prostate enlargement and to look for indications of prostate cancer or tumors of the rectum. In this context, the term digital means using a finger. Palpate means the use of touch to examine a body part.


prostate-specific antigen

blood test is used to screen for prostate cancer. This test measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen that is present in a blood specimen

Diuretics (dye-you-RET-icks)

are medications administered to increase urine secretion, primarily to rid the body of excess water and salt.


for urinary tract infections
to block the signals that cause urinary incontinence.


is an artificial passage that allows the blood to flow between the body and the hemodialysis unit.


salts that conduct electricity and are found in the body fluid, tissue, and blood.


sterilized solution made up of water and electrolytes. This solution cleanses the blood by removing waste products and excess fluids

Renal transplantation

commonly known as a kidney transplant, is the grafting of a donor kidney, from either a living or nonliving donor, into the body to replace the recipient's failed kidneys


used to break up calculi in the ureter, bladder, or urethra.

Ureteroplasty (you-REET-er-oh-plas-tee)

is the surgical repair of a ureter (ureter/o means ureter, and -plastymeans surgical repair).

Ureteroscopy (you-reet-eh-ROS-koh-pee)

is a treatment for a nephrolith lodged in the ureter (ureter/o means ureter, and -scopy means visual examination)

cystectomy (sis-TECK-toh-mee)

is the surgical removal of all or part of the urinary bladder

neobladder (NEE-oh-blad-er)

is a replacement for the missing bladder created by using about 20 inches of the small intestine.

ileal conduit (ill-ee-al KON-doo-it)

, or ileostomy, is the use of a small piece of intestine to convey urine to the ureters and to a stoma in the abdomen (ile means ileum or small intestine, and -al means pertaining to).

Cystorrhaphy (sis-TOR-ah-fee)

is the surgical suturing of a wound or defect in the bladder (cyst/o means bladder, and -rrhaphy means surgical suturing).

lithotomy (lih-THOT-oh-mee)

is a surgical incision for the removal of a nephrolith from the bladder (lith means stone, and -otomy means surgical incision).

indwelling catheter

remains inside the body for a prolonged time based on need

urethral catheterization

the insertion of a tube through the urethra and into the bladder

intermittent catheter

inserted as needed to drain urine from the bladder

meatotomy (mee-ah-TOT-oh-mee)

is a surgical incision made in the urethral meatus to enlarge the opening (meat means meatus, and -otomy means surgical incision).

prostatectomy (pros-tah-TECK-toh-mee)

is the surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gland (prostatmeans prostate, and -ectomy means surgical removal).

radical prostatectomy

is the surgical removal of the entire prostate gland in cases where it is extremely enlarged or when cancer is suspected

transurethral prostatectomy

also known as a TURP,

is the removal of excess tissue from an enlarged prostate gland with the use of a resecto-scope

Retrograde ejaculation

is when an orgasm results in semen flowing backward into the bladder instead of out through the penis

Kegel exercises

which were named for Dr. Arnold Kegel, are a series of pelvic muscle exercises used to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor

Bladder retraining

is behavioral therapy in which the patient learns to urinate on a schedule, with increasingly longer time intervals as the bladder increases its capacity.