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15 Cards in this Set

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types of muscle tissue

1. Smooth

2. Skeletal

3. Cardiac

Skeletal muscle

- attached to bone ND skin

- striated

- multinucleate

-long cylindrical cells (fibers )


Skeletal muscle tissue:

- allows body mobility

- contracts rapidly but tires easily

- powerful

- large range of force

Cardiac muscle

- Heart

- striated

- uninucleate

- branching cells; intercalated discs


Cardiac muscle tissue

- propels blood into circulation

- contracts at steady rate set by heart pacemaker

- neural controls allow heart to respond to changes in bodily needs (HR up and down)

Smooth muscle tissue

- Walls of hollow organs

- digestive system

- NOT striated


- sheets of spindle-shaped cells

Characteristics of smooth muscle tissue

1. Excitability: receive + respond to stimuli

2. Contractility: ability to shorten by stimuli

3. Extensibility: stretch

4. Elasticity: recoil to resist length

Functions of the muscle

1. Movement (bones or fluids)

2. Maintain posture and body position

3. Stabilize joints

4. Heat generation (skeletal muscle)

Striated and voluntary

Skeletal muscle

Striated and involuntary

Cardiac muscle

Nonstriated and involuntary

Smooth muscle

Each muscle has

One nerve, one artery, and one or more veins

Connective tissue sheath

- epimysium: dense Irregular connective tissue (outside muscle)

- perimysoum: fibrous connective (sorround fasicles)

- endomysium: fine areolar connective tissue (sorround each muscle fiber)

Muscles attach to bone ....

periosteum or perichondrium.

- Directly: epimysium fused to periosteum or perichondrium.- Indirectly: connective tissue wrapping extend beyond the muscle as a tendon

- Indirectly: connective tissue wrapping extend beyond the muscle as a tendon


Plasma membrane of skeletal muscle fiber